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Trending September Week 3

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  Top Trending Videos September Week 3  

 2017-09-23- 8:00 pm 

Are people afraid or getting ready for the unpredictable? Who would have thought that a primitive way build shelter is important that a luxurious pad. Now building primitive homes has always been in youtube videos but never has it been on the top of our minds. So the human mind seems to be more concerned with getting prepared this week. So how can we build from nothing is a top trend with over ten million hits in just over a day.

This week destruction occured all around the World, and in the Northern Hemisphere Hurricane Maria, and Mexico 7.4  earthquake and Rogue Nation North Korean missile threats is leaving people thinking with their finger tips not with their minds this week.  How to build without money just with nature.

#1 Trending Primitive Technology: Mud Bricks 10,718,632 views by 7:20 pm
Published on Sep 22, 2017 SUBSCRIBE 5.9M

Here is what the Primitive Technology channel had to says:

I made a brick mold that makes bricks 25 x 12.5 x 7.5 cm from wood. A log was split and mortise and tenon joints were carved using a stone chisel and sharp rocks. The mold was lashed together with cane to prevent it from coming apart when used. Next, I made a mixture of mud and palm fiber to make the bricks. This was then placed into the mold to be shaped and taken to a drying area. 140 bricks were made. When dry, the bricks were then assembled into a kiln. 32 roof tiles were then made of mud and fired in the kiln. It only took 3 hours to fire the tiles sufficiently. The mud bricks and tiles were a bit weaker than objects made from my regular clay source because of the silt, sand and gravel content of the soil. Because of this, I will look at refining mud into clay in future projects instead of just using mud

Trending #2 Crazy road rage in North Vancouver 2017-09-19 356,041 views

So you think your dash cam will come in handy right! Well in this time and age, cameras are everywhere. And anyone at any moment will be video recording anytime anywhere so beware if you like to rage.
Here is what the dash camera owner had to say:

Today I witnessed a crazy road rage in North Vancouver between Main St and Mountain Hwy. Two drivers and one passenger first exchanged greetings by kicking cars and throwing bottles. The third car was a victim under the first wave of attack. Then it was heated up and the black car driver broke the silver car's windshield wiper and smashed it's back window. The silver car's passenger rushed to open the black car and revenged. I felt so lucky to leave the scene safe and sound but the rest of cars were stuck in the disarray during rush hour right before crossing the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge . The video was recorded by my dash cam.

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