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Believing and You Shall Receive

"Believing and You Shall Receive" ( Matthew 21:22)

Jesus Christ teaching the disciples the power of prayer on his way to the City of Bethany. Jesus Christ has been teaching us through his words and miracles that he did for his disciples how powerful prayer is when we wish anything in true faith. A reflection in the saying "your wish is my command".

During Lent season one must believe in order to achieve.

Wednesday March 15, 2017

Matthew 20:28

The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve to give his life.


Matthew 21:17

And he left them, and went out to the city of Bethany, and lodged there.
Now in the morning and when he returned to the City, He became Hungry, 
and seeing a lone fig tree by the road,  he came to it, and found nothing on it
except leaves only, and He said to it, b"No longer shall there be any fruit from you"
and at once the fig tree whitered.

And seeing this,  the Disciples marveled, saying , how did the fig tree wither at once?

And Jesus answered and said to them , Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt,
you shall not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, " Be taken up and cast into the sea", it shall happen. "And everything you ask in prayer, believing, and you shall receive.

San Mateo 21:17

La Maldicion de la Higuera

Volviendo a la ciudad muy de manana, sintio hambre y viendo una  higuera cerca del camino, se fue a ella, pero no hallo en ella mas que hojas, y dijo:

Que Jamas nazca fruto de ti, y la higuera se seco al instante. Viendo  esto los  discipulos, se maravillaron y dijieron. Como de repentese ha secado la higuera! Respondioles Jesus y les dijo En verdad os digo que, si tuvieras fe y no dudareis, no solo hareis de la higuera, si no que  si dijerias a este monte, Quitate y echate en el mar se haria, y todo cuanto con fe pidiereis en la oracion lo recibiriais.