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Mocking Trend: PM Justin Trudeau mocks Jesus Christ
by Veronica Davis 2017-12-31 1:20 pm

Is Canada shying away from being a multi cultural country. To my amazement the Canadian Media called Rebel Media, Ezra Levant tweeted about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing a "supposedly" funny shirt on Christmas day. Ezra tweets"Cool Jesus-joke sweater, @JustinTrudeau. Now try that with Mohammed. ".
Christmas without Jesus Christ
Now for those of you that are not Christians and Catholics Christmas is simply seen as a gigantic opportunity to go off on credit cards, or buying spree. Simply the consumer plays the game of the marketing giants. It is a the day that will justify if the retailers are making their money back that they injected into marketing back into sales.
But for those that are Christians and Catholics we know that it is a day just about Jesus Christ. It is not about the scenario created on the Funny So called Mockery of Jesus Christ Last Supper image.
A scenario where by placing a fake Evergreen Conifer called a Christmas tree in the background
will create a perfect Christmas, a perfect Holiday.
It is almost as if he is teaching the other cultures that exist..no Christmas in Canada is about the Christmas Tree see behind. Taking Selfies. And Let us just forget Jesus is part the picture.
But not so, Mr Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Do nt you think you are mocking Jesus Christ. Or is the World of Christians not going to be offended by your sense of Humor.
Besides a Christmas tree is simply pagan . Right.
Twenty years ago, in many Christian Faith countries around the world, a Christmas tree was not known. It did not exist. An evergreen conifer Christmas tree representing Christians, and Jesus Christ, not so.
Countries where the Christian Faith is number one, the homes are filled with a baby lying in a manger. Just like the one the day that the Virgin Mary had to give birth to her Child named by the the Angel Gabriel.
"The Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth" (Luke 1:26).
In the Gospel of Matthew 1:21, "and you shall call his name JESUS".
And so Canadian Christmas is exactly how Justin Trudeau puts it, a Christmas without Jesus. Could this be the true meaning to where Canada is heading. A nation without faith.
And so do be tricked into spending money to a season that is being made into falsifying and misrepresenting the true origins of Christianity. Specially in one like Canada where our Prime Minister mocks our faith and thinks its comical.
So let us go back, Christmas its just a funny holiday. Like Mr. Trudeau thinks it maybe a day of funny jokes and comical selfie moments about a faith in which he thinks should be erased. Where Jesus Christ face is completely replaced by graphics and its true meaning. But how far is Mr. Trudeau being a leader of a nation really gone. What is Trudeau enticing. What is Trudeau awakening. As explained in the Gospel of Matthew 24:8 by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives to the Apostles when he would come back again "All these are the beginning of sorrows " sign of your coming, and of the end of age"( Matthew 24:4).
But where does the Term
Let us reflect what on this day truly means to Christians and Catholics. One word and his name is Jesus. A day where Our Lord Jesus Christ was born. It was a day that the Virgin Mary and Joseph ran away from King Herod persecution. Their amazing journey in allowing Jesus Christ to be born and reign forever and live in our spirits.
So when I saw the photo I was really confused but not really. It was obvious. So what is Justin Trudeau truly celebrating. The photo is encrypted in a million of subliminal messages. But not so. One pictures saying a million.
So I really hope Justin Trudeau in ten years, fifty years , a million, whatever no matter whom his idols are or who he looks up to, you can never replace Jesus Face with an emoji because it is impossible to replace Jesus. Because over 2,000 years ago the only time God came as flesh and blood to prove he came to forgive our sins so we can enter Heaven for eternity was by becoming Jesus Christ. And no one enter the Kingdom of Heaven without first passing through Jesus, Yashua, Yave, Yeshua Our Lord.
Because it was not that long ago, Catholics celebrate an important Feast called The Holy Innocents is a celebrated feast on December 28, 2017. Because King Herod, King of Judah, not only tried to get rid of Jesus Christ and preventing his birth. King Herod went out to kill thousands of babies to Prevent his birth. And yet Jesus was still born. So if King Herod tried to get rid of Jesus' birth, what makes Justin think he can erase his face on the day of his birth.
Unveiling the Faith of Justin Trudeau
But why on this very special day, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decides to mock the nation by wearing a shirt depicting the Last Supper Image with an emoji on the Lord Jesus Christ. What is PM Justin Trudeau showing the world that he not only is not a Christian but he could careless too for the Catholics. All he was celebrating on that day was a Pagan Holiday called Christmas without Jesus Christ. Point made clear.
