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MK Ultra Targeted Wendy Williams

Mk Ultra Celebrity Trend > Strange Behavior Trend

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MK Ultra Targeted Wendy Williams

November , 01, 2017

It seems like its a spiritual attack happening on the very day of Hallow Eve. Another reason why this holiday is a witchcraft holiday, of opening up an evil portal. Our Lord Jesus Christ went around taking out demonic spirits out of the demonic spirit called Legion. Pastor Paul Begley spoke about it on his Youtube Channel this month see below video. Our Lord Jesus Christ also told us that we have the power to  be stronger than this lower level beings. But this trend of Celebrities targeted live soon became a trend. As Kate Perry and Wendy Williams and other anchors fainted live in the middle of their performance yesterday.

 On Halloween dressed up as a statue of liberty Wendy Williams faints on tv. Did her costume have some sort of venom. Her crown looks very similar to the Jesus Crown. Just who chose her costume. Is she being targeted by "THEY". Is she being manipulated by some mind control. The Truth is "they" do not want her on tv anymore.

Wendy William a 53 year old Celebrity Host of her own show the Wendy Williams show. If you do not know the relation between Wendy Williams and Corey Feldman the associations are many. Her exposure of Corey Feldman's read article As The Hollywood Empire Spirals Downwards, at

Wendy Williams Faints Live on Halloween by megatrndz

NYC MADNESS: Wendy Williams/Statue of Liberty COLLAPSE + ISIS TRUCK TERROR!


Tweets on MK Ultra Targeted Wendy Williams

November 3, 2017 Tweets

Return of Legion- The Coming Apocalypse