Nation-less Trend Human Crisis Trend Coup D'etat Trend
We pray for the safety of Monsenior Silvio Baez . He has been a good shepperd for his people in Nicaragua and loving message in such time of turmoil. In yesterday press to the world he said:
00:09 and first of all, guys who are here in cathedral I know that here there were more but you represent us a little myself I would like to thank you on behalf of the church because you are the reserve moral of this country thank you because you have awakened this nation . I would like to repeat in other words what what the cardinal said to them talking to them about sanity Pay attention do not fall before intimidation 00:59 never let yourself be carried away by the violence your protest is fair and the 01:06 church supports them and not only 01:19 and not as we say in the press release 01:21 yesterday he did not say not only we support them but 01:24 that we urge them we encourage them not to cease in your prophet with a house 01:38 if it was only remember two sentences of our beloved Pope Francis the first story does not depend 01:51 only of the will of the 01:53 powerful but above all in the ability of the villages to organize let's not forget second thing that step 02:03 I tell the young guys 02:07 the young man who does not love his country will not be able to love neither Jesus and goodbye thank you because we have been proven that they are capable of loving be careful do not leave arrive by political ideologies your cause is a cause of 02:54 social justice the daddy continually what 02:58 says the ideologies are reductionist 03:02 the ideologies hurt because they have 03:06 a partial view of reality 03:09 with ideologies we must be vigilant 03:11 because they seek their own interests 03:13 economic and political and the dad is a 03:16 very important thing with regard to the 03:18 ideologies 03:20 the ideologies think for the people 03:24 but they are not willing to let think 03:27 to the people then attentive with the 03:30 ideologies your cause is just 03:33 do not be intimidated or provoked by 03:38 violent acts create in the strength of the 03:40 peace of nonviolence the violent in the Cuban strength is in conviction 03:47 of the values in the certainty that we fight and defend something that is fair 03:53 and that we all dream of a nicaragua better thank you dear young people that god 03:58 bless them 03:59
Return to editing #Nicaragua Sandinistas Pulling Trucks of Stones 2018
The repression that Nicaragua lives today only expresses the chaos of those who govern. Anyone who mobilizes is persecuted. Media outlets are closed. They no longer know where to look for the spark that unleashes "the beginning...
#humanrights #humancrisis #nicaragua #NoALaViolencia #QueremosLaPaz
Freedom of Speech has been unplugged by the Press as the Country has created a power outage.
Worried family members outside of Nicaragua are being left from outside world communication. People cashing check fear of bank closures.
Just like the United States Antifa so co-exists the Sandista in Nicaragua. Is the Devil trying to reign over God's Throne. Causing disorder all over the world.
To a country like Nicaragua where thousands have fled to other countries due to the Sandistas Communist Revolution has the innocent ones that stayed there in fear or another Revolution started by this Thugs of War.
The World of Communism wants to dictate even long after 1980's Civil War in Nicaragua.
How does a simple walk in the Streets become a violent circus in the Streets. When the Government brings in force against its own people instead of arresting the few vandals and aggressors. In some countries if you are lucky your point of view is respected but all it takes a few goons for the police to increase the terror and soon a peaceful walk turns into chaos. A simple action to cause a reaction. It usually is that one bad apple.
Nicaraguan changes in government has brought peaceful demonstrators around the country to the streets.
In a tweet from Channel 4 on Thursday April 19,2018 people had signs saying "love for nicaragua" and "no to violence, we want peace" . Soon after at around 11 am the news began to surface about violence began with people throwing rocks and escalating to one death of a Sandista from Tipitapa.

What is happening in Nicaragua that has not happened in many years since its Civil War? Nicaragua is a tiny landmass of a country, that could almost be the size of Island. A country among the Latin American Continent and it is under a Human Crisis more than ever before. Let us hope it does not become a country like Venezuela and Honduras and several other Latin Countries ran through its corrupt politicians. But it sure has its innocent locals in fear of food shortage after this chaos that is uprising leaving vulnerable after the upside confusion.
