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Animal Human Beach Rescue Trend

Whale Rescued by  Brazilian Caring People

If there is one thing Brazilian People are leading example of is in helping and rescuing animals on their Beach Coast. And they are not afraid to give a hand. Back in 2012 the brazilian people didn't watch the dolphins die they saved 30. Now over 300 volunteers rushed the waters to save one sad helpless Humpbackwhale.

It is a phenomena of whales, dolphins, all kinds of water creatures washing ashore around the world. But overcoming a deadly  scenario in Brazil on August 25, 2017 was not easy, and yet it was a so powerful it drew attention to the whole Brazilian Beach.

It was a beautiful gesture while  hundreds of spectators watchers others helped the helpless  Humpback Whale as it washed ashore in Brazil. Watch below amazing rt news en espanol video of  How loving people gathered for one desperate whale to be rescued back to the sea. It didn't take one or two to help , it took a whole army of light hearted animal lovers to save the whale that came ashore on August 25, 2017.

It is an amazing gesture of human kind. And the bond  of the brazilian people created as they help the whale back to sea.

What was the age of the whale. Why did it come to shore. What will happen to the whale next is unknown . However, helping is a one step at a time process that will help to change the world. It is a scene that many should learn from this wonderful people in the shores of Brazil.

The RT news en espanol video is translated to The Whale that Quieten the Beach in Brazil

Devuelven al mar una ballena que encalló en una playa de Brasil

English Translation Returning the Whale that Quieten the Brazilian Beach
Humans Around the World  Reaction to Animals is spreading with #love and understanding.

This is what the description of the RT en espanol Youtube video :

Una ballena jorobada que encalló en una playa de Buzios (Brasil) el pasado miércoles ha sido finalmente devuelta al océano. Su aparición en la playa provocó que cientos de curiosos se acercaran a mirarla. Decenas de personas y varias excavadoras desplazaron la arena que rodeaba al animal para intentar salvarlo. Los biólogos afirman que se trata de una ballena joven. Medía alrededor de 14 metros de largo y se estima que su peso oscilaba entre las 10 y las 15 toneladas.

or  English Translation:

A humpback whale that ran around on a beach in Buzios (Brazil) last Wednesday has finally been returned to the ocean. His appearance on the beach caused hundreds of curious people to come and look at her. Dozens of people and several excavators moved the sand around the animal to try to save it. Biologists claim that it is a young whale. It measured about 14 meters in length and it is estimated that its weight oscillated between the 10 and the 15 tons.

Why are they coming to shore. Is it fear. Is it hunger. Are the whales sick.

 Just how long it took to guide the Brazilian Humpback Whale back to the Sea is unknown.
While the Texas in the America's are being evacuated of what may be the worst flooding in history for the region, Brazilians are saving sea creatures. Read full coverage of hurricane trends, The Great American Solar Eclipse May Have Brewed Hurricane Harvey

Other animals such as Dolphins have been rescued watch below video
In 2012, 30 Dolphins stranding and incredibly were saved! Extremely rare event!

The 30 Dolphins were stranded and saved by local people at Arraial do Cabo (Brazil) in the morning at 8:00 AM on March 5th 2012.