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End of Age Trend: Movies Glorifying Sin and Loss of Family Values

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Movies Glorifying Sin and Loss of Family Values 

Wednesday 2017-11-22

Not sure why Russia's Top Christian Leader is warning just America embracing Homosexuality as a sign of the apocalypse what about to the rest of the world."Slipping into the abyss of the end of history" says Christian Orthodox Church Leader Patriach Kirill. One must be blind to not see of what John spoke in the revelation. Sin is being glorified in movies. Why is it a threat to family value. Rick Wiles puts further into perspective of:

Why is Russia's top Christian leader warning his congregations that America's embrace of homosexuality is a sign that the apocalypse is coming soon, and why are America's Christian leaders so strangely silent? Rick Wiles is joined by Doc Burkhart and Zach Drew as they explore whether the political and religious attacks on Russia are a result of their progressive return to righteousness.

Listen to TruNews video Published on Nov 22, 2017 entitled "Is America's Embrace of Homosexuality a Sign That the Apocalypse is Coming Soon?":

What is the nature of the family in the plan of God? That was a question asked and answered in book called Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops:

A man and a woman united in marriage form a family together with their children. God instituted the family  and endowed it with its fundamental constitution.(p130)

As well as answering the question What responsibility do human persons have in regards to their own sexual identity:

God has created human beings as male and females, equal in personal dignity,  and has called them to a vocation of love, and of communion. (p136).