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Showing posts from August 14, 2017

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Summer Women Pants Trend

Summer Pants Trend Video part 1 by megatrndz Summer Pants Trend Video part 2 by megatrndz Summer Pants Trend Video part 3 by megatrndz 10 Reasons why Wide Legged Pants are the Best Style for 2017 Whether its the military style trend or the wide legged boy or oversize pants trend for women, regardless the trend is flattering and elegant. The style is so comfy and it is also professional. 1. Flattering 2. Comfy 3. Sophisticated 4. Proffessional 5. Gain Respect in the Work place 6. Adds Swank 7. Creates a Clean Sleak Silhoette 8. Can be Made into different Fabrics 9. All Age 10. Any Fabric In the 1930, the wide legged pants was made into pyjamas. This shows how the evolution of what was considered sensual and sexy for the bedroom. Well while this style might have been kept hidden from public display.  Perhaps maybe considered too kicky at some point. Now wearing a silk wide legged flared pants is as normal as a woman wearing shorts. 8. Can B...

State of Emergency Trend

Today's Reading is Deuteronomy 10.12-22 Moses spoke to the people and said, "So now, O Israel, what does the Lord you God require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees that I commanding you today, for your own well-being. Although HEAVEN and the HEAVEN belongs to the Lord your God, the earth with all that is in it, yet the Lord set his heart in love on your ancestors along and chose you, their descendants after them out all the peoples, as it is today. Circumcise, then the foreskin of your heart, and do not be subborn any longer. For the Lord you God is God of gods, Lord of lords, the Great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.  You shall fear ...