The human crisis began this week, and it only has been escalating since Thursday.
On April 19, 2018 Oswaldo Rivas writes :
Local television station “100% Noticias,” which was broadcasting the protests live, had its signal abruptly cut. The television station took to Twitter to call the move “arbitrary and illegal.”
Earlier this week the Nicaragua Government made several changes to their security system.
The violence began in the streets on Thursday as the social security increased for the employees, and employers. Five Percent will also be allocated to medical expenses for the Pensioners in Nicaragua.
Three native municipalities Bilwi, Waspam y Prinzapolka joined together as the Children walked the streets holding paper heart signs of peace and love for their country. This patriotic walk for their country had reverends and community priests joining the walk on April 19, 2018
Pastores y reverendos de diferente denominaciones acompañaron al pueblo en esta caminata que culminó en el Parque Municipal de Puerto Cabezas.
#humanrights #humancrisis #slavery #nafta #america #mexico #honduras #pueblosinfronteras #caravan
Since When did A Human Crisis turn into a Business Deal. We need to be extra careful because human kindness should not be mixed with human hording. Are we getting a little greedy. Usually I am a supporter of Donald Trumps decision but turning a Human Crisis to a money deal is really poor.
It reminds me of how people get turned into slavery due to economics. Never trade Humanity for a Price.
Should a Human Crisis be a business deal between two countries. Well that is the conversation that President Donald Trump thinks he has under his sleeve when it comes to Mexico. However a human rights crisis issue has nothing to do with NAFTA deals when it comes to the homeless and violently abused human beings taking journey to a safe haven around the world. As is the case of the 1300 mostly Honduran people seeking asylum somewhere. It seems the American think that the United States is where they are heading however it has never been confirmed that that is the case. On April 5, 2018 President Donald Trump tweets:
The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border. Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs!
The group that assists in people from not being harmed by Mexico or any other country around the world is called Pueblo Sin Fronteras. But before I get to that , the problem in all of this Human rights issue is that it reminds me of the type of society that is growing. A society where we are being taught not to help the needy in the streets. What about helping the blind cross the street. What about helping a lost stranded dog in the street.
Anyways, this group's mission as stated on their twitter account claims:
Our mission is to provide shelter and safety to migrants and refugees in transit,accompany them in their journey,and together demand respect for our human rights. So God Bless this people for being heroes rather than haters. I think there is nothing wrong in doing Jesus Christ work of not hating your neighbour or as Jesus Said himself "love others as I have loved you".
Human Crisis Trend : Human Crisis Asylum at the Border S2 Episode18 2018 04 05 3 04 29 PM
Democracy Now reports Caravan of Central American Migrants Holds a Mirror to Cruel U.S. Immigration Policy & Imperialism
When you spread hatred instead of compassion for the meek and the poor , then the media will get no where. As it is written and said by Jesus Christ himself "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.( Saint Matthew 5:3). Expected to reach the United States border in and around April 11, 2018 a group of asylum seekers mainly 88% from Honduras. The Human Crisis Continues as more people walk on foot around the world to reach freedom from persecution and danger . On December 3, 2018 a corrupt Honduras Government has been leaving people in fear as read in "Coup d'état Trend : A Country in Crisis, Dangers of a Coup d'état Trend " on December 03, 2017. When people disguised as media go out and label human beings as M 13 or as an army when they do not have weapons is really concerning on the level of compassion for human beings. It is happening all around the world.
Trends Recommended for you: Nation-less Trend Human Crisis Trend Coup D'etat Trend
The number one reason this amount of chaos exists comes from a corrupt country. The Human Flow is a recent well documented netflix about the Human Crisis trends already in existence in Europe. Over 22, 000 people fleeing from the Middle East into nearby countries was a sad but real documentary of our times.
