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EMP Attack Trend

Everyone is waiting for an EMP Attack its one of the latest talking trend all over North America.
Its just a matter of when. EMP stands for Electronic  Magnetic Pulse. It is believed that there will be an attack to national security in the near future.

"They say that if the internet goes down all of world will come to a stand still but preppers will be the last one standing... because of a powergrid" George Noorey on Coast to Coast AM states on August 25, 2015 radio talk show.

 Jim Bakker talks to Dr. William Forstchen about EMP Attack on U.S  and what does it mean in response to the article written on August 13, 2015 North Korea: Iran's Pathway to a Nuclear weapon. The discussion begins at 4 min on the Ready Now Expo- Fall 2015 Day 11- Dr William Forstchen , John Shorey aired August 18, 2015. Russia has been in the business in selling bombs as described in the article Russia opens way to missiles deliveries to Iran, Starts Oil for Goods Swap.  As well as in the article called IRANIAN EMP ATTACK ON U.S. 'SHARIAH-COMPLIANT' Experts call on Congress to reject nuclear agreement:

The agreement would not prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear device that it could detonate at high altitude over the U.S. to create an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that would destroy the nation’s critical infrastructure, write James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the EMP task Force on National and Homeland Security, in the Washington Times.

What does it mean to be "Sharia- Compliant"? According to Jim Bakker it means that it is in compliant into what "they" belief which is that the U.S should not exist.  Sharia compliant beliefs are that of barbarian  Isis threatens mass slaughter before end of Ramadan written in June 29, 2015. "It is not just about killing us males. It is about putting every woman into sexual slavery..and I hold it in contempt, that is Sharia Law" reponds Dr William Forstchen

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Published on Jun 16, 2015 An EMP, which is a high energy burst of electromagnetic energy, could be released by a nuclear weapon detonated high in the atmosphere, and might completely knock out or fry any unprotected electrical system, as well as crucial automatic control systems, Maloof explained. In the event of a long term grid shutdown, there would be a cascade of catastrophic events that would sweep across the country, wiping out urban centers, with nine out of 10 people dying within the first year, he reported. Maloof noted that 2013's Shield Act would implement protection of the electrical infrastructure, but it's stalled in a House committee chaired by Michigan Representative Fred Upton

Forstchen observed that a powerful solar flare, such as 1859's Carrington Event, in which telegraph lines actually caught on fire, is going to hit us sooner or later. A major solar event, in contrast to an EMP attack, would impact the entire planet, and the subsequent power losses would lead to curtailed food and water supplies, the outbreak of disease, and the breakdown of society, he outlined.

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