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8.0 Earthquake strikes the Atlantic Ocean

  Breaking News   

2017-0908 7:44 am
  8.1 magnitude Earthquake strikes in the Atlantic Ocean.   

7 hours ago an 8.1 magnitude earthquake has striken off the Coast of Mexico with a 1 meter high Tsunami. Since that major earthquake over 24 over 5.0 magnitude.Over the past 3 days since the Hurricane Irma has been forming in the hot above normal temperature waters in the Atlantic Coast there has been an over 3 small earthquake warnings before the big 8.0 magnitude hit today.
Friday September 8 2017, 11:43:12 UTC With the last earthquake out of more than 24 earthquake, being 62 minutes ago at 20km SSE of San Francisco del Mar, Mexico 4.8 magnitude.

Meteors were also reported before the earthquake says the dutchsinse watch video below at 3:30 minutes . His theory that it takes over 3 days for the sun particles reaching the earth causing earthquakes read about solar radiation entitled ".The Angry Sun.".

For the latest earthquake around the world go to
Friday September 8 2017, 12:06:19 Utc 54 minutes ago (depth) 84km SW of Paredon, Mexico 5.2 64.6
Friday September 8 2017, 12:03:30 UTC 57 minutes ago 63km S of San Francisco del Mar, Mexico 4.5 34.5
Friday September 8 2017, 11:51:49 UTC 68 minutes ago 94km SSW of Paredon, Mexico 4.7 43.8
Friday September 8 2017, 11:43:12 UTC 77 minutes ago 20km SSE of San Francisco del Mar, Mexico 4.8 67.6
Friday September 8 2017, 11:25:55 UTC 94 minutes ago 49km SSE of San Mateo del Mar, Mexico 5.0 32.8

  8.0 magnitude Earthquake strikes in the Atlantic   

Hace 7 horas un terremoto de magnitud 8.1 ha golpeado en la costa de México. Desde ese terremoto de más de 24 terremotos de magnitud 5.0.Durante los últimos 3 días desde que el huracán Irma se ha estado formando en las aguas calientes por encima de la temperatura normal en la costa atlántica, ha habido más de 3 pequeñas advertencias de terremoto antes de la gran magnitud de 8.0 golpeado hoy.

Viernes Septiembre 8 2017, 11:43:12 UTC Con el último terremoto de más de 24 terremotos, siendo 62 minutos a 20km SSE de San Francisco del Mar, México magnitud 4.8.

Para la última actualización del terremoto, vaya a
9/8/17 3:10am earthquake update dutchsinse - More on Mexico 8.1

Los meteoros también fueron reportados antes del terremoto dice que el dutchsinse ver video abajo a las 3:30 minutos. Su teoría de que tarda más de 3 días para que las partículas de sol que llegan a la tierra causan terremotos leídos sobre la radiación solar titulado "El sol enojado".

9/8/17 3:10am earthquake update dutchsinse - More on Mexico 8.1
Watch full megatrndz video of Where is Irma Today?

What happened September 7, 2017 by megatrndz

Listen to the prior warnings for Latin America on September 2, 2017 were already taking place before the September 8.1 3 am earthquake strike on the coast of Mexico. Two volcanoes erupted the Guatemala's Fuego Volcano and Costa Rica's  (Sept 2) Poas Volcano and (August 24, 2017) Turrialba Volcano in Cartagowill create a higher 5.0 earthquake between both Volcanoes.

Read other previous article "No Powerful Solar Flare or Hurricane Irma will stop the OTV-5 Mission" published 2017-09-07
Read other previous article "Trending videos on 2017-09-07" published 2017-09-07

Read previous article Where is Irma today?" published 2017-09-07

Read next article "Angry Sun Angry Irma" published 2017-09-08
What about the mammal ocean life after Hurricane Irma? Yesterday, was #ThreatenedSpeciesDay