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Cern Trend

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The Cern Trend 

The Day of Atonement or Judgement Day, Yom Kippur, Day of Abaddan, Apollyion, Appolyon and Appolion ( Greek), the Abyss all trends believed to take place on the September 23, 2015. Appollo a greek of death and pestelance as well as the Sun, Revelation 9:11, the king of Locust or grasshoppers described on Revelation 9:3-10,
The sounding of the fifth trumpet in heaven.

The trend is correlated with the Cern Collider. Cern is a mega machine that has been connected to opening up hell or a mega pit. Cern is a mega machine that has been around since 1954.

 Location of CERN Collider

Wikipedia defines CERN as the European Organization for Nuclear Research. There are over 22 countries that have membership and agree to this mega machine being built underground. The LHC tunnel is located apparently 100 metres underground in Geneva Internation Airport and the nearby Jura mountains.

Countries Involved in CERN

Belgium                  Norway                         United Kingdom        Poland
Denmark                 Sweden                          Austria                     Hungary
France                    Switzerland                    Spain                        Czech Republic
Germany                 Portugal                         Finland                     Israel
Greece                    Slovakia                         Bulgaria                    Romania
Italy                       Cerbia                            Cyprus                      Ukraine
Netherland              Turkey                           Pakistan                    European Union

wikipedia cern definition

The shocking evidence of cern wonderfully thought logo, see picture above defies all odd that is of good origin the triple 6 logo. Perhaps these scientist at looking for what is known as the devil pit. It is obvious that the people behind this experiment are not leaving any details behind or to the imagination.

Science and Pagan Gods

It is unclear why Pagan Gods are found at the entrance of this Collider and clear explaination why the precense of this statues are being found there, It is one other shocking evidence , the Indian Pagan god Sheeva the god of destruction found at the location of Cern. Appolion is also a fallen angel and known as the destroyer as well. Cern is in Geneva and very similar to Saint Genis and the word Genesis. In the alternative radio "Coast To Coast Alternative Radio - Episode 44 THE HADRON SUPER COLLIDER, A PORTAL TO OTHER DIMENSION" beginning in the fifth minute the hosts describe how to the purpose of cern is to find the origin of men and the universe "to find the doorway to another dimension to find a god or god particle. The hosts continue on to say "is it just coincidence that Cern is short for the horn god Cernunnos. Is it also coincidence that cern goes deep under to their god harnessing experiments. Cernunnos was the god of the underworld". 

 On Jun 11, 2015 Bryan D Youtube Channel compiles a lot of information about his speculation of what CERN is really about. Below you will find what he posts on his channel description. This video posted has received 557,517 views since August 30, 2015:

 if you are a believer you need not fear. Jesus: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Unbelievers: This is an appeal to you to see the signs of the times. More compelling proof that something huge is coming very soon. The clues are everywhere...all in the media. People are putting the pieces together and the picture the puzzle portrays is grim. YouTube search September 23rd-28th. Blood moons, high Jewish Holy Days, Pope Francis visits US, Tomorrowland fest in Georgia, warnings by John Kerry of climate chaos, Jade Helm wrapping up, and so much more. Research this. Share.

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