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Showing posts from August 28, 2016

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August 28-2016-Yellowstone volcano-trend-zone

August-28-2016 Yellowstone Volcano Update #Yellowstone  #earthquake Slowly getting close? Will there be time to bug out? Or is it simply just a frequent small shake. There has been several reports on August 27, 2016 .  4.8 strikes Wyoming which is South of Yellowstone Volcano. Find out more at Youtuber Daboo77 quotes " This quake very well may be related to fracking. It could also set off other quake in the area. It's not a good sign to see quakes of this magnitude hitting this close to a super volcano. It could trigger other faults or even allow magma to start moving underground. Is it a Foreshock? Only time will tell at this point. I will continue to update as more happens." On the same day Tom Lupshu reported the following "Today a 4.8 struck in Hoback Wyoming and many emails and cryptic tweets are circulating about all The Governments warning their citizens to prepare. Supposedly, Russia has moved a...