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UN Global Compact Deception

Depopulation Control          Global Control
Global Pacts
by Veronica Davis 2018-12-11
While there are some for the Caravans there are others around the world that are not happy with what is going within their own backyard. Canada is signing the United Nations Agenda. However this is not a good thing for Canadians because if Canada Signs the Pact, then Canada is loosing nationalism. 
It would allow international nations like the United Nations to control the Immigration policy of many countries. It is already doing this as it is promoting the Caravans in Central America. But many of the people whom are from the Caravan claim that they have been deceived. There are strong ties that the Caravans are being manipulated from the United Nations but they do not seem to be financially supporting the people. It is all part of the deception trend many are facing around the world.

This is how they keep us occupied!

While some people feel emotionally attached to human crisis it is what is happening behind the scenes is that people are not aware. There is a strong support for a Marxist, Communist, machiavellian agenda. Take for example the United Nations is ran by people whom brake Human Rights codes in their own countries such as Iran . In over a period of over less than a decade the Honest Human Rights leaders were running the show in the United Nations. Now it is a deception. That is what people do not understand. If the United Nations rules around the World it is like creating one day a one world agenda. It is like we would all be creating once again the Ottoman Empire. The Europeans are building their own 7 country army which was revealed at the beginning of November.

You wonder how Empires Get Built

It is not a coincidence that Treaties are being changed to the wording of Pact. You know what they say it is like signing a pact with the Devil. Nothing is coincidence. They are trying to build a universal income where one day we will no longer be seen as individuals while "they" hog it all in taxes. It is what it is. The wheels on this train are going way to fast that it might crash. They can not proceed unless we are aware of their agenda. Because we are living in a time and age, where we will all be experience the same disaster at the same time, like a World War but this time no one will die at once but gradually be manipulated.

Also Watch next video how "they" were warning us. They are the "Pagans" the unlawful. The yellow vest protest is just one more of their scams so do not fall into their deception.

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Is it too much for us to take or will we handle it. So long as we follow the word of  God Jesus Christ than he will carry our yoke. It is happening and it is happening Worldwide Canada, United States, Central America, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany. It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both is the Machiavelli saying as opposed to what Jesus Christ only one commandment to love one another.
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