But a small group of caravan, has got so much attention from social media due to the fact that it was the President of United States that recognized it as a problem.All these news comes after President Donald Trump tweeted his opinion on this issues on April 1, 2018 .
You know its fair to watch all kinds of videos today on social media but when there are some reporters that do not report the accurate information it is leaves me thinking about other reports done. No one can deny the fact of the chaos that exists in Honduras today.
But for now I will leave all videos for your discretion. Some feedbacks were really grueling and made me think are this people even ok to state violence against innocent poor lives fleeing from violence. There are comments like mowing people down . Last time I checked it was the terrorist themselves doing just that on the streets of New York and France this pasts year.
But that is why it is important to state the truth than to spread hatred. Calling a group of people who are in fear of their safety as an "army" truly sounds like the people that called Jesus wicked or a revolutionist. But in the end, truth always prevails. As it was said " Only truth should said you free" the very words of Jesus Christ himself(John 8:32). So those were the words of God, as history and lies can repeat itself time and time again from generation to generation.
On my point of view of human lives, it is to be protected, secured and respected with dignity. So if one group chooses to be human and aid people whom are homeless than more power to them. As in this case of the Borders
Caravan of migrants marches to border without wall by Kenn Daily
In a video created by infowars, called "Dems Fuel Caravan Invasion Of U.S. Borders" with over 40 k views since its release. The video states :
When President Trump signed the 2,232 page left right corpracratic 1.6 Trillion Omnibus last week that barely anyone read or was able to read,
After watching an inhuman report by Millie, it was sad to see, the amount of hatred that is being spread for people fleeing from a humanitarian crisis. It was a terrible report to call it an invading army specially when none of them are armed but rather are kids and family. There is no "alarming" situation in your so called border location, and perhaps Millie should wait and have evidence before she "warns" anyone. I only saw the war in her head.
WARNING! Invading Army Of Immigrants Marching Towards US Southern Border 21,136 views
Human Crisis Trend: Pope Francis and Monsenior Silvio Baez Urgent Message to Nicaragua's
by Veronica Davis 2018-04-22
Human Crisis Trend: Pope Francis and Monsenior Silvio Baez Urgent Message to Nicaragua's
Human Crisis Trend: Pope Francis and Monsenior Silvio Baez Urgent Message to Nicaragua's
The Nicaraguan people are crying out #SOSNicaragua as the police are going around committing crime against humanity. Nicaraguan Authorities are massacring innocent people randomly shooting.
On its fifth day, they are preventing them from Food as they are blocking supermarkets . People are in urgent need of food and water. Monday schools for Children are closed as the turmoil and civil war continues.
No one can leave their homes as the Police will kill them. Today, Pope Francis already has called "stop all the violence " against the Nicaraguan people and
We pray for the safety of Monsenior Silvio Baez . He has been a good shepperd for his people in Nicaragua and loving message in such time of turmoil. In yesterday press to the world he said:
00:09 and first of all, guys who are here in cathedral I know that here there were more but you represent us a little myself I would like to thank you on behalf of the church because you are the reserve moral of this country thank you because you have awakened this nation . I would like to repeat in other words what what the cardinal said to them talking to them about sanity Pay attention do not fall before intimidation 00:59 never let yourself be carried away by the violence your protest is fair and the 01:06 church supports them and not only 01:19 and not as we say in the press release 01:21 yesterday he did not say not only we support them but 01:24 that we urge them we encourage them not to cease in your prophet with a house 01:38 if it was only remember two sentences of our beloved Pope Francis the first story does not depend 01:51 only of the will of the 01:53 powerful but above all in the ability of the villages to organize let's not forget second thing that step 02:03 I tell the young guys 02:07 the young man who does not love his country will not be able to love neither Jesus and goodbye thank you because we have been proven that they