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Peace Deal Talk Trend: United State Embassy Moves to Jerusalem

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Peace Deal Talk Trend: United State Embassy Moves to Jerusalem 70 year Marked By God

by Veronica Davis 2018-05-14

#USEmbassyJerusalem @usembassyjlm @IsraelMFA #JerusalemEmbassy #JerusalemDay
Peace Deal Trend

This morning marks a very historical moment around the world and bells are ringing in Heaven.
The United States is among the first leading Countries to mark Jerusalem as the Capital City not just in writing but in spoken and acted promises. Today is also Jerusalem Day

Although United States President is not personally in attendance at the U.S Ceremoney Opening at Jerusalem he addressed in a video. As President Donald Trump states:

We failed to acknowledge of obvious...Today we follow through in this recognition.". As he called it a "Lasting Peace Agreement".

On the streets of Jerusalem huge banners marks "TRUMP" in capital letters and "Make Israel Great" and "Trump is a friend of Zion."

Talks of Peace and Harmony

Much talk of peace and harmony were the blessings of Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef and Pastor Robert Jeffress. Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef  mentioning of Ancient Hebrew Prophet Zechariah, a prophet of a two tribe Kingdom of Judah   "you must Love Truth and Peace".

When there is harmony not war.

One tweet recognized Ambassador David Friedman openened the ceremony at the Embassy in Israel after 70 years to the minute, the Jewish people officially came home after 2000 yrs in exile and from time King David made Jerusalem Capitol of Jewish State.

What is happening as Israel is celebrating harmony with the United States and the World.

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Megatrndz Book Volume 1 Out Soon

Climate Change trends: Kilauea Volcano Update

by Veronica Davis 2018-05-14 9:03 UTC Monday

#kapohotidepools #earthquake #Hawaii #hvnp #hppa #volcano #Kilauea #lava #KilaueaVolcano #LeilaniEstates #travel #BigIsland #Kapoho #EastRiftZone #lava #volcaniceruption #hawaii #kilauea #halemaumau #lavalake #jaggarmuseum

Unexplained Events trends: Too Many Tremors  at Once in One Day

by Veronica Davis 2018-05-05 9:03 UTC Saturday 

#kapohotidepools #earthquake #Hawaii #hvnp #hppa #volcano #Kilauea #lava #KilaueaVolcano #LeilaniEstates #travel #BigIsland #Kapoho #EastRiftZone #lava #volcaniceruption #hawaii #kilauea #halemaumau #lavalake #jaggarmuseum

Too Many Earth Quakes per Minute is it a Warning for Something Big!

35 Quakes since Midnight!
How Many More Volcanoes will erupt in Hawaii Followed by !
Are we prepared!

The Earth is Rumbling with So May little small Quakes it is hard to keep up what just happened 4 hours ago. Iran, China, India, Philippines, Hawaii is a deadly zone for unusual events to happen today. Beginning with the heaping warnings of the Kilauea Volcano starting on April 22, 2018 the US Geological Survey reported spatter along a lava lake . According to US Geological Survey via A small lava flow (lighter in colour) and spatter erupting from a section of the crack on the west flank of the Puu Oo vent of Kilauea volcano, on May 1. Read Full Story at