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Hurricane Harvey Danger Far From Over

August 26, 2017

A little Dark! Probably not what you want to hear , but according to an ABC report, a Mayor has warned non evacuating resident to mark their social security number on their bodies.

Has anyone reported seeing the Grey Hat Man or Hurricane Guardian Angel watch Netflix America's Supernatural 2013 Series, Season 1 Episode, called Haunted Hurricane 

Watch power CBS New York Reports of Hurricane Harvey Continues to Pound Southeast Texas.
Kyle Island, Texas Residents are being asked to be cautious for Flooding from Oasis River by Tuesday. Downgraded to a Cat 1, San Antonio now has rain however not in the eye of the storm.

Hurricane Harvey Continues to Pound Southeast Texas
125 miles per hour destroying homes and Tornado Warning continues in Effect.Worst in the Eye of the Storm, watch below how a fearful Rockport resident  David Yeomans says they are in a hotel now they are using the third back up generator and listen to the background noise. Just yesterday, "I am not feeling that safe" were David's words his sentiments are clear eventhough he says he is in a Category rated 5 Hotel.

David Yeomans in the Eyewall of HurricanE Harvey in Rockport

May God help those people in fear. Is this the Beginning to the End of the catastrophic hurricane Harvey wreaking havoc on Friday August 25, 2017 as it creeps along the Texas Coast line. It is a terrifying to see so much damage occurring a video the media has not shown yet but a must watch below as the waves his the hotels along the coastline.

BREAKING!!! Hurricane Harvey Hits Terrible YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!!!
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The Eye of the Storm is near

WEATHER > Hurricane trends > Hurricane Harvey

The Great American Solar Eclipse  
May Have Brewed Hurricane Harvey

Thursday August 24, 2017 9:00pm updated 10:10 pm

Breaking Alert

Catastrophic, Significant, Dangerous, Deadly are among some words referred to Hurricane Harvey. Keep Calm and Keep Safe Guys! While the excitement of the Great American Solar Eclipse has just turn its back four days ago, it may have brewing the Hurricane Harvey.


Do you know your evacuation route.  First major city to be hit in a few hours  is Nuevo Laredo a city in Mexico with population of 373,725 (2010). The Nuevo Laredo lies on the banks of Rio Grande. While Monterrey is a city in Mexico with population of  Population: 1.136 million (2010) and elevation of 5:40 meters. 

In the United States, Brownsville, Texas will be among one of the cities first hit by Hurricane Harvey. The Brownsville population of 183, 046 (2014) and elevation of 10 m.

Nuevo Laredo Elevation Flood Map
Mexico and U.S Elevation Flood Map

Louisiana will be almost hit during the same time of Hurricane Katrina 12 year anniversary.

Not enough time to prepare with only a day or so. It is a breaking alert as reported by Texas News Studio today:

#Harvey is expected to be the first major ( Cat 3 or Higher ) Hurricane to hit the U.S in 12 years with 20 to 30 inches in some areas.

Breaking Alert: Hurricane Harvey with 85 MPH Winds and Strengthening

By 1 pm today, the Corpus Christi storm became a Hurricane.  Hurricane Harvey is passing through the Gulf of Mexico. Beaches along the Texas coast are now closed and Oil rigs are now closed. Schools in Houston are closed for Monday.

The weather channel reported that cotton farmers are gathering their crops before the Hurricane reaches their harvest .  It is not favorable to save the crops and not themselves. Shouldn't the farmer crops have insurance?

The weather channel is also warning tornado risk . The new madrid in Missouri has just had a 2.7 earthquake over 10 hours ago.

 Hurricane Harvey expected to make landfall on by August 25, 2017 Friday Evenings. Stock pilling supplies such as food, water, gas and plywood are no longer in supply.

Evacuation taking place, and Texas residents are being asked to make evacuation by Thursday afternoon.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott state of disaster for at least 30 counties #HurricaneHarvey friday evening makes landfall

Hurricane Evacuation Routes Map

Safety Folks

Be cautious, one twitter feed posted an evacuation route. Make sure you know your way in and out of the City areas, and always trust who to follow if you are in those situations. A prayer or two will also help those in need. Keep Safe! Keep in contact with family members and friends via internet while it is available.