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Yellowstone Super volcano Alarm Threat

The Yellowstone Super Volcano soon to erupt before the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. It is not surprising if this super volcano erupts . Massive fires have been occurring and threatening the West Coast . In the past two weeks why is the Government of Canada sending troops to the region, not seen since decades ago. Several Years ago the Mexican Firefighters came to all the way from Mexico to help Canada's  critical danger, but not its own military.  The ground is heating up and the warnings are there. Has there been any true news where and why the fires started during rainy season????

One billion people in danger from Molten Carbon erupting at the Yellowstone Park.

July 30, 2017 at 8 PM BST (3 PM ET): Old Faithful, Yellowstone Park Scheduled Eruption

ALARM: Yellowstone To Blow. Huge Molten Carbon Well to Blow... without Warning!