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Showing posts from September, 2016

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The Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles  The Last Great Day How does the number 7 and number 1.1.1 tie into the New Moon and The Feast of Tabernacles? The Bible mentions seasons, that there is a time and season for everything. God appointed certain d ates in the Calendar Year where we should honour God those dates are known as The Feasts. Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (Exodus 23:14, 16) 14 Celebrate three festivals a year to honor me . . . Celebrate the Festival of Shelters in the autumn, when you gather the fruit from your vineyards and orchards. (Deuteronomy 16:13-14) 'You shall observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days, when you have gathered from your threshing floor and from your winepress. And you shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your daughter, your male servant and your female servant and the Levite, the stranger and the fatherless and the widow' The Three Appo...

The Number Repetition Trend

October 1, 1:00 AM Universal Time 2016 The New Moon Will It Bring Good Luck N The number 1 .."All symbols of New Beginnings Rejoicing in a birth where you are not going back to past ways at all" says Tania Gabrielle.                            1 and 0           Straight Line and a Circle = Sacred Geometry                                                = God Code. New Moon in Libra October 1 Astrology Numerology Forecast: Love, Luck, Abundance The Number Repetition Trend  The number repetition trend- 323  Sept 6, 2016 The Number Repetition Trend   The number repetition trend- June 6, 2016 June 6, 2016

UFO Crash

A  UFO Crash in Irish Soil On September 27, 2016 there were several reports of a streak of light seen coming onto a field in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Pictures of a swat team patroling over 200 feet of the area. It was reported that there was no wifi acess in the area. Is it really a UFO? A youtuber named Tyler from secureteam10, reported on the event. Ireland has already reported another sighting in February 10, 2016 in Craloe Woods, Co. Other Related Links

Asteroid Trends 2016

Continued from  Asteroid Trend 2016 Present Time 6:00pm September 23, 2016 CST Billion of Asteroids fragments heading towards our Planet Earth September 23- 25, 2016 Asteroid named 2009ES, watch for #asteroid 2009ES  #meteor  About 39 minutes ago Just shortly before midnight London Time on September 24, 2016 there were twitter reports #meteor of meteor in London and Surrey,  England at the same time Netherlands was also viewing the meteor. But  First the meteor was reported by a viewer East of London, then Quinton, Birmingham minutes later tweeted  in Holland. Wowzer. Just saw what looked like a meteor in the sky south of London, really bright! #comet #meteor #shootingstar — Matt Loader (@iammrloader) September 23, 2016 On September 22, 2016 the  AMS already 125 reports of fireballs streaking the sky in New Hampshire and Montreal . Huge #meteor lightning up the night sky in #London direction SW #impressed

Asteroid Trend

Asteroids are becoming too common every year and the warning on how close will come to hit the earth and exactly when, is as mysterious as they appear.  While some governments  warn their citizens of fatal asteroids other citizens are left in the dark. Not knowing  the time and place of impact is frustrating. Below are some dates that some governments have noted . By 2021 it is expected that Russia and the United States will send out probes to ride asteroids in order to break them apart just before earth impact or send the asteroid off course. Watch video  entitled ASTEROID ALERT SEPTEMBER 23rd to 25th 2016 below where reporter claims the Kuwaiti government just sent out several nucleur warhead to change the direction of the asteroid in August. The fragments of this impact is said to fall on the Earth on September 23-25, 2016 Asteroid 2015 PDC-H5 Sept 28, 2016 Leaked EARTH IMPACT: Houston Asteroid to 25 X larger than Siberia Impact. b...

Blood Moon Trend 2016

The Blood moon trend continues and it becomes the hexad. Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; According to the youtube video by discovery ministries entitled "Breaking News: Next Blood Moon Sep 16th, 2016! Proof Tetrad is now Hexad!by Discover Ministries" watch the video and see how a Tetrad coincided with ISIS, Syrian Crisis, Iran Nuclear Deal and now ... Today September 16, 2016 is a full moon and a lunar eclipse at 8:05 pm. London England Universal Time. Tania Gabrielle is an astrologer that best described today as a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces listen to her video video. Read more about blood moon

Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016

Like this report click on Like at Topics discused in this report: jesus christ, mental illness, demon possession, jesus cast out demons, transhumanism, silicon, dna, nano technology, xenogenesis , alex jones, steve quayle, eugenics movement, chimeras, movie avatar, fallen angel annunaki Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016 Previously Discussed Topic from September 5, 2016 entitled "Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016" Option 2: The Aliens do not exist. Jesus warned us about mankind messing with the DNA Code God created. The non believers of Jesus Christ like to change the mankind DNA Code. A millionaire Gary Heavin says  at infowars show seen below "  There is no Aliens... there is  demons " at (41:19) . POWERFUL: STEVE QUAYLE VISITS INFOWARS by The Alex Jones Channel In the discussion between Steve Quayle and Alex Jones is very powerful about the society b...

The number repetition trend- 323

Read more stories and follow the writer. Over and over again, we are seeing massive animal deaths. Once again the bible mentions. On September 3, 2016 Antlers left behind and strategically placed on top of the Reindeers. The Missing heads is sign. Over a 250 circumference area,  323 multiple reindeer appear dead in Norway. Listen to Mr. Cati from Youtube explain the coding number theory, very interesting, he calls the event" the Norway Dead Reindeer ritual and the face of the beast observation"on 09.03.16. Because Norway's Reindeers massive dead event is  so close to where the Cern Collider exists , he connects both events. This is the Mr. Cati report, he states: This brief report will show and discuss the X location, noted for the recent Norway 323 dead reindeer report. As such, this report will show what many will call an obscure observation. While this observation will be dismissed by others, as just a natural formation of rocks, that form a face and head, f...

Hybrid Among Us Trend 2016

And So it was written in the Bible: Psalm 139:13-16 13  For you didst form my inward parts; thou didst weave me  in my mother's womb.  14  I will give thanks to thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul knows it very well. 15   My frame was not hidden from Thee,  when I was made in secret,  and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. 16 Thine eyes have seen many unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. If you have not heard of Linda Moulton Howe, Steve Quayle , Tom Horn yet then you are about to get informed.  They are among some names of leading researchers and producers into the Hybrid Among Us subject and trend. Although overwhelming to some it is ancient to some. Linda Moulton Howe a New Human Alien Species Can you believe of hybrids being created in a petri dish...