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Showing posts from December 11, 2017

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Time Is Really Not What It Seems

Time Is Really Not What It Seems December 11, 2017 Veronica Davis #timetravel #sacredbible #christianity #catholics #faith #time #intertwined Could Heaven and Earth be intertwined.   I have just finished watching for the second time the movie with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock called "The Lake House".  Remember I keep on saying that life is intertwined like a rope like all trees in a forest are intertwined by its roots.  Is it the celestial prophecy. Is the true meaning of time a celestial prophecy the confirmation of life's true origin.  One thing leads to another.  What do I mean about this? By this I mean, When I loose something , i wait for it to show up throughout the day. Usually I find whatever I am looking for, while I am doing something else. I usually say that "God led me to it". Anyways, while talking about The Lake House the movie, while it played on Channel Showcase late last night , I decided to recorded on my PVR. I never ...

From Hollywood to Princess: Prince Harry and Celebrity Meghan Markle

A Real Hollywood Princess: Prince Harry and Celebrity Meghan Markle 2017-12-11 by Veronica Davis #PrinceHarry #PrinceHarryAndMeghan A brighter and rightful future is near. As the Wind Whispers by the minute the next move of the latest saga of the next Duchess . Where is she escaping to for her honey moon. Which designer will dress the next Duchess. What Fairy Tale Castle will be their home? To writers, photographers, interior designers, fashion designers and media figures it is the latest buzz everyone is too excited for event of the year the Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan the 2018 Wedding. What a way to end year of 2017 with  a beautiful story of two people who share their love for one another while helping the world at the same time. And now  soon to be wed. She has the same glow as late Princess Diana.  The Prince Harry and Royal Engaged Celebrity Meghan Markel. Soon to be known as Duchess Meghan. In their life journey it was their interest and care for th...