So that sums up with the thought that Canada is not a multi cultural nation but a nation of ridiculing other cultures that suit well to the Prime Minister Canada. And being a Canadian in my late thirties I was shocked and overwhelmed. I think PM Justin Trudeau needs to send Christians and Catholics an apology for his mistake in making fun of the Christians and Catholics most specially in the time where there is so much Christian persecution happening all around the world.
Well Prime Minister Justin Trudeau you may be a Prime Minister of Canada but you are not the ruler of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yashu, Yave, our Lord and of Christians or of Catholics. Your Faith lies somewhere else. Perhaps you should learn from your neighbor President Donald Trump that is leading his nation in prayers to create a nation that is blessed. Don t you think.
You will not Believe Justin Trudeau did
Apparently the photo is nothing new just retweeted on December 30, 2017 by Ezra Levant as a reminder, after doing some research here is a link of the photo being over a year old since the thread was posted on Jan 7, 2017 . https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/5mfh1o/prime_minister_justin_trudeau_and_his_brother/
Beware of False Prophets watch the megatrndz show on https://youtu.be/13e-Z2M6xlA
A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time for war, and a time for peace.
What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils?
I have seen the task which God has given THE SONS OF MEN with which to occupy themselves.
He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their HEART, yet so man will not find out the work which GOD has done from the beginning even to the end.
I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime,
moreover that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor, it is the GIFT OF GOD.
Life is not a countdown. So let's not treat it as such. And Remember how we are Blessed with the Word of God cause as Jesus Christ said " You are the light of the world". We are not the Darkness. ( Matthew 5:14)
Read All at http://www.megatrndz.com/2017/12/newyearsresolutions-trend.html
Christmas without Jesus Christ
Now for those of you that are not Christians and Catholics Christmas is simply seen as a gigantic opportunity to go off on credit cards, or buying spree. Simply the consumer plays the game of the marketing giants. It is a the day that will justify if the retailers are making their money back that they injected into marketing back into sales.
Cool Jesus-joke sweater, @JustinTrudeau. Now try that with Mohammed. pic.twitter.com/HJOaXTKtQi— Ezra Levant 🇨🇦 (@ezralevant) December 31, 2017
But for those that are Christians and Catholics we know that it is a day just about Jesus Christ. It is not about the scenario created on the Funny So called Mockery of Jesus Christ Last Supper image.
A scenario where by placing a fake Evergreen Conifer called a Christmas tree in the background
will create a perfect Christmas, a perfect Holiday.
It is almost as if he is teaching the other cultures that exist..no Christmas in Canada is about the Christmas Tree see behind. Taking Selfies. And Let us just forget Jesus is part the picture.
But not so, Mr Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Do nt you think you are mocking Jesus Christ. Or is the World of Christians not going to be offended by your sense of Humor.
Besides a Christmas tree is simply pagan . Right.
Twenty years ago, in many Christian Faith countries around the world, a Christmas tree was not known. It did not exist. An evergreen conifer Christmas tree representing Christians, and Jesus Christ, not so.
Countries where the Christian Faith is number one, the homes are filled with a baby lying in a manger. Just like the one the day that the Virgin Mary had to give birth to her Child named by the the Angel Gabriel.
"The Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth" (Luke 1:26).
In the Gospel of Matthew 1:21, "and you shall call his name JESUS".
And so Canadian Christmas is exactly how Justin Trudeau puts it, a Christmas without Jesus. Could this be the true meaning to where Canada is heading. A nation without faith.
And so do be tricked into spending money to a season that is being made into falsifying and misrepresenting the true origins of Christianity. Specially in one like Canada where our Prime Minister mocks our faith and thinks its comical.
So let us go back, Christmas its just a funny holiday. Like Mr. Trudeau thinks it maybe a day of funny jokes and comical selfie moments about a faith in which he thinks should be erased. Where Jesus Christ face is completely replaced by graphics and its true meaning. But how far is Mr. Trudeau being a leader of a nation really gone. What is Trudeau enticing. What is Trudeau awakening. As explained in the Gospel of Matthew 24:8 by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives to the Apostles when he would come back again "All these are the beginning of sorrows " sign of your coming, and of the end of age"( Matthew 24:4).
But where does the Term
fit into this Agenda.
So when I saw the photo I was really confused but not really. It was obvious. So what is Justin Trudeau truly celebrating. The photo is encrypted in a million of subliminal messages. But not so. One pictures saying a million.
