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Terror Attacks Trend in Las Vegas

MEGATRNDZ > News >Politics> Warfare>  Terror Attacks Trend #lasvegasattack  Multiple Shooters 

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59 people dead, injuring 527 in Las Vegas Massacre

Terror Attack Trend #lasvegasattack Multiple Shooters?

2017-10-2 updated 8:30 pm 

New reports about Las Vegas Terror attack being a false flag or perhaps a psyop. Not so. There are multiple reports of various shooters from various locations.Listen to LVMPD Voice Scanner.
First several minutes of radio traffic from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police during the active shooter/massacre on 10/1/2017 10:08 pm at the Mandalay Bay. Audio from Broadcastify.

Multiple Shooters.
Shots are coming from Gate 7

Las Vegas Mass Shooting Full Scanner Audio of Police Response 51,176 views

Also listen to Pastor Paul Begley live Update "Chilling 911 Calls From Las Vegas Shooting" as the 8 Las Vegas Police Officers Creeps up the 32 floor where shots were being fired .

Jay Campbell from http://www.trtrevolution and Decoders of Truth on Facebook joins Leak Project to discuss what happened in Las Vegas and why there are so many conflicting stories. Jay Campbell claims there were shooters on the roof, across the street and on street level.

BREAKING: ANTIFA Literature Found In Shooter's Vegas Hotel Room Says Hostage Rescue Team 65,032 views

On October 2, 2017 Alex Jones breaks the news as he receives it live on air: the hostage rescue team responsible for ending the shooting spree found ANTIFA literature in the shooter's Las Vegas hotel room.

Is Las Vegas Shooter Lone Wolf Or Part Of Larger Plot? 28,916 views

What is the real writting on the Wall. Was their multiple shooters. Remember the first police report were looking for multiple vehicles.

Las Vegas - Why are there so many contradicting stories?

Critical Thinking Time: Confusing picture of man standing on the left calming reading text next to police terror activity. What is going on?? 

Popular Hashtags #GunControlNOW #guncontrol #terrorattack  #warfare #edmontonattack #lasvegasattack #LasVegas #LasVegasShooting #lasvegasattack #USA #Nevada #LasVegasPolice #EstadosUnidos #LasVegasMassacre #LasVegasAttacks

The Shooter of the Las Vegas Massacre had recently converted to ISLAM.

Panic and Terror in the Streets of Las Vegas last night.

Here is twitters response to #lasvegasattack

Confusing Photo Scene Does not Look like a Terror Attack on Hundreds


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