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The Account Suspension Trend on Social Medias

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The Account Suspension Trend on Social Medias

By Veronica Davis 2017-12-20- 12:39 pm

The Megatrndz Show Episode 14 part 1
The Account Suspension Trend on Social Medias

The Megatrndz Show Episode 14 part 2The False Prophets The System Growing into the AI

Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6:10-20)

Hello to everyone that is reading or listening on youtube the Megatrndz Show, 
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Yesterday I was talking about the false prophets. What is a Prophet. The Sacred Bible is a combination of Prophets that received the Word of God Jesus Christ Yeshua.

But the False Prophets is anyone, any organization blurring the Truth. In this case, known as the Giants. The Giants creating a smoke screen.

Do you guys remember how each Apostle of Jesus Christ was persecuted for spreading the Truth.
And now big social media giants, are suspending accounts.
There are so many people complaining.

That the day will come that the truth will disappear. Or can it? Can the Truth disappear from the Truth.


 December 18, 2017, In the article entitled a'Twitter suspends the Jewish Defense League’s account after it posts about Pamela Geller event' by Pamela Geller , she states:

The last thing that the JDL posted was my appearance last night at a private meet and greet event. They took down their Facebook page also. This is sharia and antisemitism.
The JDL is, of course, not alone. Facebook has blocked my newsfeed, slashing daily referrals from my followers from 100,000 to under 4,000. Twitter shadowbans me, make referrals to the Geller Report from Twitter non-existent... Congress must take action against these social media dhimmis.


Obscure Followers
Is the Inconsistency an Obstructing the Truth? Leave a comment below.

Facebook does not want you to have followers if you are a business. You have to purchase the followers or aggressively tell the followers to click on the button. The Youtube headquarters have people that have the power to add on subscribers or direct subscribers to become subscribers. How many fake accounts exist created by the Giants. You see how this works. They have the power to change your wording on posts in which it has happened. Just like the flash goes on your cell phone and clicks on a photo to be taken.
For Example, the megatrndz twitter account many times will loose 3 followers and yet gain 3 others. This does not seem truthful or righteous. But it does in the eyes of the big giants "they".

It is also an Artificial Intelligence that can manipulate.

The Spying Game

One time the date on my computer calendar was like 30 years ago. One time there were fainted voices coming out of speakers atttached to my computer.

The Megatrndz Show Episode 14 December 20, 2017 The Account Suspension Trend on Social Medias The False Prophets: The System Growing into an AI

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