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Showing posts from December 3, 2017

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Tendencia al golpe de estado: un país en crisis Honduras Golpe de estado tendencia

La tendencia de la crisis de la humanidad       The Testimony Trend      The Artificial Intelligence Trend  Exposing The Wrong Setup Trend        The Ceasefire Trend The Breakthough Trend: Rise Up The Testimony Trend and The Wrong Set Up Trend Ezekiel 38 Russian-Turkish-Iranian- Alliance Tendencia al Golpe de Estado: un país en crisis Honduras Golpe de estado tendencia  2017-12-03 8:00 pm #golpedeestado #honduras #humanitycrisis #amor #yashua #jesusnosama #goviernodehonduras ¿Es la Supermoon causante del Caos? ¿Es un golpe de estado? El país centroamericano Honduras se encuentra en una crisis política, una tendencia demasiado común este año. Pero una frase demasiado común en francés se usó este año. Sin duda está haciendo titulares en todo el mundo. Apenas el viernes, el pueblo Hondureño estaba votando y hoy una manifestación pacífica política sobre si los condes fueron válidos ha creado una crisis y...

Coup d'état Trend : A Country in Crisis, Dangers of a Coup d'état Trend

The Humanity Crisis Trend       The Testimony Trend      The Artificial Intelligence   Exposing The Wrong Setup Trend       The Ceasefire Trend The BreakThrough Trend : Rise Up The Testimony Trend and The Wrong Set Up Trend Ezekiel 38 Russian-Turkish-Iranian- Alliance Coup d'état Trend : A Country in Crisis Honduras Coup d'état Trend  2017-12-03 8:00 pm #theCoupdetattrend #grace #humanitycrisis #love #yashua #jesuslovesme #mytestimony # Is it the Supermoon causing the Chaos. Is it a coup d'etat? The central american Country Honduras is in a political crisis, a far too common trend this year. But a French phrase Coup d'état far too commonly phrase used this year. It sure is making headline all around the world. Just on Friday, the Honduras people were voting and today a political peaceful demonstration over whether the counts were valid has created a humanity crisis and disorder. The online definition of...

The BreakThrough Trend: Rise Up

The Breakthrough Trend    The Testimony Trend    The Artificial Intelligence Trend Exposing The Wrong Setup Trend     The Ceasefire Trend The Testimony Trend and The Wrong Set Up Trend Ezekiel 38 Russian-Turkish-Iranian- Alliance T he BreakThrough Trend : Rise Up 2017-12-03 #thebreakthroughtrend #grace #devotion #love #yashua #jesuslovesme #mytestimony # Are we operating under the same realm. Are we engaging in the same spiritual heavenly realm. Does this generation not understand it. Well according to many the Testimony Trend many are going through the Breakthough Trend.  Is predicting trends? First  The Purge , now The Breakthrough . On  October 19, 2017 called it The BreakThrough .  Now Sid Roth is taking everyone to It's Supernatural Breakthrough. On December 3, 2017 Two Guests Hakeem and Naim Collins Decree and Declare a Season of Break. How to Destroy Breakt...

The Testimony Trend and The Wrong Set Up Trend

The Ceasefire Trend    The Testimony Trend    The Artificial Intelligence Trend Exposing The Wrong Setup Trend Ezekiel 38 Russian-Turkish-Iranian- Alliance T he Testimony and The Wrong Set Up 2017-12-03 #grace #devotion #love #yashua #jesuslovesme #mytestimony # Emergency Respose Team did not care about  the strange device was, it was a brown seethrough bottle cut in half  with a transparent bag hanging from it, with white powder in it and closed with green tape at the end. The top of the bottle had a closed lid on it.  How Safe are we? Overcoming Fear, Anxiety and Deception is what God Put us hear on this Earth to do. Many of us feel overwhelmed. Ceasefire God's Grace of Yashua is always present. No matter what experience God's Love Wisdom Grace never abandons me. I breath, smell, see, and taste God's Grace and love each time I grow more with his wisdom and devotion. First of All I would love to hear everyone's respons...