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Summer Women Pants Trend

Summer Pants Trend Video part 1 by megatrndz

Summer Pants Trend Video part 2 by megatrndz

Summer Pants Trend Video part 3 by megatrndz

10 Reasons why Wide Legged Pants are the Best Style for 2017

Whether its the military style trend or the wide legged boy or oversize pants trend for women, regardless the trend is flattering and elegant. The style is so comfy and it is also professional.

1. Flattering
2. Comfy
3. Sophisticated
4. Proffessional
5. Gain Respect in the Work place
6. Adds Swank
7. Creates a Clean Sleak Silhoette
8. Can be Made into different Fabrics
9. All Age
10. Any Fabric

In the 1930, the wide legged pants was made into pyjamas. This shows how the evolution of what was considered sensual and sexy for the bedroom. Well while this style might have been kept hidden from public display.  Perhaps maybe considered too kicky at some point. Now wearing a silk wide legged flared pants is as normal as a woman wearing shorts.

8. Can Be Made into different Fabrics

Silk and Satin

While at some point the Silk and Satin Wide Legged Pants was seen as pajamas it is no longer in the 2017's. Any light weigh fabric creates a flawless silhouette. The bottom flare is not as visible at a glance but only add a strut and the design is alive.

The below design creates an elegant loungewear pajama. A vintage 1930's design. For extra drama, this style can be easily recreated by adding lace to the side of the bottom of the pants. A combination of lace and woven fabric. Find this pattern at pattern recall


The chiffon wide legged pant is a hot trend. It yells lady class.


The wide legged high waisted pants can also be designed with Cotton. Cotton Wide Legged pants tend to bring a heavier flare and a crispier design.  The bottom hemline flare design is really visible to the eye.

9. All Ages

The wide legged oversized flared design is perfect for all ages.

10. Any Fabric

Whether its flowers or plaid or just plain colors it works. Its a versatile trend that is manageble with any design or picturesque fabric.

Next style to view is the CHIFFON-PALAZZO PANTS