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Emergency Meeting Mr President

North Korea Placed on HIGH ALERT April 28, 2017

"Turn for the worst, and spin out of Control, we must put on HIGH ALERT" were among some words mentioned by Mr. Yee  at the Emergency North Korea Briefing,  taking live in Washington DC, United States. There has been a LIVE: Emergency North Korea Briefing, Secretary Rex Tillerson Chairs UN Security Council 4/28/17 Trump.

A United Nations emergency meeting  is taking place at this point with concerns on how North Korea is a nation that should not be trusted says Mr.Wang Yi. On April 28, 2017 in front of the Security Council Mr. Wang Yi China's Minister of Foreign Affairs  had high concerns about North Korea's Nuclear Program.

China's has put several proposals. In one of the proposals it wants to  put a sanction on  North Korea's total imports. Mr. Wang Yi also urges the United Nations that North Korea must be put in Dialog and into Negotiations. It is Mr. Wang Yi first visit at the United Nations as secretary of state.

LIVE: Emergency North Korea Briefing, TAKE ACTION? Rex Tillerson Chairs UN Security Council 4/28/17 PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP NEWS & LIVE SPEECH 2017