Evacuation Order Trend
Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend
CME Trend
Climate Change Trend Tectonic Plates Moving Continent Trend Continental Drift Trend Island Disappearing Trend
Human Crisis Trend The False Prophet Trend
Blackout Trend Weather Warfare Trend The A.I Trend Chem trail Trend Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend
Weather Manipulation Trend
Account Suspension Trend
I am not sure for all you listeners out there if you know the difference between the word Heaven and Sky. But if you are a Spanish Speaker you will not know the difference.
How is this possible. Well
Both words in Spanish cannot be separated, one from the other.
Did I confuse you guys a bit now.
Well the reason why there is no real difference between both words is because both mean same.
In spanish it is called Cielo.
And in Spanish speaking countries the faith lies in the Christian and Catholic Faith.
And so to the Spanish speakers refer to the skies as Heaven.
In other words, where is is Heaven, it is up up above where the clouds are .
And that is why it brings me further to the topic of Bio warfare may be related to the Spiritual Heaven Warfare fought by the Angelic Armies and the Wicked Angels in Heaven but that will be discussed in another episode.
In this episode I will discuss the Biological Warfare that exists today.
Biological Warfare Wicked Demonic Flu present on Earth p1
Also watch part 2, part 3 below
Well known for the Satanic, Wicked Evil organizations that see the skies as something to pollute and destroy. In order to destroy their real agenda which is being fought in the Heaven up in the cloud above our very heads.
If you have never heard of Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, Silent Energy Weapons, Atmospheric Geoengineering . Weather Manipulation
you are about to quickly come on a joy ride.
And I am now about to be expose the lies and deceptions about the flu pendemic.
And foremost in countries like the United States chemtrails has already scientists exposing the type of chemicals in the chemtrails thrown in our atmosphere .
While in other countries like Canada getting the mass public used to the word Reversal Geoengineering Global Climate Change is simply behind the same agenda.
It is a quickly a much talked about growing trends in our society known as the new silent warfare weapons. It is being blamed and created by the Rothchild's Agenda or a Deeper State all around the World .
California is among a few leading places around the world where aerosol spraying has been part of the Chemtrails agenda and widely openly spoken about. Why. Because Chemtrails are no longer a conspiracy. It is now being exposed and spoken about in the main stream media.
The latest newspaper exposing Geoengineering is the National post January 22, 2018 article Geoengineering could reverse climate change but might have dire effects if abruptly stopped: study The idea is to spray sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere and mimic the effects of major volcanic eruptions, which have been followed by periods of global cooling.
The article confuses the audiences by showing people that there could be real heroes behind global warming. But even that idea of polluting the environment will not fly by, because what people do not know just yet that, they are been doing this for decades. But the idea of aero spraying is also to create viruses in the environment.
The idea is to spray sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere and mimic the effects of major volcanic eruptions, which have been followed by periods of global cooling
The Biological Warfare Trend is in full swing.
According to Deborah Tavares on a broadcast on Stop The Crime Net, she states how the US Air Force DARPA the CIA FBI Southern Command Atlantic command Australian Department of Defense and many others are involved in the NASA war plan :
reveals the following and is being executed by the US Air Force DARPA the CIA FBI Southern Command Atlantic command Australian Department of Defense and many others are involved in the NASA war plan on page 51 it talks about the use of a fingerprint less scattering of bio weapons for war strategies and what they're doing here in this country they talk about bacteriological viruses fatal to disabling short to long-term scales undetectable and binary means two-part system so they're using undetectable binary assaults on us.
Also it stated that: in conclusive this a part of the genocide program and the Rothchild and the Rockefeller assault to transform the United States by all kinds of weapons systems not only economic but attacks with flus ..
One thing to take notice is that some people think that NASA is all a hoax and that there are no real planets out there.
Listen to the next video Flu- Biological Warfare Attack
Deborah Tavares continues to point out that the flu is caused through chemtrails.
Not only are the evil doers trying to kill and cause genocide among people, the animals are also being targeted.
silent weapon system, bacterial virus, germ warfare p2
Return to editingWeather Warfare, Chemtrails, Silent Energy Weapons p 3
Animals under Attack from Biological Warfare Weapon
Has anyone ever heard of the 323 reindeer found in Europe without heads.
In August 23, 2016 , Reuters called it freak lightning storm was the blame of the the number 323 Reindeers
Or how about the cows being heads being mutilated highly spoken about in Earthfiles by Linda Moulten Howe for years now.
The 11 season hit show The X Flies became so popular because a lot of the classified information deals with alot of what is happening today.
