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Super Fast Hurricane Ophelia out in Atlantic Ocean October 15, 2017

For the one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the disgusting of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues,, and to another the interpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12 8-10 on Twitter on facebook on Google Plus

MEGATRNDZ  >  Climate Chaos Trends >  Hurricane Trend>  More Hurricane Alert Super Fast Hurricane Ophelia out in Atlantic Ocean October 15, 2017

Top News: 32 ft waves Hurricane Ophelia Expected to hit Ireland, Wales, and UK 10:00 am Monday October 16, 2017 


Hurricane Trend:   Hurricane Ophelia heading to Ireland, Wales, UK October 16, 2017!
Climate Chaos Trend: More Hurricane Alert Superfast Hurricanes Ophelia...
Climate Change Trend: World Ocean Waters Reporting October 14, 2017

Hurricane Trend: Super Fast Hurricane Ophelia out in Atlantic Ocean October 15, 2017! 

2017-10-15 5:45 pm

Hashtags #hurricaneophelia

Hurricane Ophelia is considered to be the most powerful storm this far east of the US on record

Trying to monitor a super fast moving hurricane as it heads to Ireland in just a few hours.
Are the people in Ireland, Wales, UK, Scotland prepared. This is being reported through

Also according to some News, Hurricane Ophelia: Ireland braces for worst Atlantic storm in almost 60 years.

Predicted Path in next 24 hours
Traveling at wind gust speeds at times as high as 210 km, The Eye of the Storm is predicted to be at

Lat.: 49°14'N / Lon.: 12°52'W / -1 Timezone: (UTC-1) / Current time: 07 30 AM 10/16/2017

Right Now The Eye of the Storm is located at

wave height as high as 30.0 ft as seen in photo below at 4:20 AM Time in Ireland
Lat.: 46°58'N / Lon.: 14°9'W / -1 Timezone: (UTC-1) / Current time: 05 AM 10/16/2017

Hurricane Ophelia predicted path Wed Oct 17,2017 5 am at Kingcraig, Scotland hitting waves around the UK Coastline over 10 ft winds 30 km as seen in photo below.

Recent Wave Activity
The highest waves nearest to the coastline is 24.5 ft as seen in photo below:

Currently, The waves are 24. ft high in the Atlantic Ocean with nearest towns are Corme - Porto 13.5 km away Camarinas,Spain  20.7 km Vianzo 23.3 km

Lat.: 45°41'N / Lon.: 12°38'W / -1
Timezone: (UTC-1) / Current time: 01 AM 10/16/2017
 Time in Ireland 12:35 AM Monday, October 16, 2017 (GMT+1)
Nearest Towns are Corme - Porto 13.5 km away Camarinas 20.7 km Vianzo 23.3 km

At This Point Actual Location  of Hurricane Ophelia

So the eye of the storm at Time in Ireland 4:00AM Monday, October 16, 2017

So the eye of the storm at Time in Ireland 12:07 AM Monday, October 16, 2017 (GMT+1)  is 42 km per hour location is Lat.: 46°4'N / Lon.: 13°37'W / -1 Timezone: (UTC-1) / Current time: 01 AM 10/16/2017

At around 4:22 pm Canadian Central Time
or 10:31 pm Ireland Time

Hurricane Ophelia moved from

Lat.: 43°2'N / Lon.: 10°53'W             Time in Ireland 10:31 PM Sunday, October 15, 2017
        43°6'N /  Lon.:  13°24'W / -1         Time in Ireland 11:31 PM Sunday, October 15, 2017
        46°4'N / Lon.: 13°37'W             Time in Ireland 12:07 AM Sunday, October 16, 2017

Current Wave Activity

Highest Wave seen in the Atlantic Ocean
As seen in photo above  Sao Mamede de Infesta, Portugal  11 to 15 feet waves are being cause by Hurricane Ophelia

62 km an hour Lat.: 43°2'N / Lon.: 10°53'W / -1    15.1 ft waves

Timezone:  (UTC-1) / Current time: 4:37 PM Canadian Central Time or
10:37 Potugal Time 10/15/2017

Out in the Atlantic Ocean waves are around 24.4 ft

Right now 

Right Now time in Ireland is 11:14 PM Sunday, October 15, 2017 (GMT+1) 100 km winds and heading fast

Current Location is Lat.: 44°39'N / Lon.: 13°47'W / -1 111 km per hour

Looking at the photo below:

24.4 Waves Height location
Lat.: 43°6'N / Lon.: 13°24'W / -1

Timezone:  (UTC-1) /  Time in Ireland 11:31 PM Sunday, October 15, 2017 (GMT+1)

Earthquakes Around the World

Sunday October 15 2017, 10:59:14 UTC 11 hours ago 147km NW of Valparaiso, Chile 4.9 10.0 USGS Feed