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The Trojan Horse Plot Trend

The Trojan Horse is it a Plot  for ISIS Militants

What is going on? Are we really seeing what is truly there? Is it a refugee journey, a pilmagrage or a Trojan Horse Plot? This speculation did not just appear out of nowhere. It is being reported that children are being left orphaned as ISIS moved into Syrian small town  as people were left to flee from their homes with nothing (Jim Bakker show). Another well known American Preacher revealed a dream of thousands of people fleeing the US Mexican Border disguised as demons. Could this report be all to revealing in the near future. There is no way for sure if the families seen through the media are true families or are they actually disguised individuals with the same agenda?  Just last year, October 6, 214 there were several news agencies like the UK News, RT News and the International Business News reported the Trojan Horse Plot. If this is all true we may be looking at history's largest human smuggling operation.

 In the article, Trojan Horse: ISIS militants come to Europe Disguised as refugees, US Intel Sources claim:

IS plotting Trojan Horse campaign by smuggling militants into ... 6 Oct 2014 ... ISIS militants plan to enter Turkey disguised as refugees fleeing the ... A US intelligence source, speaking to German newspaper Bild, said that ISIS was ... The discovery by US intelligence comes as the Syrian border city of ... Isis Terrorists Disguised as Refugees in Trojan Horse Plot Against Europe

On the same day October 6, 2014 RT News reported Trojan horse: ISIS militants come to Europe disguised as refugees, US intel sources claim; " Islamic State militants are planning to insert operatives into Western Europe disguised as refugees, claim US intelligence sources, who unencrypted locked communications of the caliphate’s leadership.".

The International Business News also reported  Isis Terrorist Disguised as refugees all cited from unnamed US Intelligence. SOTT exclusive reported Sunday February 1, 2015 a very similar article name Exclusive ISIS refugee Trojan Horse Plot Foiled! Jihadist at the gate of Europe disguised as Muslims refugees.

In September 7, 2015 another  article was written called Major Red Alert — Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Not As It Appears: A Major Trojan Horse Operation For All Western Nations! Guess Who Is Behind This Massive Exodus! 

Anita Fuentes a radio host from California discussed on September 8, 2015, the same growing trend The Trojan Horse Trend and made a very accurate point "Something doesn't seem right? (1:22min). "

On the other side of spectrum, it is not being reported how the drowning, assaults because their truly is no voice for the Muslims. Drowning in waters, and suffocating in trucks this is the negative side of refugee crisis for the true innocent refugees. Refugees get attacked and assaulted. It is just what happens in desperation of the refugee crisis. There are over 60 millions refugees around the world. There are many other over 3 millions Iraqi fleeing from ISIS , in Afghanistan there are over 2 million.

On September 11, 2015 CNN, recently reported a story about a women kept as a slave for this horrific terror leaders read full report.

Global refugee crisis is the worst since WWII – report by RT America

September 2, 2015

Asylum seekers in Europe face physical assault, legal barricades by RT News

September 2, 2015

Refugee crisis in Europe: bodies found washed up in Bodrum by Channel 4 news

Stirring Images of Syrian Boy’s Body Now Symbol of Europe’s Crisis | NBC Nightly News

In connection with this internet reading read the about The Exodus Trend 

April 24, 2015

In April 24, 2015 Angelina Jolie makes plea for Syrian refugees