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Fading Transparancy City Trend

Are Democratic Countries Becoming Less Transparent

Friday 2017-11-10

#lesstransparency #inequality #canadiandemocracy #democracy#injustice #helpless #victims #ParadisePaper #vacantvimyarena

photo credit: Lisa Norwood via photopin cc

The world is moving in a more rapid pace than the citizens living in democratic countries believe. As Agenda 21 is quickly becoming more transparent to human beings around the world, it tunes in as well to the local political arena. Fading transparency, less transparency trend or lack of transparency trend is quickly spreading world wide in the local level. So Is Democracy becoming less transparent in the 21 st century as the push for Agenda 21 Order Trend .

Are Cities Disclosing Enough Information making them transparent Enough. The answer is no. Cities and politicians are disclosing less and less information to the public civilian.  But what is it that they do to become less and less transparent. Simple situations like not returning phone calls or always having the answering machine on and dealing with civilians. That leaves a burden in the civilian or organization and Causing a huge burden. It is when they are more transparent that the government begins to listen.

In some cases where the city chose to remain silence brought about more questions. Remaining silent should never be the option. In the one of the most severe cases like the water crisis  in Flint which "was a casualty of arrogance, disdain and a failure of management. An absence of accountability. We will proceed to deliver justice and hold those accountable who broke the law,” Schuette said in the release."

In New York, Civilians wanted to know more about the odd looking towers placed in many areas throughout New York. Such as in the case of the Mysterious Metal Towers Trend
In Flint, civilians suffered health problems as Michigan failed transparency and have not provided clean water to citizens in Flint.#ProjectFlint #FlintWaterCrisis #LoveConquersAll

In Winnipeg, the battle of silencing plans of certain vacant buildings. This brings the issue to light.

Ever Wonder what the city does with vacant buildings belonging to the City. Well we are about to find out.  What exactly happens when  multiple organizations are interested in the same properties.

Well take for example in the situation where a site has been left vacant for over a year or even two. Such is the case in the Vacant property once use to be the community skating rink called Vimy Arena. It is a beautiful lot facing the Winnipeg's sturgeon creek. The Equal Opportunities West non profit organization was kept in the dark about plans to give up the vacant lot to make it into a 50 room home for the addicts . Non-profit group upset at being neglected in bid for Vimy Arena site. As a matter of fact the facility should be used for a 50 room home for the disabled  homeless and recreation to go along with that. And the government should pay for it.

A few days ago, in the cbc news article, Equal Opportunities West had been inquiring about facility for months and getting stonewalled, "If we were getting told one story and there was something else in the works, it would have been nice for us to have known." said Susan Morgan:

Morgan's councillor for the area, Shaun Dobson, said he was also blindsided by the news. He had been working with her group and was stunned when Bowman called him last weekend to say there had been some movement on the old arena site.

"The secrecy and lack of openness in transparency of our mayor and administration is glaringly apparent, and both saddens me and scares me," Dobson told CBC News earlier this week.

Take your opinion and speak at #vacantvimyarena

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