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Climate Chaos: A Blessing or Mystery for the Wildhorses in Arizona

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Climate Chaos: A Blessing for the Wildhorses in Arizona

by Veronica Davis 2018-07-18
#climatechaos #monsoon  #heatwave ##HAARP  #Chemtrails #WeatherWarfare #GeoEngineering #horses

Genesis 1:26 

You see there is always a blessing from God. God gave us the dominion over animals (Gen 1:26)  because the man was created first equal to the image of God then God created animal. Furthermore God must of known how to prepare mankind over  disastrous events ! There are times when man is in danger and comes face to face with a wild animal ready to attack.  But in this context mankind must help the vulnerable beasts walking among Son of Man.


Disastrous events such as what made worldwide headlines a few months ago in May 2018 where nearly 200 dead horses. These 200 some wild feral horses reportedly  died in the hundreds due to drought in the region on Navajo land.  Mankind decided to change destiny when these wild horses could have been roaming for another sad devastation. Thus the title to this story "A blessing for the wild horses in Arizona". It is possible to win the fight against the enemy.

Notice How easily the narrative to the story can dominate truth. Now Arizona cannot be in Drought at the same time in monsoon season.

At around July 16, 2018 the fight has been won as wondering zombie looking horses  were given water and food at the what is now known as the Wild horses Rescue Ranch.  As word continued to spread, more volunteers stepped up and more donations came in. People donated a few 300-gallon plastic water containers, making it easier for volunteers to haul water from the community well at the trading post in nearby Cameron.

Luckily these volunteers are Angel Horses that have  come to rescue these wild horses a preventing another bad outcome where history would have  repeated .

Mystery Behind Drought and Flash Flood and Horses 

 Is there something more sinister where one can say mysterious in connection to the 200 dead horses and drought occurring on the area. In the report there is a slight clue that there is something going one in the area that may be a manipulation or designation of events:

These were the wild horses of Gray Mountain on the Navajo Reservation, north of Flagstaff. Although they normally live on the mountain itself, because of the drought and a lack of vegetation, they made their way down the mountain, looking for sustenance.

Surplus of Wild Horses since 2015

Looking not further into the issue something stuck out in a May 14, 2015 article called "Navajo officials hope to reduce the surplus feral tribal horse population with roundups and veterinary management. Further explaining about the statistics and surplus:

Feral tribal horses walk the streets within the Navajo Nation. They’re outside restaurants. In people’s yards. There are just too many horses, and the Navajo government is working to change that. It started in 2013 with community roundups and a veterinary management program.

The Navajo Nation is located in the southwestern United States, with territory spanning Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. The reservation comprises 18 million acres and, said Bender, an estimated 75,000 to 96,000 horses. The tribe permits 12,000 livestock owners, with the majority of permit holders having one to five privately owned horses. Under tribal law, all unbranded horses within the Navajo Nation are tribal property, Bender explained. That leaves the tribe with a lot of horses.

The article goes on to explain how "Feral tribal horses walk the streets within the Navajo Nation". One other thing to take to notice is how Nature is also described as a pest:

As herds grew, damage to range lands increased, as did horse-caused human injuries. “Horses in right-of-ways caused car wrecks, human injuries, and even deaths,” Bender said. These issues led tribal communities to request that the Navajo National Department of Agriculture start its equine population management program in 2013, which involved roundups and veterinary services, including free:

Microchip placement (since 2006, the tribe has mandated microchips, which are placed in the nuchal ligament along the neck so as not to taint the horse’s meat should it be sold or eaten, Bender said; the Navajo Nation has micro chipped more than 18,000 horses since 1997).

In another article written on July 17 2018 titled "BLM Colorado Hosting Hearing on Vehicle Use in Horse Gathers.

The hearing will take place July 20 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the BLM Little Snake Field Office, in Craig, Colorado:

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado is conducting its annual public hearing to discuss the use of motorized vehicles and aircraft in the monitoring and management of wild horses on public lands July 20 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the BLM Little Snake Field Office, 455 Emerson St., in Craig.

A public hearing is required before helicopters or motorized vehicles can be used in wild horse management to comply with Section 404 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act. BLM Colorado typically varies the location of its hearings each year.

The BLM photograph shows how it follows horses, By following and knowing the animals whereabouts through GPS it knows it whereabouts of the horses. By studying the footprints of the animals it can deprive the animal of its food source. Thus manipulating nature.

Grand Canyon Flash Flooding

July 12, 2018

Is It all related. Could we conclude that the water is being herded to one side of the state like animals can be herded. The Grand Canyon and Flagstaff Arizona experienced an unprecedented event. Emergency evacuations occurred today at the reservation describing the unusual event as "one of the scariest things I have ever been said one of the visiting evacuee tourist. This unplanned disaster happened on Thursday July 12, 2018.

According to it reports in a photo released Thursday, July 12, 2018 by Benji Xie showing flooding from a waterfall on the Havasupai reservation in Supai, Ariz. The whole ordeal was described as :

Tourist Benji Xie said people were swimming at the base of waterfalls when the flash flooding struck. He and his friends ran up to a bathroom with other campers to wait out the rain. “The sky opened up. Winds started blowing, sand was blowing everywhere and rain was coming down in sheets,” he told The Associated Press on Thursday.

#FlashFlooding #GrandCanyonSendsTouristsScrambling #HigherGround Flash Flooding in the Grand Canyon Sends Tourists Scrambling for Higher Ground

Tourists Scramble to Escape Torrential Rainfall in Grand Canyon

Two hundred tourists had to be evacuated from the Grand Canyon via helicopter Thursday after two powerful weather systems unleashed a torrential downpour in Arizona. Some were forced to seek high ground as flash floods turned streams into rivers. The remote Havasu Falls area of the Grand Canyon, which is part of the Havasupai Indian Reservation, took the brunt of the storms. The area is expected to remain closed for 7 to 10 days due to the severe flooding.

The article goes on to mention that during Monsoon people have been killed in  Northeast of Phoenix which not close to Supai or Cameron:

season, rain can fall heavy and fast. Flood waters often rush unexpectedly through normally dry canyons and washes, sometimes with tragic consequences.

Tourists Scramble to Escape Torrential Rainfall in Grand Canyon

A Silent Way to Manipulate Nature

If so, that would explain the unusual droughts and animal deaths and controlling the overpopulation. Right!  Why not kill two birds instead of one.

Has anyone heard of floods in one place and drought right next to that place.

There is flash flooding an monsoon season at Havasupai Falls in July 14 to droughts in Cameron City in May 1 2018.

Rivers, Creeks, Falls, Confluence and Streams in Grand Canyon, Arizona

Among the inside of  the Grand Canyon in the Arizona desert , there is a beautiful azure waters of Havasu Creek and the Little Colorado River called the Havasupai Falls.   There is also falls all around  the length of Havasu Creek and all of the surrounding waterfalls – Havasu Falls, Navajo Falls, Mooney Falls, and Beaver Falls. All this falls are also in tribal land. So what happened to the 191 horses that could not find water nearby. So from looking at the map above over the 161 km range there are many sources of water.

Also, there are many wash or seasonal streams, and confluence from the Little Colorado River or Colorado River.

Havasupai reservation vs Navajo land

No one can convince me that this is not cruel for an animal

If we do not hear the cries of the poor neither will he in Heaven. Psalms 43:12 

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