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History Repeats Itself Trend: Chants of Belen Dream Act Now Omnimous Warning as She Gets Arrested!

Children Making a Difference Trend: Chants of Belen Dream Act Now Omnimous Warning as She Gets Arrested!

2017-11-09 12:18 pm updated 3:10 pm

#DACA #DACAchildren #youthsmakingadifference #HereToStay #DreamActNow #CleanDreamAct



Thursday, Nov. 9,2017 declared Day of Action for a Clean Dream Act by United We Dream

A bitter sweet historical moment is occurring as we type out bitter sweet words. It has gone viral and its the making of history. The Non White People did it in America as they walked out of their schools at times of segregation.

It is not a coincidence that the Young girl is named "Belen" translated to .Bethlehem. It is a definitely sign of hope and miracles because so the song goes :
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels touch What new do you bring?
Chants of Belén Sisa (@belensisaw) Dream Act Now Omnimous Warning as She Gets Arrested!

BREAKING Children Arrested For Walking Out of Class DACA November 9. 2017

 But it is also an ominous warning when you mess with God's Children. There is an ominous interpretation in this situation that is unraveling in our very eyes. Arresting children for their innocence is a cowardly act. It is like God telling those law officials you are arresting the innocent kids. If you touch my children there will be consequences. What are children getting arrested for, loving their country showing acts of patriotism.

Although we do not know when or how long Belén Sisa was arrested or is being detained she had a message for her people.

3:00 pm 2017-11-09

2:00 pm 2017-11-09
It is a different message but from the looks of it, she has pre programmed her message.

1:10 pm 2017-11-09

At around 1:10pm central time, She shows a video to the organization United We Dream‏ @UNITEDWEDREAM "Today Belén Sisa (@belensisaw) was arrested while demanding a Clean #DreamActNow for immigrant youth." It is still not clear if the video was done before she was arrested and if it really is her tweeting or someone else doing it for her. Below is Belen getting arrested as she chants Dream Act Now. We would need to hear form Belen, the Truth.  Did she voluntarily make the video. Or is there more to the story.

Many of us are blessed, we live a comfortable life, homes and drive comfortable cars. In this global society, children follow their parents dreams, perhaps parents looking for a safe haven for their children. The United States has thousand of children who live in the United States because they followed their parents. Thousands of Jews walked out of Egypt with Moses. Thousands of migrants walked out of Syria and countries surrounding running away from hate and evil. People running away from fear.

12:00 pm 2017-11-09

12:23 pm 2017-11-09
5 minutes ago More Today Belén Sisa (@belensisaw) was arrested while demanding a Clean #DreamActNow for immigrant youth.

So just 14 minutes ago , children are getting arrested from the Government as they are walking out of their classes. Just like the Whites were not allowed to sit with the Black people. It is the strength of passionate children making a difference in our society. God Bless those kids that will get their dreams heard today. Detaining them is shameful.

11:40 pm 2017-11-09

Senator Bob Menendez‏ twitted @SenatorMenendez 39m39 minutes ago "Every Dreamer speaking up in Congress today has an American story to tell. @SenateGOP should get to know these brave Americans. We must fix DACA with a clean #DreamActNow"".

12:23 pm 2017-11-09

AFSC South Region‏ @AFSCSouthRegion 1h1 hour ago More We've formed a circle on the Capitol lawn. Locking arms, we stand united! Clean DREAM Act now! @afsc_org @UNITEDWEDREAM – at United States Capitol Building

Just 47 minutes ago, Elias Rosenfeld‏ @AdvocatElias tweets"More Thousands of American Dreamers forming a unity circle in front of the Capitol to urge a #CleanDreamActNOW. Here to stay and further contribute! @MomsRising @UNITEDWEDREAM @FWD_us @Re4mImmigration @SpeakerRyan @SenateMajLdr"

A day ago, Olivia Sanchez wrote for the Beacon, Thursday, Nov. 9 has been declared Day of Action for a Clean Dream Act by United We Dream, an immigrant youth-led nonprofit organization, and in Washington D.C., “Dream Defenders” will walk out of their schools and offices to descend on the Capitol and demand that Congress implement a clean Dream Act.

8:00 am 2017-11-09

Early This Morning Lawmakers hold news conference on DACA

As the Lawmakers hold a news conference to announce negotiations for a legislative solution to assist young undocumented immigrants. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

Ominous Warning

Campanas de Belen Song
Campana sobre campana, y sobre campana una, asomate a la ventana, veras al niño en la cuna. Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan ¿qué nuevas nos traéis? Recogido tu rebaño ¿adónde vas, pastorcillo? Voy a llevar al Portal requesón, manteca y vino. Belén, campanas de Belén.. Campana sobre campana, y sobre campana dos, asómate a la ventana, porque está naciendo Dios. Belén, campanas de Belén... Campana sobre campana, y sobre campana tres, en una cruz a esta hora el Niño va a padecer. Belén, campanas de Belén... Caminando, a media noche, dónde camina el pastor le llevo al niño que nace como a Dios mi corazón. Belén, campanas de Belén...

Bell over Bell, and about a bell, Get close to the window, You will see the child in the cradle. Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels touch What new do you bring? Picked up your flock Where are you going, little cowherd boy? I'm going to take Portal cottage cheese, butter and wine. Bethlehem, Bethlehem bells .. Bell over Bell, and about bell two, Get close to the window, because God is being born. Bethlehem, Bethlehem bells ... Bell over Bell, and about bell three, on a cross at this time The child will suffer
Bethlehem, Bethlehem bells ... Walking, at midnight, where the shepherd walks I take the child that is born as to God my heart. Bethlehem, Bethlehem bells ...