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Showing posts from March, 2017

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Everlasting Wealth

"GIVE ME A DRINK"  Just who said, " Give me a drink" and to whom was this personality speaking to. On the third Sunday of Lent, the Bible verse John 4.5-42 was given  for March 19, 2017 from the Sunday Missal, Living with Christ 2016-2017. The verse describes the encounter of the  Samaritan  Woman meeting Jesus Christ at Jacob well where the element water becomes the topic of conversation. Which is why it should be compared to the another essential element to human existence, food. As described in the  Book of Matthew, verse 4:4  It lets us know the essence of the season of Lent. In the 40 days Jesus Christ was in the wilderness he becomes hungry. While Jesus Christ' human flesh must of been thirsty for water and food,  after 40 days he encounters God. Just like in Matthew 4:4 where Jesus Christ encounters God and  in  John 4.5-42 the Samaritan woman encounters Jesus Christ both needing God in their heart and both not ...

Believing and You Shall Receive

"Believing and You Shall Receive" ( Matthew 21:22) Jesus Christ teaching the disciples the power of prayer on his way to the City of Bethany. Jesus Christ has been teaching us through his words and miracles that he did for his disciples how powerful prayer is when we wish anything in true faith. A reflection in the saying "your wish is my command". During Lent season one must believe in order to achieve. Wednesday March 15, 2017 Matthew 20:28 The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve to give his life. THE FIG TREE CURSE OR MIRACLE Matthew 21:17 And he left them, and went out to the city of Bethany, and lodged there. Now in the morning and when he returned to the City, He became Hungry,  and seeing a lone fig tree by the road,  he came to it, and found nothing on it except leaves only, and He said to it, b "No longer shall there be any fruit from you" and at once the fig tree whitered. And seeing this,  the Disciples marve...

DIY Prom Night

PROM A DISASTER OR A CONFIDENCE BOOSTER Where do I  start, what style to choose from, not for me! If this is going through your mind then read on. Creating your own Style is not only fun but it will build the confidence that you need when going to your prom? Buying your own prom dress at a retail store can turn out to be a time waster. The style is not what you had in mind. The outfit is too tight. You like that style but the size is not right for you. There are ways to fix the issue. Take the root of DIY. Consider simple Quizzes will help you in finding a style by  Prom Dress Quiz by Seventeen Choosing this root will not only create and build confidence it will open doors and talents that you never thought you had before. Joining a fashion club where others are doing the same thing will make it easier and help you finish the project at task. Finding an experience fashion designer near you will help you and guide you with achieving that goal in mind. ...