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Showing posts from September, 2015

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The September 13, 2015 Elul 29 Trend

On September 13, 2015 a solar partial eclipse will begin at midnight which is also a Jewish Feast of the trumpets holiday. A spectacular event to enjoy. You can find a full list of scriptures from the Bible with important passages on the following website dedicated to 2015 Feast of the Trumpets. 1 Corinthians  15:51-52 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn points out in specific dates and details the Shemitah a mystery that began out in the dessert in Moses time see video on Jim Bakker Show Appearance  on Sept 1, 2014. Best described in Moses's written words told by God found in the Bible: Leviticus 25:4 NKJV but in the seventh year there shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath to the Lord. You shall neither sow your field...

The Trojan Horse Plot Trend

The Trojan Horse is it a Plot  for ISIS Militants What is going on? Are we really seeing what is truly there? Is it a refugee journey, a pilmagrage or a Trojan Horse Plot? This speculation did not just appear out of nowhere. It is being reported that children are being left orphaned as ISIS moved into Syrian small town  as people were left to flee from their homes with nothing (Jim Bakker show). Another well known American Preacher revealed a dream of thousands of people fleeing the US Mexican Border disguised as demons. Could this report be all to revealing in the near future. There is no way for sure if the families seen through the media are true families or are they actually disguised individuals with the same agenda?  Just last year, October 6, 214 there were several news agencies like the UK News, RT News and the International Business News reported the Trojan Horse Plot. If this is all true we may be looking at history's largest human smuggling operation . ...

The Economic Crash Trend

Thursday September 10, 2015 China Dumps A Record $94 Billion In US Treasuries In One Month by Daboo0077 On Wednesday September 9, 2015 reported: Shortly after the PBoC’s move to devalue the yuan, we noted with some alarm that it looked as though China may have drawn down its reserves by more than $100 billion in the space of just two weeks. That, we went on the point out, would represent a stunning increase over the previous pace of the country’s reserve draw down, which we began documenting months ahead of the devaluation (see here, for instance). We went on to estimate, based on the projected size of the RMB carry trade unwind, how large the FX reserve liquidation might need to be to offset capital outflows and finally, late last week, we suggested that China’s official FX reserve data was set to become the new risk-on/off trigger for nervous, erratic markets. In short, the pace at which Beijing is burning through its USD assets in defense of...

EMP Attack Trend

Everyone is waiting for an EMP Attack its one of the latest talking trend all over North America. Its just a matter of when. EMP stands for Electronic  Magnetic Pulse. It is believed that there will be an attack to national security in the near future. "They say that if the internet goes down all of world will come to a stand still but preppers will be the last one standing... because of a powergrid" George Noorey on Coast to Coast AM states on August 25, 2015 radio talk show.  Jim Bakker talks to Dr. William Forstchen about EMP Attack on U.S  and what does it mean in response to the article written on August 13, 2015  North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear weapon . The discussion begins at 4 min on the Ready Now Expo- Fall 2015 Day 11- Dr William Forstchen , John Shorey aired August 18, 2015. Russia has been in the business in selling bombs as described in the article Russia opens way to missiles deliveries to Iran, Starts Oil for Goods Swap .  As wel...

Trending Nibiru Planet X Nemesis

History 1978  Dr. Robert S. Harrington finds Intruder Planet It is a several decades worth of trending the planet nibiru. In a discussion between Dr. Robert S. Harrington, Supervisor Astronomer from the US Naval Observatory from Washington , DC USA and Zecharia Sitchin an author, they mention Nibiru being seen as far back as August 14, 1978. They referred to the celestial body as an intruder. The intruder was discovered six weeks after Pluto was seen to have satellites planet in the regions of the solar system. The intruder passed very close to Neptune with a mass three times the earth's size. Dr. Robert S. Harrington mentions that after 1978 it was a difficult search of tracking this planet. The searched area was narrowed down to Suntarus which is south of the constellation Libra. Watch the video discussion below Published on Sep 6, 2015 Inspired by the late Dr. Robert S Harrington, Zecharia Sitchin & Lloyd Pye RIP+ "Top 10 Planet X 7x Nibiru Rese...

Food Justice Trend

#foodjusticemarch  The Food Justice trend is a popular trend where the public fights back against foods poisoning society. The food labeling trend is the future and it will help us choose what we eat. Food companies will be seen in a different perspective. Related topics The Depopulation Trend     #foodjusticemarch is an educational and awareness organization primarily started by stay at mom mothers. The #foodjusticemarch goal is to have governments start labeling foods with GMO and Roundup labels. Tami Monroe Canal marches against the round up producing company called Monstanto. See Tammy in interview Tami Monroe Canal, the founder of March Against Monsanto talks about the end of monsanto as we know it. The Fall of Monstanto Published on May 14, 2015 Alex Jones talks with Anthony Gucciardi about the victories we are winning against Monsanto.

The Exodus Trend

Join in the conversation join google + follow Megatrndz   The Exodus Trend #refugeecrisis The EU Migrant Crises No Home, No Roof, No Food,  Walking miles and miles to freedom. The new exodus looking for hope and a better life, innocent and hungry. Together they walk every step to a brighter future. Runners not looking back.  Its a new trend happening all over the world. Budapest #Keleti station still a focus for newly arrived refugees. Some turned up just few hours after #marchofhope — Maxim Edwards (@MaximEdwards) September 6, 2015 History repeating itself one more time. The refugees coming from the Middle East. They must of heard that life was better on the other side. Its an inspirational story. Human Beings repeating exodus. Running away and victims of war. These thousands of people are not hiding in their country. But they are facing reality and heading somewhere, anywhere to wha...

Top Fashion and Beauty Video trends

TOP  FASHION VIDEO TRENDS AROUND THE WORLD IDEAL BODY TYPE TRENDS 7 months ago   29,630,137 views Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History by  BuzzFeedVideo   A diverse cast of models shows how the  standard  of  beauty  for women has changed dramatically over time. Find out more about ... HD 0:57 100 Years of Hair | Gillette BODY Razor Commercial by  Gillette   1 year ago 13,633,844 views Whether you are just learning how to shave, getting the right beard styles or doing some manscaping, for over  one hundred years  ... HD CC 5 months ago     11,556,881 views Men's Standards Of Beauty Around The World by  BuzzFeedVideo   An international cast of gorgeous male models shows just how drastically the physical attributes of the "ideal  man " vary  across  12  ... 4K ...