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Hurricane Ophelia heading to Ireland, Wales, UK, October 16, 2017 on Twitter on facebook on Google Plus

MEGATRNDZ  >  Climate ChaosTrends >  Hurricane Trend>  Hurricane Ophelia heading to the Ireland, Whales, UK October 16. 2017

Top News: 32 ft waves Hurricane Ophelia Expected to hit Ireland, Wales, and UK 10:00 am Monday October 16, 2017 


Hurricane Trend:   Hurricane Ophelia heading to Ireland, Wales, UK October 16, 2017!
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Hurricane Trend: Hurricane Ophelia heading to Ireland, Wales
UK  October 16, 2017! 

2017-10-16 1:45 pm

32 ft Waves Hurricane Ophelia Heads to UK Ireland Monday October 16, 2017. Predicted models are as accurate. This information can be obtained by Because this information is happening in UK Time the posted forecast will be given as such. At 9:58 am in the morning the Hurricane Ophelia was located in the Atlantic Ocean with winds as high as 55 km/h a Category 1.
According to ventusky model predicted path October 16, (7 am )1 pm UK Time is seen approaching the town of Bauravilla at wind speeds of 107 km per hour.

At around( 4 am Canada Central) 11 am UK time Hurricane Ophelia will be making landfall to Ireland.

It will be coming and going quickly by ( 10 pm Canada Central) 4 am UK time Tuesday October 17 the eye of the storm will be located:

United Kingdom / Lat.: 56°56'N / Lon.: 4°14'W / 354
Timezone: Europe/London (UTC+1) / Current time: 4 AM 10/17/2017

The video below is taken describing Canadian Central time so add on another 6 hours ahead to get predicted times.

Tommorow On October 16, 2017 9 am Canada Central Time or 3 pm UK watch video below for path Hurricane Ophelia will take the next 20 hours. The eye of the storm will be 52 N 9 40 W
1.2 Km away Leansaghane,
1.4 km Doon
3 km Ballybunion
29 km Tralee

32 ft Waves Hurricane Ophelia Heads to UK Ireland Oct 16 by megatrndz

The Current Location of Hurricane Ophelia as of 4:00 pm Canada Central time is:

Lat.: 44°42'N / Lon.: 13°55'W / -1

Ventusky at 4:17pm Canadian Central Time or see photo below from the American Nation Hurricane Center 

Current Wave Activity

Highest Wave seen in the Atlantic Ocean
As seen in photo above  Sao Mamede de Infesta, Portugal  11 to 15 feet waves are being cause by Hurricane Ophelia

62 km an hour Lat.: 43°2'N / Lon.: 10°53'W / -1    15.1 ft waves

Timezone:  (UTC-1) / Current time: 4:37 PM Canadian Central Time or
10:37 Potugal Time 10/15/2017

Out in the Atlantic Ocean waves are around 24.4 ft

Right now 

Right Now time in Ireland is 11:14 PM Sunday, October 15, 2017 (GMT+1) 100 km winds and heading fast

Current Location is Lat.: 44°39'N / Lon.: 13°47'W / -1 111 km per hour
Looking at the photo below:

24.4 Waves Height location
Lat.: 43°6'N / Lon.: 13°24'W / -1

Timezone:  (UTC-1) / Current time: 12 AM 10/16/2017
 11:31 PM Sunday, October 15, 2017 (GMT+1) Time in Ireland