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Terror Attacks Trend

MEGATRNDZ > News >Politics> Warfare>  Terror Attacks Trend #multiplecitiessattack  Multiple Shooters 

Critical Thinking News
59 people dead  over 500 injured and declaring no martial law!

Terror Attack Trend Multiple Cities , Shooters, False Flags

2017-10-3 1:30 pm UPDATED 2017 10-6
#Falseflag #stagedevent #truth #multiplecitiesattack #

Propaganda. There are contradictory reports. Is it too soon for the truth to be told. Cover Ups. What are they preparing for. There is a lot of talk about November 4, 2017.  There has been multiple cities with terror attacks in the past week. Is it really ISIS or is it part of a bigger agenda? Mysterious towers appearing in New York. Is it related. Are we witnessing a world revolt in front of our very eyes. Is the truth hidden in plain sight. The meaning of false flag has been a trend for several years now specially since the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Attack. Not many were convinced with the real story the media played into. Is the fake news media part of the propaganda preventing from spreading the real truth.

Before It News latest report of False Flag
Critical Question: Why do we celebrate dates of mourners and death? Large memorial events beginning Remembrance Day! Celebrating events where there has been large amount of deaths is really as depressing as it sounds. Are there millions of us celebrating the deaths of our loved ones. Probably Not. The reason being we would be a depressing society keeping our emotions chained to the truth which is happiness. The only death we should be earthly celebrating is the one of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is it. If we celebrated the anniversary of each dead person we know we would be a sad, alone and confused. Keeping society repressed and suppressed. Just read recent article by the Daily Mail UK.

How do you know if it is real or not? The events where they have declared martial law are real.

 Must see! 2 shooters? Deleted VID That was live from 
Breaking False Flag Las Vegas Shooting Near Mandalay Bay

Las Vegas Massacre Press Conference: Law Enforcement Believes

False Flag:Las Vegas Shooter Conspiracy Unfolding! Pt 1

A picture can say a million words.
Critical Thinking Time: Confusing picture of man standing on the left all  calm reading text next to police terror activity. What is going on? It almost like  scene from a movie only that man was not hired to be an extra, so he is not going to play a role he is not getting paid for. And so were many.

As bizzare as it seems why does the FBI in Las Vegas called out for video footage? Perhaps to confiscate the many contradictory ideas.

Popular Hashtags #vegasstrong #LasVagasMassacre #GunControlNOW #guncontrol #terrorattack  #warfare #edmontonattack #lasvegasattack #LasVegas #LasVegasShooting #lasvegasattack #USA #Nevada #LasVegasPolice #EstadosUnidos #LasVegasMassacre #LasVegasAttacks
Someone tweeded that the song "God Bless America" before attack.

Here is twitters response to #lasvegasattack
Confusing Photo Scene Does not Look like a Terror Attack on Hundreds

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