are capable of loving be careful do not leave arrive by political ideologies your cause is a cause of 02:54 social justice the daddy continually what 02:58 says the ideologies are reductionist 03:02 the ideologies hurt because they have 03:06 a partial view of reality 03:09 with ideologies we must be vigilant 03:11 because they seek their own interests 03:13 economic and political and the dad is a 03:16 very important thing with regard to the 03:18 ideologies 03:20 the ideologies think for the people 03:24 but they are not willing to let think 03:27 to the people then attentive with the 03:30 ideologies your cause is just 03:33 do not be intimidated or provoked by 03:38 violent acts create in the strength of the 03:40 peace of nonviolence the violent in the Cuban strength is in conviction 03:47 of the values in the certainty that we fight and defend something that is fair 03:53 and that we all dream of a nicaragua better thank you dear young people that god 03:58 bless them 03:59
Human Crisis Trend:
Nicaragua's Sandinistas Pulling Trucks of Stones
by Veronica Davis 2018-04-21
May God Bless Nicaraguan people .A young 18 year old Michael Cruz dies yesterday from police brutality. The Mother of Michael Cruz mourns her son in the funeral but has not quit in speaking up the truth. In the next video you will hear her blaming the Ortega Sandinista Communist Government. She says that they want a civil war.
Day Three Ortega Government Shooting its own People in the Streets
If the Nicaragua Goverment wanted order, they would of had it long time ago. But it is the chaos that they want The lies of a dictatorship government with a communist leader and his wife a real practising witch. They are known as "brujos del poder".

May God Bless Nicaraguan people .A young 18 year old Michael Cruz dies yesterday from police brutality. The Mother of Michael Cruz mourns her son in the funeral but has not quit in speaking up the truth. In the next video you will hear her blaming the Ortega Sandinista Communist Government. She says that they want a civil war.
Return to editing #Nicaragua Sandinistas Pulling Trucks of Stones 2018
"I do not care if they threaten me, I am not afraid of them" says Michael Cruz Mother as she mourns her son as she is being questions by Reporters. Nicaragua is on its third day of unrest. There are many reports of the University students starting as a peaceful demonstration as Pacifist and then hit by police.
Today Saturday April 24, 2018 Glenda shared a comment on facebook,
What students? This people were moved by the Pantasma San Rafael y Yali all those kids were paid for the protest to be moved. This is all part of the German Zeledon del PLC. They came to attack the Mayor of Jinotega and to look for fights. A whole bunch of non working kids quote the lnss and are being used as puppets to manipulate from the right. This kids are being taken advantage of the situation.
In the Town of Jinotega, Freddy posts yesterday at 6:41 pm students are outside of the dictatorship and thiefs.
Trucks full of stones are being thrown in the streets for the violence to continue by the own present government for those in opposition of Communism. Motorists are randomly shooting at unknown targets against its Nicaraguan people. It is chaos and a crime against humanity. Children are being dragged as victims in the streets. On one case a video footage of people dragging the body of a young boy without clothes only wearing underwear.
Today at a press conference, the President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega is lying to its people blaming the unknown violence to drug cartels. The current President of Nicaragua is Dictator Daniel Ortega and His wife whom is into witchcraft like Hillary Clinton is the present Vice President. Just how messed up is the Ortega regime is?. In 1998, Daniel was accused of many times raping his stepdaughter #zoilamerica the :Judge Juana Mendez
Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) as a reward for her loyalty to Ortega, filed the case alleging that the facts had prescribed."
On April 19, 2018, Zoilamerica response to what is happening in Nicaragua comparing it to Chavez :
The repression that Nicaragua lives today only expresses the chaos of those who govern. Anyone who mobilizes is persecuted. Media outlets are closed. They no longer know where to look for the spark that unleashes "the beginning...

Human Crisis Trend:
You have heard of Antifa now the Nicaragua's Sandinistas Thugs of War
by Veronica Davis 2018-04-20
#humanrights #humancrisis #nicaragua #NoALaViolencia #QueremosLaPaz
Freedom of Speech has been unplugged by the Press as the Country has created a power outage.