Now I am not fully convinced because this month American television series Seal Team Season 1 Episode 2 shows us differently. The episode starts of with 2 young boys in Al hawl, North Eastern Syria, find a herd of dead cows. Through satellite imagery , the United States government confirm that there is a biological weapon factory nearby. In their find to obtain further evidence of the biological weapons being present, they enter the factory only to find very sick dying citizens.
Also find in the Biological Weather Warfare trend December 15, 2017 where a town in Oakville, Washington were exposed to a toxic rain on August 7, 1994.. These toxic slimy rain killed animals and made people sick in the area.
Nothing is ever a conspiracy anymore. As humanity is in danger by the Evil humans out there.

Well if you think the world can not get any weirder. What is being planned in their Agenda. Are we being told the truth when it comes to celestial events impacting the Earth. This past week raised many unanswered questions from Governments and Institutions. The Topic of our safety is never brought up.
Should we be preparing for a deep impact. Now we know now that No government out there will let us the public know if the Earth will be hit by an Asteroid.
Such was the case on January 18, 2018
So there was reports of a blue beam seen in Michigan fireball Event same day coming from the sky.
Now having a laser shoot an asteroid impacting the Earth has long been kept secret and is not being admitted by the Governments in fear of was braking of where the fragments will land.
January 17, 2018
Over 397 different Fireballs were reported in 13 different States in United States over a span of an hours.
Fireballs have increased from 2016 from 500 fireballs to over 5,000 fireballs in 2017.
January 18, 2018
10:43 am a Secretive Mysterious Asteroid Trend Deep Impact Asteroid 2018 BD Just Missed the Earth by 22, 000 miles and NASA never told us four days later.
Large Humm is Heard in Mill Woods Edmonton.
Frank Florian a RASC member: fireball at 5:22 local time, ENE at starting at 40 degrees up, broke apart around 25 to 30 degrees, small piece brighten up to about -7 follow by the large piece burst estimated around -12 in hazy cloud. Report TWOSE. Fort McMurray, and Edmonton sightings of Fireballs were reported.
Below is a photo of Hunters Recover First Meteorites From Michigan Fireball so today it is something small we are looking for but reaching the Earth's atmosphere brings huge security issues.
January 19, 2018
Rocket over Japan
January 22, 2018
National newspaper admits Geoengineering could cause war among Nations.
Geoengineering could reverse climate change but might have dire effects if abruptly stopped: study
Russian Vessel with Spy Equipment off Coast of South Carolina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5IlL4o51Vc&t=16s Boynton Beach Florida target on Congress ave strange containers
January 23, 2017
January 23, 2018
Mysterious Containers pop up in Boyton Florida with Mobile Mini containers. What are they preparing for the Country.
On September 20, 2017 Mobile Mini Post A home for the Homeless in the UK explain how:
Mobile Mini can also offer support to any non-profit or voluntary organisations through our Community Involvement Programme which offers free of charge container hire. For a worthy cause, all of the company’s 16 nationwide branches can donate up to ten containers a year, at no cost, for up to six months.
The company wants people to keep their eyes peeled naming their own hashtag. But they are not direct with why they are telling people to do such cause of action:
Climate Chaos Trend
Fireball Trend Volcano Eruption Trend Asteroid Trend Q Anon Trend
Biological Weapon Trend False Missile Alert Trend
Sinkhole Trend
Water Crisis Trend Unusual Earthquake Trend Tesla Technology Trend Laser Technology Trend Mass Genocide Plan Trend Direct Energy Weapon Trend Emp Attack Trend
Biological Weapon Trend False Missile Alert Trend
Sinkhole Trend
Water Crisis Trend Unusual Earthquake Trend Tesla Technology Trend Laser Technology Trend Mass Genocide Plan Trend Direct Energy Weapon Trend Emp Attack Trend
Climate Change Trend Tectonic Plates Moving Continent Trend Continental Drift Trend Island Disappearing Trend
Biological Warfare Trend : The Wicked Demonic Flu present on Earth
2018-01-24 5:00 pm
#bioweapons #chemtrails #biologicalwarfare
I am not sure for all you listeners out there if you know the difference between the word Heaven and Sky. But if you are a Spanish Speaker you will not know the difference.
How is this possible. Well
Both words in Spanish cannot be separated, one from the other.
Did I confuse you guys a bit now.
Well the reason why there is no real difference between both words is because both mean same.
In spanish it is called Cielo.
And in Spanish speaking countries the faith lies in the Christian and Catholic Faith.
And so to the Spanish speakers refer to the skies as Heaven.
In other words, where is is Heaven, it is up up above where the clouds are .
