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Biological Weather Warfare Trend

10 Day Trend   Q files Trend        Blackout Trend   Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend  Chem trail Trend   Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend    Weather Manipulation Trend       Account Suspension Trend   

 Biological Weather Warfare: Mysterious Rain 

The Human Race is constantly fighting for extinction and Spiritual Warfare.

Everyone has heard Climate Engineering, or weather modification some theorize that is what made Atlantis Disappear but have you heard of Biological Weather Warfare. Find out more how weather manupulation trend, chemtrail trend, targeted individual trend, all relates to one another as we become the target and guinea pigs of the false prophets trend. The people that are prophesying our future to be an improvement for a better evolution of mankind. As "they" play a game on "us".

The Human Race has been facing experiments since the evolution of time. There is so much coming to the surface as the trends all fall into place like a bigger picture of the jigsaw puzzle. And as an example of how this can be so, lets look back into more than a decade ago where biological weather warfare was more truth than fiction.

The biological weather warfare has been already witnessed and documented in the United States of America, in 1994 a small town of     receives strange blobs of rain. Later it caused animal deaths, deformed deaths and people with a virus. It was later discovered that it was a government experiment done on the town. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States in a tiny town called Oakville, Washington . The 600 people town claimed they were sick and animals died soon after the mysterious jelly like blob like rained over them.

Watch a full report on nextflix of how the Oakville Washington Biological Weather Warfare event occurred Mysteries & Monsters Season 2 episode 5 half way down the episode.

The BlackOut Trend


Just a few days ago, a Mysterious S.O.S  signal surfaced the internet on December 25, 2017 "S.O.S Trend: Toronto Airport coincidence or emergency" as it what was being described as  two air planes from the Toronto Airport were writing  on the runaway. But the online news quiet it down as the story disappeared from the spotlight. Then the focus became the Delta U.S flights. Soon after, it evolved to the Q tweets hit a diversion to other codes meaning not the Delta flights but something else. Meanwhile other informers brought to the surfaces that very day about Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks disappearing Twitter account. But his account soon came back on just like that of Account Suspension Trend  also read "Account Suspension Trend: Social Media"  written by megatrndz on December 20, 2017 as all being part of the Censorship Program worldwide. Read More

   Q files Trend        Blackout Trend   Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend  Chem trail Trend   Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend    Weather Manipulation Trend       Account Suspension Trend