Old people were beaten up in the streets and one child has lost its eye.
Le sacan el ojo - en Marcha contra la Reformas del INSS
Worried family members outside of Nicaragua are being left from outside world communication. People cashing check fear of bank closures.
Just like the United States Antifa so co-exists the Sandista in Nicaragua. Is the Devil trying to reign over God's Throne. Causing disorder all over the world.
To a country like Nicaragua where thousands have fled to other countries due to the Sandistas Communist Revolution has the innocent ones that stayed there in fear or another Revolution started by this Thugs of War.
The World of Communism wants to dictate even long after 1980's Civil War in Nicaragua.
2018-04-19 Chinandega, Nicaragua
How does a simple walk in the Streets become a violent circus in the Streets. When the Government brings in force against its own people instead of arresting the few vandals and aggressors. In some countries if you are lucky your point of view is respected but all it takes a few goons for the police to increase the terror and soon a peaceful walk turns into chaos. A simple action to cause a reaction. It usually is that one bad apple.
Nicaraguan changes in government has brought peaceful demonstrators around the country to the streets.
In a tweet from Channel 4 on Thursday April 19,2018 people had signs saying "love for nicaragua" and "no to violence, we want peace" . Soon after at around 11 am the news began to surface about violence began with people throwing rocks and escalating to one death of a Sandista from Tipitapa.

What is happening in Nicaragua that has not happened in many years since its Civil War? Nicaragua is a tiny landmass of a country, that could almost be the size of Island. A country among the Latin American Continent and it is under a Human Crisis more than ever before. Let us hope it does not become a country like Venezuela and Honduras and several other Latin Countries ran through its corrupt politicians. But it sure has its innocent locals in fear of food shortage after this chaos that is uprising leaving vulnerable after the upside confusion.
The human crisis began this week, and it only has been escalating since Thursday.
On April 19, 2018 Oswaldo Rivas writes :
Local television station “100% Noticias,” which was broadcasting the protests live, had its signal abruptly cut. The television station took to Twitter to call the move “arbitrary and illegal.”
Earlier this week the Nicaragua Government made several changes to their security system.
The violence began in the streets on Thursday as the social security increased for the employees, and employers. Five Percent will also be allocated to medical expenses for the Pensioners in Nicaragua.
Three native municipalities Bilwi, Waspam y Prinzapolka joined together as the Children walked the streets holding paper heart signs of peace and love for their country. This patriotic walk for their country had reverends and community priests joining the walk on April 19, 2018
Pastores y reverendos de diferente denominaciones acompañaron al pueblo en esta caminata que culminó en el Parque Municipal de Puerto Cabezas.
Human Crisis Trend: Human Rights Should not be a Business
by Veronica Davis 2018-04-05
#humanrights #humancrisis #slavery #nafta #america #mexico #honduras #pueblosinfronteras #caravan
Since When did A Human Crisis turn into a Business Deal. We need to be extra careful because human kindness should not be mixed with human hording. Are we getting a little greedy. Usually I am a supporter of Donald Trumps decision but turning a Human Crisis to a money deal is really poor.
It reminds me of how people get turned into slavery due to economics. Never trade Humanity for a Price.
Should a Human Crisis be a business deal between two countries. Well that is the conversation that President Donald Trump thinks he has under his sleeve when it comes to Mexico. However a human rights crisis issue has nothing to do with NAFTA deals when it comes to the homeless and violently abused human beings taking journey to a safe haven around the world. As is the case of the 1300 mostly Honduran people seeking asylum somewhere. It seems the American think that the United States is where they are heading however it has never been confirmed that that is the case. On April 5, 2018 President Donald Trump tweets:
The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border. Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs!