And that is why it brings me further to the topic of Bio warfare may be related to the Spiritual Heaven Warfare fought by the Angelic Armies and the Wicked Angels in Heaven but that will be discussed in another episode.
In this episode I will discuss the Biological Warfare that exists today.
Biological Warfare Wicked Demonic Flu present on Earth p1
Also watch part 2, part 3 below
Well known for the Satanic, Wicked Evil organizations that see the skies as something to pollute and destroy. In order to destroy their real agenda which is being fought in the Heaven up in the cloud above our very heads.
If you have never heard of Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, Silent Energy Weapons, Atmospheric Geoengineering . Weather Manipulation
you are about to quickly come on a joy ride.
And I am now about to be expose the lies and deceptions about the flu pendemic.
And foremost in countries like the United States chemtrails has already scientists exposing the type of chemicals in the chemtrails thrown in our atmosphere .
While in other countries like Canada getting the mass public used to the word Reversal Geoengineering Global Climate Change is simply behind the same agenda.
It is a quickly a much talked about growing trends in our society known as the new silent warfare weapons. It is being blamed and created by the Rothchild's Agenda or a Deeper State all around the World .
California is among a few leading places around the world where aerosol spraying has been part of the Chemtrails agenda and widely openly spoken about. Why. Because Chemtrails are no longer a conspiracy. It is now being exposed and spoken about in the main stream media.
The latest newspaper exposing Geoengineering is the National post January 22, 2018 article Geoengineering could reverse climate change but might have dire effects if abruptly stopped: study The idea is to spray sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere and mimic the effects of major volcanic eruptions, which have been followed by periods of global cooling.
The article confuses the audiences by showing people that there could be real heroes behind global warming. But even that idea of polluting the environment will not fly by, because what people do not know just yet that, they are been doing this for decades. But the idea of aero spraying is also to create viruses in the environment.
The idea is to spray sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere and mimic the effects of major volcanic eruptions, which have been followed by periods of global cooling
The Biological Warfare Trend is in full swing.
According to Deborah Tavares on a broadcast on Stop The Crime Net, she states how the US Air Force DARPA the CIA FBI Southern Command Atlantic command Australian Department of Defense and many others are involved in the NASA war plan :
reveals the following and is being executed by the US Air Force DARPA the CIA FBI Southern Command Atlantic command Australian Department of Defense and many others are involved in the NASA war plan on page 51 it talks about the use of a fingerprint less scattering of bio weapons for war strategies and what they're doing here in this country they talk about bacteriological viruses fatal to disabling short to long-term scales undetectable and binary means two-part system so they're using undetectable binary assaults on us.
Also it stated that: in conclusive this a part of the genocide program and the Rothchild and the Rockefeller assault to transform the United States by all kinds of weapons systems not only economic but attacks with flus ..
One thing to take notice is that some people think that NASA is all a hoax and that there are no real planets out there.
Listen to the next video Flu- Biological Warfare Attack
Deborah Tavares continues to point out that the flu is caused through chemtrails.
Not only are the evil doers trying to kill and cause genocide among people, the animals are also being targeted.
silent weapon system, bacterial virus, germ warfare p2
Return to editingWeather Warfare, Chemtrails, Silent Energy Weapons p 3
Animals under Attack from Biological Warfare Weapon
Has anyone ever heard of the 323 reindeer found in Europe without heads.
In August 23, 2016 , Reuters called it freak lightning storm was the blame of the the number 323 Reindeers
Or how about the cows being heads being mutilated highly spoken about in Earthfiles by Linda Moulten Howe for years now.
The 11 season hit show The X Flies became so popular because a lot of the classified information deals with alot of what is happening today.
Now I am not fully convinced because this month American television series Seal Team Season 1 Episode 2 shows us differently. The episode starts of with 2 young boys in Al hawl, North Eastern Syria, find a herd of dead cows. Through satellite imagery , the United States government confirm that there is a biological weapon factory nearby. In their find to obtain further evidence of the biological weapons being present, they enter the factory only to find very sick dying citizens.
Also find in the Biological Weather Warfare trend December 15, 2017 where a town in Oakville, Washington were exposed to a toxic rain on August 7, 1994.. These toxic slimy rain killed animals and made people sick in the area.
Nothing is ever a conspiracy anymore. As humanity is in danger by the Evil humans out there.
Strange Trend : Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth
2018-01-24 11:00 am
#deepimpact #asteroid

Well if you think the world can not get any weirder. What is being planned in their Agenda. Are we being told the truth when it comes to celestial events impacting the Earth. This past week raised many unanswered questions from Governments and Institutions. The Topic of our safety is never brought up.
