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Strange Animal Invasion Trend Insects in Peruvian Church

 Unexplained Trends   Animal Invasion    Bridge Collapsing  

Strange Animal Invasion Trend  Insects in Peruvian Church 

Thursday 2018-08-23

This strange trend and phenomena of animals invading  unusual spaces happens more than often than you think.

In a Peruvian Church while people were praying quietly at church when all of the sudden their quiet moment turned into a nightmare.

So this is quite a quiet invasion of privacy when this army of critters invaded these Peruvians.

  Have you ever seen so many insects needed to pray and heading to Church? Well in Peru it just happened when so many little critters needed to pray as well.

Was it a Plague or necessity of prayers.

 So is this a sign from God.

God sent out the Plague after  the Egyptian Pharaoh when he refused to set the Israelite free from slavery.  Where God executed judgement against the Egyptian throne with plagues known as the   ten biblical plagues  as described in the Book of Exodus. The second plague encompassed Frogs all over the land of Egypt. The third plague turned the dust of the Earth into Gnats throughout the whole land of Egypt. The Fourth Plague filled the house of Egyptians with swarms of flies. The Eight Plague filled locusts leaving the land of Egypt barren.

For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, both human beings and animals

Or Can we say that what has happened in Peruvian Church is simply an abnormal animal behavior.    

Is this Strange Animal Behavior a predictor of Earthquakes

Thursday August 23 2018, 22:35:56 UTC 105 minutes ago 6km S of Tingo Maria, Peru 4.5 mag 63.9 km depth

What is happening in Maipú, Peru? Last year in November 2017, there were active nocturnal creatures known as the Tijeretas were invading peoples homes , on the street even in their foods.
Plaga de tijeretas mantiene desesperados a vecinos de Maipú | Muy buenos días

Rt News covered in May 27 2017 what the news media called it "The Plagues of Egypt in Russia"
Las plagas de Egipto… ¿en Rusia? Una plaga de langostas golpea Kalmuki, Rusia:

Una plaga de langostas, comparable a la de las diez plagas bíblicas, asoló Kalmukia (Rusia) este lunes. La invasión de estos insectos suele repetirse cada año en la región, normalmente en los meses de verano.

2018  Bees, Hot Dog Stand New York City- Next
2017 Spring Forest Tent Caterpillars, Saskatoon Sasketchewan
2017 Asian Lady Bugs, Manitoba

Next Trend

Bridge Collapsing Trend End Game  2018-08-25

HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes Aug 22 2018


HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes a must watch 4 part report about what is going on in the South Pacific Ocean quietly. What should we do. What must we do to save our planet.

Part 1 2018 08 19 5 32 39 PM

part 2 2018 08 19 5 46 27 PM

Part 3

Part 4

Unusual 0  km Depth Earthquakes in Alaska  Aug 22 2018

12:00 pm 2018-08-22

Today Venezuela, Japan and Costa Rica were hit with earthquakes again. This are areas that have already received strong earthquakes in the past week.

 Read Full Story

 New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today Aug 14 2018

8:30 am 2018-08-14

New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today 2018 08 14 8 16 49 AM