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Hurricane Trend: Hurricane Nate

MEGATRNDZ  > News > Climate News> Hurricane News Hurricane Nate Makes Landfall Biloxi  midnight on October 7, 2017

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Hurricane Nate Makes Landfall Biloxi Missisippi 

October 7, 2017

2017-10-8 9:00 am update 12:30 pm

Popular Hashtags #hurricanaNate  #stormsurge
14 ft waves Hurricane Nate Gulf Coast Intense Impact

Learn past activity of Hurricane Nate: Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras
Current Location of Hurricane Nate
Videos of  Hurricane Nate activity near Coastlines
Tweets of Hurricane Nate 
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At midnight Hurricane Nate made landfall on the United States Gulf Coastline yesterday Saturday October 7,2017.

Hurricane Nate then known as Tropical Storm Nate left Central America Devastated. In Nicaragua more than 20 deaths and missing . In Costa Rica cars washed over bridges. It was a tropical storm leaving the politicians vulnerable as no state of emergency was declared read more ...

Current Location of Hurricane Nate

Hurricane Nate is weakening and yet there are the flooding and surge warnings by the National Hurricane Center. The Mayor of Missisipi said he was relieved it was as grave. However Social Media photos shows its horrible infrastructure damages most specially in the commercial area. The Hard Rock Cafe garage looked like an ocean with actual waves and the Nugget Casino as well.

Current Location as of 7:27 am Oct 8, 2017
7:00 AM CDT Sun Oct 8
Location: 32.0°N 88.0°W
Moving: NNE at 23 mph
Min pressure: 994 mb
Max sustained: 45 mph

10:00 AM CDT Sun Oct 8
Location: 33.1°N 87.3°W
Moving: NNE at 24 mph
Min pressure: 996 mb
Max sustained: 35 mph

Videos of  Hurricane Nate activity near Coastlines
Gulf Coast Hurricane Makes Landfall 2017 07 10

Tweets of Hurricane Nate 

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