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Birds Extinction Trends

Trumpeter Swans in Canada are Birds of Extinction
Oct 31, 2016

The Ancient gracious to look at one of the largest water animal is the Swan.
In fables it is best known to sing a melodious song before its death. The bird derives its name from its signature call, a loud, trumpeting honk. Its wingspan can reach up to eight feet, and adult males can weigh up to 30 pounds. A rare glimpse of these birds in a swamp not ever seen in the past eight years having traveled to this deserted  interlake rural not yet populated by humans area.
Seeing these two lovely magical creatures became a significant highlight of the day.
On October 30, 2016 at approximately 2 pm, forty five minutes north of Winnipeg, a large pair of Trumpeter Swans were seen at the four point marsh land swamp in an area known as home of the inland ocean in the Interlake Region of Canada. The large pair of White  Swans were sighted in the swampy marshes of Rockwood, MB. A rare and yet peaceful bird to look at is definitely a blessing. While passing through four points swamp in Manitoba Canada wetlands these large creatures were seen in solitude and definitely private. Hiding amist a four foot old beaver nest in which the Trumpeter Swans love.  A few minutes later, while arriving at the Davis Gonzalez Farm a mile of the four point swamp  a bald Eagle soared above the sky gracefully.

Canada has several types of swans. Tundra and Trumpeter Swans are two types of Swans that are found in the wild few in number. These unusual sighting of Swans may be Trumpeter Swans.
The trumpeter Swans prefer beaver nests while tundra Swans prefer tundra polygon.

Just to be sure that the Swan seen today had been a Trumpeter  a little more research on the
Norths America's largest waterfowl became a confirmation. Both Swans were seen next to an old beaver dam. According to the Paper of the Twentieth Swan Society Conference fromt the Trumpeter Swan Society, it is written on ( pa.3. 131):

Beaver activity, including lodges and dams, appear in 9 percent of the trumpeter photos, but are not a part of tundra habitat. It is obvious that beaver dams beyond the photos were far more important than indicated.

The four point marsh is a quiet desolated area in between two large water regions Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg and Morris Lake . Although the pair of Trumpeter Swan sightings may be a romantic setting for a wishful romatic poem looking at the birds in extinction perspective became heart felt. The Trumpeter Swans often travel in pairs or family groups and yet the these pair of Trumpeter Swans were in solitude. Perhaps Climate changes  are leading  the Trumpeter Swans  to survive on their own in places not yet seen before.  In conclusion, the Trumpeter Swans are making choices not ever done before and facing challenges that will lead new offsprings to grow closer inland than ever.

Swans and Bible Connection

According to the Holy Bible (Leviticus 11:18;  Deuteronomy 14:16), the Swan :

Leviticus 11:18

and the owl, the pelican, and the carrion-vulture

Deuteronomy 14:16

the little owl, the great owl, the white owl

Swan (Heb. tinshemeth), thus rendered by the Authorized Version in (Leviticus 11:18; 14:16) where it occurs in the list of unclean birds Rut either of the renderings "porphyrio" (purple water-hen) and "ibis" is more probable. Neither of these birds occurs elsewhere in the catalogue; both would be familiar to residents in Egypt, and the original seems to point to some water-fowl. The purple water-hen is allied to our corn-crake and water-hen, and is the largest and most beautiful of the family Rallidae . It frequents marshes and the sedge by the banks of rivers in all the countries bordering on the Mediterranean and is abundant in lower more

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