The group that assists in people from not being harmed by Mexico or any other country around the world is called Pueblo Sin Fronteras. But before I get to that , the problem in all of this Human rights issue is that it reminds me of the type of society that is growing. A society where we are being taught not to help the needy in the streets. What about helping the blind cross the street. What about helping a lost stranded dog in the street.
Anyways, this group's mission as stated on their twitter account claims:
Our mission is to provide shelter and safety to migrants and refugees in transit,accompany them in their journey,and together demand respect for our human rights. So God Bless this people for being heroes rather than haters. I think there is nothing wrong in doing Jesus Christ work of not hating your neighbour or as Jesus Said himself "love others as I have loved you".
Human Crisis Trend : Human Crisis Asylum at the Border S2 Episode18 2018 04 05 3 04 29 PM
Democracy Now reports Caravan of Central American Migrants Holds a Mirror to Cruel U.S. Immigration Policy & Imperialism
Human Crisis Trend: 1,300 Hondurans on Foot Compassion Over Hatred
by Veronica Davis 2018-04-03
When you spread hatred instead of compassion for the meek and the poor , then the media will get no where. As it is written and said by Jesus Christ himself "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.( Saint Matthew 5:3). Expected to reach the United States border in and around April 11, 2018 a group of asylum seekers mainly 88% from Honduras. The Human Crisis Continues as more people walk on foot around the world to reach freedom from persecution and danger . On December 3, 2018 a corrupt Honduras Government has been leaving people in fear as read in "Coup d'état Trend : A Country in Crisis, Dangers of a Coup d'état Trend " on December 03, 2017. When people disguised as media go out and label human beings as M 13 or as an army when they do not have weapons is really concerning on the level of compassion for human beings. It is happening all around the world.
Trends Recommended for you: Nation-less Trend Human Crisis Trend Coup D'etat Trend
The number one reason this amount of chaos exists comes from a corrupt country. The Human Flow is a recent well documented netflix about the Human Crisis trends already in existence in Europe. Over 22, 000 people fleeing from the Middle East into nearby countries was a sad but real documentary of our times.
But a small group of caravan, has got so much attention from social media due to the fact that it was the President of United States that recognized it as a problem.All these news comes after President Donald Trump tweeted his opinion on this issues on April 1, 2018 .
You know its fair to watch all kinds of videos today on social media but when there are some reporters that do not report the accurate information it is leaves me thinking about other reports done. No one can deny the fact of the chaos that exists in Honduras today.
But for now I will leave all videos for your discretion. Some feedbacks were really grueling and made me think are this people even ok to state violence against innocent poor lives fleeing from violence. There are comments like mowing people down . Last time I checked it was the terrorist themselves doing just that on the streets of New York and France this pasts year.
But that is why it is important to state the truth than to spread hatred. Calling a group of people who are in fear of their safety as an "army" truly sounds like the people that called Jesus wicked or a revolutionist. But in the end, truth always prevails. As it was said " Only truth should said you free" the very words of Jesus Christ himself(John 8:32). So those were the words of God, as history and lies can repeat itself time and time again from generation to generation.
On my point of view of human lives, it is to be protected, secured and respected with dignity. So if one group chooses to be human and aid people whom are homeless than more power to them. As in this case of the Borders
Caravan of migrants marches to border without wall by Kenn Daily
In a video created by infowars, called "Dems Fuel Caravan Invasion Of U.S. Borders" with over 40 k views since its release. The video states :
When President Trump signed the 2,232 page left right corpracratic 1.6 Trillion Omnibus last week that barely anyone read or was able to read,
After watching an inhuman report by Millie, it was sad to see, the amount of hatred that is being spread for people fleeing from a humanitarian crisis. It was a terrible report to call it an invading army specially when none of them are armed but rather are kids and family. There is no "alarming" situation in your so called border location, and perhaps Millie should wait and have evidence before she "warns" anyone. I only saw the war in her head.
WARNING! Invading Army Of Immigrants Marching Towards US Southern Border 21,136 views