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Bible Prophecy Trend: Anti- Boycott Countries Israel

Bible Prophecy Trend: Anti Boycott Countries Israel

2017-11-17 7:00 pm updated  2017-11-19 10 am

It is the beginning of what does not make any sense to few. It is leaving many speechless and confused however the bigger historical picture need to be taken into consideration. Truly,  We are living  Biblical Times.  Surely it makes sense to boycott a country that is considered a terrorist country like North Korea. President Donald Trump a few months ago called out for countries to stop doing business with Terrorist countries.

And now it is time to defend non terrorist countries like Israel.   The United States and Spain are making it loud and clear where they stand in defending Israel. Canada is a little shy when it comes to exposing their strong point of views leaving it to the courts to vaguely determine is it illegal to boycott Israel. Is it discriminatory and antisemitic. In the following information you will find out where all these countries are standing when it comes to Israel.

In Spain

But for those of you that have not heard of what all this talk is about Boycott Israel. Well it is about time you should take notice of what is going on around the world. Israel may be a  small country and yet the battle against such a small country slowly is beginning to take off.

Let us consider the most recent information on boycotting Israel.  On November 16, 2017 the most recent article Spain: Court suspends anti-Israel boycott motion in Seville:

Another victory was scored against BDS in Spain, with a court ruling that boycott resolutions are discriminatory and illegal.

In  United States

Here is what is happening in the United States, the State of Texas will not do business with any corporation that agrees to boycott Israel.  The information of boycotting another nation is  appearing in flooding contracts.  For the past month, since There are numerous Americans wondering what does Israel have to do with Flooding in the United States. Obviously many American missed the news several months before Hurricane Harvey in May 2, 2017 18:53 , when the Jerusalem Post and Israel News TEXAS GOVERNOR SIGNS ANTI-BDS BILL ON ISRAEL'S INDEPENDENCE DAY in the article written by Benjamin Weinthal:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs anti-BDS bill into law and Gov. expected to sign in May, "The measure Gov. Abbott signed today became law with bilateral support because Texas stands with its business partners and for free trade." But also read the Government of Texas Website where Governor Abott clearly  says:

As Israel's number one trading partner in the United States, Texas is proud to reaffirm its support for the people of Israel and we will continue to build on our historic partnership. Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies, and we will not tolerate such actions against an important ally.

In Canada

Just where does Canada stand in its position with Israel. Back in August 28 2017 , the wrote:

While promoting peace and assisting refugees is important, supporting UNRWA is the opposite of that, B’nai Brith Canada said. A prominent Jewish organization has expressed “concern” over Canada’s recent announcement of up to $25 million in funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which provides assistance for the so-called Palestinian refugees and has an anti-Israel reputation.

UNRWA has come under fire for its ties to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, which has used the agency’s schools to hide rockets and dig terror tunnels, as well as for its textbooks and other curriculum materials that indoctrinate Palestinian youths.

The Canadian government said $20 million of its newly announced funding for UNRWA will support “education, health and livelihood” for Palestinian refugees, while the other $5 million will subsidize UNRWA’s Syria Emergency Appeal for Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon.

Read more on this article entitled Jewish Group Concerned About Canada's Funding of Anti-Israel UN Agency

Also Around October 15, 2017 according to  United With Israel claims that a Hamas Terror Tunnel was discovered under:
Yet another Hamas-built terror tunnel was exposed under an UNRWA schoolyard in Gaza.

Read Another Terror Tunnel Discovered under UN School in Gaza

In doing a little research it was found that in September 2017, the Toronto Sun newspapers took into perspective where if any Canada remains vague when it comes to defending Israel. The article entitled Anti-Israel motion adopted by union? by Sue-Ann Levy explains how several Winnipeg motions were passed to allow antisemitism. The article began with :

It stuck out like a sore thumb among the 20 motions adopted at Unifor’s Canada Council meeting in mid-August – motions dealing with pay equity, worker education and persons with disabilities. read more

A couple of days ago, The Manitoban published an article Anti-Israel Movements Need To Call Out Anti-Semitism From Within Their Ranks

In Germany

Here is what is happening a day ago in Germany where headlines read German Court Allows Kuwait Airways to Refuse Israeli Passengers: 'A Shameful Verdict for Democracy' Frankfurt court rejects an Israeli passenger's discrimination claim, citing Kuwaiti law from that forbids its citizens from doing business with Israelis read more: 

The Sacred Bible

But it is all very real, are we living Biblical Times. Genesis 12:3, Matthew 23:1-39, Isaiah 60:12 The Bible says :

Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Matthew 23:1-39 :
Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to his Disciples,

2 saying “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses,

3  therefore all that they tell you—do and observe.  but do not do according to their deeds. for they say things, and do not do them

4 "And they tie up heavy loads, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.

5 But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men, For they broaden  their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels of their garments.

Isaiah 60:12 :
For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; and the nations will be utterly ruined.

There are Bible Prophecies currently taking place. Back in May 2017, the Saudi Arabia Prince united with the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Iran is seeing countries like Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States as a threat.

In the Sacred Bible, Zechariah 12 releases of what is concidered present events.
Zechariah 12

12 The  burden of the word of the Lord concerning Israel:

Thus declares the Lord, who stretched out the heavens  lays the foundation the earth and forms the spirit of man within him:

2 “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah.

3  And it will come about in that day  I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples.
All who lift it will severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.

4 In that day declared the Lord, I will strike every horse with bewilderment, and his rider with madness. But for the sake of the house of Judah I will keep my eyes open, when I strike every horse of the peoples with blindness.

 5 Then the clans of Judah shall say in their hearts. . "A strong support for us are the inhabitants of Jerusalem through the Lord of Hosts, their God."

Listen to below video to learn more about what is currently unveiling infront of our eyes.
Today, October 17, 2017 HAPPENING NOW! Saudi Arabia and Kushner Lay Out Plans for Peace with Israel and War with Iran 4,000 views by Evangelist Anita Fuentes

TruNews expressed on November 14, 2017 Mithra God Temple, Saudi-Israeli Alliance, Space Rods, Brain Microchips

The internet has left some vloggers around the world confused of where Israel fits in  their local environment and in their freedom of speech. It is obvious that free speech and flooding insurance has nothing to do with Israel.  However, politics and money travel together. And where the money is planted usually so are people's point of views, speech, religion etc. However usually what we choose to buy has never been a great concern to anyone of the free world democratic society. But for ancient cultures it is one of high concern. Historically, For the past millennials nations  wars and politics have been lost and won. Therefore, markets have been bartering and trading harmoniously .

Forget Flood Aid.. Boycott Israel & GO TO PRISON!!! Bill S.720

In 2016, before the United States chose President Donald Trump, Alex Jones Channel asked a Jews Speak Out Against Israel