So I really hope Justin Trudeau in ten years, fifty years , a million, whatever no matter whom his idols are or who he looks up to, you can never replace Jesus Face with an emoji because it is impossible to replace Jesus. Because over 2,000 years ago the only time God came as flesh and blood to prove he came to forgive our sins so we can enter Heaven for eternity was by becoming Jesus Christ. And no one enter the Kingdom of Heaven without first passing through Jesus, Yashua, Yave, Yeshua Our Lord.
Because it was not that long ago, Catholics celebrate an important Feast called The Holy Innocents is a celebrated feast on December 28, 2017. Because King Herod, King of Judah, not only tried to get rid of Jesus Christ and preventing his birth. King Herod went out to kill thousands of babies to Prevent his birth. And yet Jesus was still born. So if King Herod tried to get rid of Jesus' birth, what makes Justin think he can erase his face on the day of his birth.
#FeastOfTheHolyInnocents— Incarnation Parish (@RealIncarnation) December 28, 2017
The innocents were slaughtered as infants for Christ; spotless, they follow the Lamb and sing for ever: Glory to You, O Lord.#Antiphon #Catholic #HolyMass #ProLife #prolifegen #CatholicChurch #CatholicTwitter #HolyInnocents #HolyInnocentsDay pic.twitter.com/jNsUeEEm4w
#FeastOfTheHolyInnocents Is Herod, killer of thousands of innocent babies to deny Christ, any different from Planned Parenthood and the many pro-abortion promoters who attempt to deny the image of God inherent in the broken and torn bodies of aborted babies? #ProLife #Catholic pic.twitter.com/2AHEdAKFR0— Incarnation Parish (@RealIncarnation) December 28, 2017
Unveiling the Faith of Justin Trudeau
But why on this very special day, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decides to mock the nation by wearing a shirt depicting the Last Supper Image with an emoji on the Lord Jesus Christ. What is PM Justin Trudeau showing the world that he not only is not a Christian but he could careless too for the Catholics. All he was celebrating on that day was a Pagan Holiday called Christmas without Jesus Christ. Point made clear.
Are we seeing in the dark now
So that sums up with the thought that Canada is not a multi cultural nation but a nation of ridiculing other cultures that suit well to the Prime Minister Canada. And being a Canadian in my late thirties I was shocked and overwhelmed. I think PM Justin Trudeau needs to send Christians and Catholics an apology for his mistake in making fun of the Christians and Catholics most specially in the time where there is so much Christian persecution happening all around the world.
Well Prime Minister Justin Trudeau you may be a Prime Minister of Canada but you are not the ruler of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yashu, Yave, our Lord and of Christians or of Catholics. Your Faith lies somewhere else. Perhaps you should learn from your neighbor President Donald Trump that is leading his nation in prayers to create a nation that is blessed. Don t you think.
https://t.co/BSTp7opSkA #trump values #prayer while #trudeau makes fun of #jesus #canada will soon not be blessed #nation if trudeau continues #prayforcanada— megatrndz.com (@megatrndz) December 31, 2017
You will not Believe Justin Trudeau did
Apparently the photo is nothing new just retweeted on December 30, 2017 by Ezra Levant as a reminder, after doing some research here is a link of the photo being over a year old since the thread was posted on Jan 7, 2017 . https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/5mfh1o/prime_minister_justin_trudeau_and_his_brother/
Beware of False Prophets watch the megatrndz show on https://youtu.be/13e-Z2M6xlA
#NewYearsResolutions Trend
by Veronica Davis 2017-12-30 1:41 pm
On top of a mountain in Galilee, Our Lord Jesus Christ tells the multitudes found in Gospel of Matthew 5:48, "Therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect"
In those precious words Our Celestial Father, God told us that we are as perfect as in his image ...perfect. A master piece in his image.
A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together;
A time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time for war, and a time for peace.
What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils?
I have seen the task which God has given THE SONS OF MEN with which to occupy themselves.
He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their HEART, yet so man will not find out the work which GOD has done from the beginning even to the end.
I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime,
moreover that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor, it is the GIFT OF GOD.
Life is not a countdown. So let's not treat it as such. And Remember how we are Blessed with the Word of God cause as Jesus Christ said " You are the light of the world". We are not the Darkness. ( Matthew 5:14)
Read All at http://www.megatrndz.com/2017/12/newyearsresolutions-trend.html