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California Death Traps November 6, 2019

California Death Traps November 6, 2019


They are saying that the new California Fires are all part of the Agenda 2030. Is this part of the Amazonian Fires as well? Horrific mind control destructive campaigning were some of the words of used of already outspoken California resident Deborah Tavares. Do the dates of Oct 8 sound familiar. Well look back two years ago to the date  megatrndz website  reported California fires and what was happening with P&G.  There were power outages on October 8, 9 2019. It is fare to say that residents have claimed of heavy chemtrail in and around the are before the fires started.

California Historical Fires over 20 Dead 500 Missing October 13, 2017 

Watch the Frontline documentary  where it begins with failure of 100 year old equipment by PG&E. Responsible for the fires.

#FireInParadise #Documentary #CampFire California's Deadliest Fire (full film) | FRONTLINE

#PGEShutOff #DeborahTavares #PSPS FIRES and POWER SHUT OFF’s - PLANNED for ALL Nov 4, 2019


The names for these intentional shutdowns are called Public Power Safety Shutdown is associated with a shutdown by Rothchild dynasty. An intentional shutdown to remove recourses in California. To read full story about the deception involved in the new agenda orders listen to the full interviews of Deborah Tavares entitled,  'Fires behind the smoke The Death Agendas Nov 4, 2019'.

Earthquake off Nicaragua Coast November 1 2019

11/02/2019 9 am

Three consecutive earthquakes occurred on Friday November 1, 2019 off the West coast of Nicaragua just 90 km of the Nejapa Miraflores volcano. There are a total of 19 volcanos in the small central American country of Nicaragua see photo below. For the past 23 hours, since the 5.4 magnitude there has been no higher quakes around the world.

The 5.4 magnitude earthquake was felt 100 km away. In the town of Leon, Nicaragua, one testimony reported in the Volcano Discovery website that it lasted over one minute and it was perceived a tidal waves. The Full details are noted below.

León, Nicaragua (105.1 km N from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (Weak shaking): Dilató como 1 minuto y se percibió como ondas de agua Managua / MMI IV (Light shaking)

Another report which was closer to the epicenter claimed it was 10 seconds of a shaking. Below is the full details of two more testimonies:

Tola (99.8 km E from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (Weak shaking): Felt chair wobbling a little for about 10 seconds. (via app) Muelle turístico Buenaventura Valle Colombia (1340 km SE from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (Weak shaking): Sacudón lateral de corta duración en tres tiempos (via app)

Friday, 1 November 2019 15:24 UTC Magnitude: 5.4 Depth: 59.0 km Epicenter latitude / longitude: 11.49°N / 86.96°W (Nicaragua) Nearest volcano: Nejapa-Miraflores (99 km) Primary data source: GFZ Estimated released energy: 7.9*10^12 J (2.21 GWh / 1898 tons of TNT / 0.1 atomic bombs

Time Mag. / Depth Location Source Fri, 1 Nov 2019 Fri, 1 Nov 15:24 UTC M 5.3 / 59 km Near Coast Of Nicaragua EMSC Fri, 1 Nov 15:24 UTC M 5.4 / 66.1 km Near Coast of Nicaragua GeoAu Fri, 1 Nov 15:24 UTC

10 km Trend

10 km earthquakes that occurred around the time of the earthquake are in India.

Fri, 1 Nov 15:24 UTC
Near Coast of Nicaragua GeoAu Fri, 1 Nov 15:24 UTC 5.3 mag ocean quake:

15:28 UTC Albania 12 km depth  4.1 mag 23 hours ago Epicenter latitude / longitude: 40.44°N / 20.74°E Estimated released energy: 8.9*10^10 J (24.8 MWh / 21.3 tons of TNT) 

16:33 UTC Serum , Indonesia  10 km depth 4.9 mag Epicenter latitude / longitude: 3.24°S / 130.66°E Estimated released energy: 1.4*10^12 J (392 MWh / 338 tons of TNT)

22:36 UTC China 11 km depth 4.6 mag Epicenter latitude / longitude: 35.2°N / 88.99°E Estimated released energy: 5*10^11 J (139 MWh / 120 tons of TNT)

Saturday, 2 November 2019 
02:41 UTC Serum, Indonesia 10.0 km depth 4.8 mag Epicenter latitude / longitude: 3.12°S / Estimated released energy: 1*10^12 J (278 MWh / 239 tons of TNT)

19 Volcanoes in Nicaragua

screenshot volcano discovery website

Deepest Quake

M 4.3 Celebes Sea (Indonesia) - 10 hours ago I felt this quake Time (UTC): Saturday, 2 Nov 2019 05:03 Hypocenter depth: 317.0 km

Kyarr Arabian Sea Monster Worst of 12 years

10/29/2019 10:45 am

It is being called the worst hurricane in 12 years out in the Arabian Sea. Kyarr is Hurricane Category 5 this week October 29, 2019. Today the tides are being felt in the Oman coastline. Ten hours ago the schools began flooding and students were evacuated from too much water on grounds. Reports from the National Center say that the center is away from (Ras Madrakah) about 600 km and continues its movement west / u The West Bank within the next 36 hours to begin later deviation to the southwest. "
Hurricane Kiar out at Arabian Sea photo taken 10 hours ago October 29,2019

Practically every year around this time there is some big Hurricane or Typhoon out in the Ocean or Sea around the world . These catastrophe out in the Ocean waters  puts coastline lines at risk , becoming a common human crisis for this decade. Perhaps the ones that suffer with this storms are the sea creatures see below beautiful 15 meters long Humpback whales that live in the Arabian Sea.

Below are images taken for the Kiarr Arabian Sea Hurricane of October 28,2019. The stars shows the different locations in different time frames where the eye of Kiarr was located. The images were predicted on October 28,2019.

The 1st star eye of Kiar has a wind gust of 190 km out in the Arabian Sea

 The Location of Kiar's eys is  Latitude.: 19°7'N  and  Longitude.: 63°28'E / Altitude: -1m Timezone: (UTC+4) / Current time: 06 PM 10/28/2019

3rd star

The 4th star- represents the eye of Kiar the wind speed gusts from 163-170 km .
The Location of Kyarr's eye is Latitude.: 19°29'N the  Longitude.: 61°57'E / Altitude: -1m  prediction October 28 for the 29th of October 2019.

Prediction taken on October 28, 2019 for the next 24 hours

October 28, 2019

Arabian Sea Humpback Whales Video from 2016

 2019 Winter Storm Almost a Manitoba State of Emergency?

4:00 PM 10/13/2019

Manitoba State of Emergency trend almost made it. The State of Emergency Trend goes out to places like Syria and Japan. If you are in Syria where 800 ISIS members escaped and 100,000 civilians misplaced that is a State of Emergency but Manitoba State of Emergency? State of Emergency is a trend that Megatrndz has been following for the past years around the Globe . But sometimes it is not always a State of Emergency so should troops come and rescue?

Discernment Manitoba Syria Japan State of Emergency?

No reason to call it a State of Emergency if the job was not done properly the first time. Saturday Night, the Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister is calling Manitoba a State of Emergency claiming 40,000 customers are without power. The fault lies with the Manitoba Hydro company because the City where the Majority of the people are living are perfectly fine.  Read full Story 

labels search for : climate chaos, climate chaos trend hurricane, damaging winds trend, flooding trend, hurricane trends

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