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Showing posts from April 24, 2017

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Power Grid Down Trend

Solar Winds are increasingly and become dangerous. Are we getting enough warning from Government Officials. Corona M E are to blame for sending and particles and could cause G2 Storms affecting the power grid line. Also known as Geomagnetic storms, it can impact vehicle equipment, and navigation systems across the Earth. On April 23, 2017 San Francisco, New York, Omaha, and  California were among some places in the United States that lost power outages. Heads Up! Incoming Solar Wind Could Effect Power Grids Across Earth According to an American reports of an American Government drill Operation called Operation Gotham Shield claim that: New details to Operation Gotham Shield. I had a chance to speak with someone participating in the helicopter part of the drill. He confirmed they are using the stadium there in New Jersey as a staging ground for this mass casualty exercise on 4/25/17. Gotham Shield CONFIRMED: New Jersey Stadium Is Staging Area for Helicopters