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July 2018 Weather Wars

Climate Change Trend    Tectonic Plates Moving Continent Trend  Continental Drift Trend   Island Disappearing Trend   

 Climate Chaos Trend   Fireball Trend  Volcano Eruption Trend   Asteroid Trend  Q Anon Trend  Biological Weapon Trend   False Missile Alert Trend  Sinkhole Trend   Unusual Earthquake Trend    Laser Technology Trend    Mass Genocide Plan Trend  Direct Energy Weapon Trend   Emp Attack Trend 

Human Crisis Trend   The False Prophet Trend        Blackout Trend   Weather Warfare Trend  The A.I Trend  Evacuation Order Trend    Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend   CME Trend  Chem trail Trend   Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend    Weather Manipulation Trend       Account Suspension Trend   

Climate Chaos: Weather Wars Agenda 21

by Veronica Davis 2018-07-26
#prayforgreece #climatechaos #monsoon  #heatwave ##HAARP  #Chemtrails #WeatherWarfare #GeoEngineering #neurotoxins

Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire. -

There is a war and it is happening all above us.

This week July   22-28  all the sudden was a busy week again full of disasters and new Pagan belief's thrown in our faces. Even the entertainment world all the sudden has been mixed with nature. Or is all the sudden nature entertainment. Well let me explain it a little further.

Isaiah 13:10          Amos 8:9         Mark 13:24      Act 2 :2  

Weather Wars Agenda 21


More People Burned Alive Monday July 23, 2018

Was Greek Orthodox Church a target. Well whatever is going on with the world it definitely is not man made. Time and time again I point out to outcomes do not happen out of thin air.

The Greek Orthodox Church for the Commission for Foreign Affairs of the Holy Synod and the Commission for Inter-Christian Relations, collaborator of the Archbishop of Athens and of all Greece, Ieronymos, tells during a phone conversion to Vatican Insider. "We find it hard to understand why all this happened and the Public Prosecutor's Office has launched investigations to understand the origin of the fire, whether it was a natural accident or a human hand that caused it. There is also this hypothesis.... We have no idea, for now the priorities are different.

You see they have a hypothesis. Everyone has a hypothesis but no one is doing anything about it.

In Greece “a catastrophe”, the Orthodox Church is close to the victims

God is Wrath Faith vs Nature

To make the situation even more confusing the tragedy made people turn their heads to see if God  was the answer. But Ironically tying nature to God when Man is take control of weather is still to confuse faith and nature.

In a statement by an Greek Orthodox Bishop on July 25, 2018 created more confusion to some whom relate nature with faith:

The provocative statements by Orthodox Metropolitan of Kalavryta and Egialias Amvrosios that the devastating fires and the tragic loss of life were due to the wrath of God poured out on the country as punishment for its atheist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, have caused a backlash on the part of the other Church heads, including the Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece, Ieronymos, who said in response: “God is love. God does not take revenge, he urges all to love one another”.| Ieronymos admonished Amvrosios saying that even though his views did not reflect the official church, even personal opinions had a limit.

Thursday July 26, 2018

His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, has expressed condolences to Prime Minister of the Republic of Greece Alexis Tsipras and His Beatitude Jeronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, over the loss of lives in the fires in Greece.

This tragedy is a glaring testimony of the fragility of human life, vulnerability of God-created nature and our responsibility before God for the fulfilment of the commandment to tend and take care of the earth...May the Merciful Lord repose the souls of His deceased servants in the heavenly mansions, where there is no sickness nor sadness nor signing but endless life. I am lifting up my prayers for a speedy recovery of the injured.
God is ?

Are we all being tricked to believe that nature is our true enemy. So we know that the new Ariana Grande song "God is a woman" that recently just came out already had over 82 million hits in less than a week. How the heck did i get from Nature to Arianna Grande well think about it there are plenty Fake Goddesses that are already female. But the biggest Fake Pagan God is the Mother Nature God. You constantly tricking the mind that the most powerful thing out there has to be female we have been even fooled that somehow Nature has a sex like in femininity. Take for example, La Naturalesa. And just like that we adapt our minds that life all the sudden has to be a male or a female or no difference in some cases.

