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Nation Against Nation Trend: Fighting for Jerusalem in TimeSquare

Nation Against Nation Trend: Fighting for Jerusalem in #TimeSquare and Around the World

2017-12-9 9:48 am
#jerusalem #newjerusalem #love #peace #yeshua #safety revelation 12:10 1 Thessalonians  5 Psalm 83, Zechariah 12 and Ezekiel 38

Peace never comes with weapons

Chaos over  word Jerusalem Put God in Your Spirit on the Megatrndz Show Episode 9 part 5

From December 7-10 of 2017 There will be demonstrations where a nation will be against other nations such as the muslims vs jews.  With titles like Rally and Protest for Palestine it is a culture with old roots and beliefs over a land that has existed from the beginning of time.  The protest movement website shows 24 States that will organize protests from Los Angeles, New York, Florida, Chicago, Orlando, Washington, Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Seattle, and St.Paul.

According to John Shorey Tribulation will follow when nation will rise against nation.

Nation against nation gatherings are never good and are not free speech if it spreads hate. Today in "Firebombs hurled at synagogue in Sweden after protest march about Jerusalem"" More than 21 masked men:

 hurled firebombs at a synagogue in Gothenburg in southern Sweden hours after locals marched in the city against the United States’ recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital....Dvir Maoz, the World Bnei Akiva youth movement’s emissary in Gothenburg, told JTA that the attack happened a little after 10 p.m. while youths from the local Jewish community were attending a party inside the synagogue complex. Looking outside from inside the synagogue lobby area, he said he saw in the corner of his eye “a ball of fire” approaching the building. “The guards saw it in the security cameras and called police right away. The children were stressed, it was the first time they had ever experienced a terrorist attack near them.”
JIHAD AGAINST JEWS As the reports on Saturday December 9, 2017:

The demonstration was tense and volatile, with the Muslims trying to intimidate and silence the hearty band of freedom fighters who turned out in support of President Trump and Israel. From one of the people on our side: “Insane. 42 st. Cops can’t keep control of the Muslim demonstrators. We will not back down. But Muslims have no respect for law. This we know. Police valiant trying to get them away from us. Cops concerned. Want us to leave. We’re staying.”

On December 7, 2017 The websites posts:

But, contrary to much of the coverage in the mainstream corporate media here, Trump’s announcement does not mean that Jerusalem/Al-Quds is now actually the capital of Israel. The people of Palestine, not Trump, will determine their own national destiny, and they have united to say: Jerusalem is our capital! Immediately following Trump's announcement, people across the West Bank and Gaza took to the streets in protest, with more than 60 wounded by the Israeli occupation forces on Dec. 7. More protests are expected in the coming days. In Palestine and all around the world, protesters are taking to the streets!

The protests against Israel is planned ahead and obtained from website above.

Tweets from December 7,8 2017

17 hrs ago

21 hrs ago
Emty streets NYPD

Back in September 2017 at the The Jim Bakker Show, John Shorey discusses how we're living in the beginning of sorrows and that major tribulation is to follow.