So the point is not the popularity. But how we are all being tricked to believe that we are not under some spell or below some strange manipulated power.
Let us look what just happened last week.

The Red Sky

July 20 2018

Red means radiation in the air.
"Something was pressing hard on my chest"

Terrified Locals Blame 'Devil' for 3- Hour Strange Blackout as Russia Plunged into DARKNES

Russia's Sky Turns Black In The Middle Of The Day " MYSTERY IS SOLVE by Godsupremenews

Live Science website explains the red sky as "Mysterious Substance and 'Devilry' Blamed for 3-Hour 'Solar Eclipse' in Russia":

Between July 5 - 9, 2018, a massive smoke plume released by a series of Siberian wildfires traveled halfway across the world, crossing through Alaska and into central Canada. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

Watch in an interview conducted by CBS This Morning how funny they treat the conversation of weather manipulation. Learn how "they" have a scientist explain how easy it is to reverse engineer weather. Say way "they" introduced chemtrails. Watch (1:35)

"We physicists are firing trillion watts lasers into the sky." See how easy it is to reverse the psychology. Not into the sky but rather down from the sky. "To precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightnight bolts this is potentionally a game changer.

Did you hear that "game changer". Sure we are all playing a game and we are just playing into it.

Did he just admit that we need lightning bolts fired into the ground well of course that would explain the Earth cracks happening all around the world all of the sudden. After all we are finding all the sudden 60,000 year old volcanic rocks buried deep into the ground .

The HAARP Admits By US Airforce ?They Can Control Weather 2017/2018 33,429 views

Oh so this is what I mean when I mean to some nature manipulation is entertainment for some whom has a dark agenda on this manuscript of life. But truly the only person whom has the book of life  is God.  The thought is distasteful to my mouth and bitter for the lips but life still continues and are we doing anything about it but watching it all unravel as as some sad and distasteful entertainment. Why entertainment will one ask one day. Because Technology has advanced to become our everyday entertainment. While we watch few do something about it like whistleblowers or people whom like Deborah Tavares say " I like to read documents " do a little more than just nother how are we all?<


Watch Haarp episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

Weather Control Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura HAARP by Qronos16

Acoustic Gravity Waves

Infrasound range not audible to humans 20-100 hertz formed in the upper ionesphere atmosphere called Acoustic Gravity waves.

Linda Moulten Howe investigates explanations of the Strange Sounds Phenomenon of 2012
(2:48)Explanations into the Strange Sounds Phenomenon....Debunked?? by Sri Brahma Das 

Published on May 21, 2012

Well someone or some thing is listening to this sounds ?
Watch how the experiment works?
Is this what happens in the Norther Artic Atmosphere?
What about nature? How does nature respond?

May 2018 Sinkhole

 May 4, 2018 Sinkhole in New Zealand

New Zealand 200 m long Sink Hole The depth of a sixth story building. opened in a farm in Rotorua, New Zealand. " biggest the country has ever seen". 656 feet wide and 65 feet deep.

Huge 200m long sinkhole appears on New Zealand farm by ODN

This year how many sinkholes are appearing?

Sinkhole Trend

June 7, 2018

Finland Strange sounds before storm

(4:48) On a very misty day look what happens to this reindeer. There are movies like The Mist where the setting of an eerie mist rolls into a small town, the residents must battle the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain their morality and sanity."
What is scary is that will one day , will that technology be used on humans or has it already been tested on?
Strange Events Happening Worldwide - Earth is Falling Apart by Hedgehog

One of the first to break the story was RT news calling it the "WATCH hypnotic dance of the reindeer" WATCH hypnotic dance of the reindeer" by RT

WATCH hypnotic dance of the reindeer
Mary Greeley called it on Published on May 11, 2018 "Bizarre ‘Reindeer Walking Circles’ Caught on Film". With already 8,513 views she continues to tie it to magnetic pole reversal. She adds "A mesmerizing and mystifying video out of Russia shows huge herds of reindeer walking in a circular pattern and no one is quite sure why."

The UFO believers calls it:

People going around the blackbox in Mecca?