Should we be preparing for a deep impact. Now we know now that No government out there will let us the public know if the Earth will be hit by an Asteroid.
Such was the case on January 18, 2018
So there was reports of a blue beam seen in Michigan fireball Event same day coming from the sky.
Now having a laser shoot an asteroid impacting the Earth has long been kept secret and is not being admitted by the Governments in fear of was braking of where the fragments will land.
January 17, 2018
Over 397 different Fireballs were reported in 13 different States in United States over a span of an hours.
Fireballs have increased from 2016 from 500 fireballs to over 5,000 fireballs in 2017.
January 18, 2018
10:43 am a Secretive Mysterious Asteroid Trend Deep Impact Asteroid 2018 BD Just Missed the Earth by 22, 000 miles and NASA never told us four days later.
Large Humm is Heard in Mill Woods Edmonton.
Frank Florian a RASC member: fireball at 5:22 local time, ENE at starting at 40 degrees up, broke apart around 25 to 30 degrees, small piece brighten up to about -7 follow by the large piece burst estimated around -12 in hazy cloud. Report TWOSE. Fort McMurray, and Edmonton sightings of Fireballs were reported.
Below is a photo of Hunters Recover First Meteorites From Michigan Fireball so today it is something small we are looking for but reaching the Earth's atmosphere brings huge security issues.
Hunters Recover First Meteorites From Michigan Fireball https://t.co/bYJ9Fh3PcU @areavoices pic.twitter.com/sBI3Oa1HlN— Bob King (@AstroBob_bk) January 19, 2018
January 19, 2018
Rocket over Japan
January 22, 2018
National newspaper admits Geoengineering could cause war among Nations.
Geoengineering could reverse climate change but might have dire effects if abruptly stopped: study
Russian Vessel with Spy Equipment off Coast of South Carolina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5IlL4o51Vc&t=16s Boynton Beach Florida target on Congress ave strange containers
January 23, 2017
January 23, 2018
Mysterious Containers pop up in Boyton Florida with Mobile Mini containers. What are they preparing for the Country.
So far in the market daily website today entitled Mobile Mini Inc (MINI) Stake Raised by Atria Investments LLC
Posted by Sarita Garza on Jan 23rd, 2018 there has been a very interesting
report about an 28% increase of certain investments.:
Atria Investments LLC increased its stake in Mobile Mini Inc (NASDAQ:MINI) by 27.6% in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 17,148 shares of the industrial products company’s stock after buying an additional 3,707 shares during the quarter. Atria Investments LLC’s holdings in Mobile Mini were worth $592,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.
What is very vague about these mysterious containers is the video producer thought it was crazy it just appeared at a Target Parking Lot. He mentions remember what is going on in Fort Lauderdale. What about Jade Helm and Walmart and Fema Camps. Today the mysterious containers were locked and dozens of rows of these mobile mini containers were out in the open.
On September 20, 2017 Mobile Mini Post A home for the Homeless in the UK explain how:
Mobile Mini can also offer support to any non-profit or voluntary organisations through our Community Involvement Programme which offers free of charge container hire. For a worthy cause, all of the company’s 16 nationwide branches can donate up to ten containers a year, at no cost, for up to six months.
The company wants people to keep their eyes peeled naming their own hashtag. But they are not direct with why they are telling people to do such cause of action:
Keep your eyes peeled for our storage containers and mobile accommodation units! And remember to use #MMSpotted when you do! pic.twitter.com/lPQU2bVLdq— Mobile Mini UK (@MobileMiniUK) January 16, 2018
In a Tweet done by They post a video on their Customized Tank & Pump Solutions with Blue World Remediation. #waterandpumps
Our Customized Tank & Pump Solutions with Blue World Remediation. #waterandpumps #goodyeararizona pic.twitter.com/LXmmNdLsjQ— Mobile Mini (@MobileMini) January 21, 2018
Have any of our readers in Mill Woods noticed a loud hum in the neighbourhood the last couple nights? #yeg— Edmonton Journal (@edmontonjournal) January 18, 2018
@MobileMini has over 150 locations in North America to serve you. Find a location near you by visiting our website and simply entering your zip code. https://t.co/UhIngvNJHY pic.twitter.com/Nn25eosNdx— Mobile Mini (@MobileMini) January 11, 2018
Evacuation Order Trend : Mayon Volcano
2018-01-22 4:00pm by Veronica Davis
#MayonVolcano #mayonvolcanoeruption
#MayonVolcano #mayonvolcanoeruption
On January 24, 2018 Update on Evacuation Orders has increased in the past couple of days from 34, 000 to 54,000 people.
Evacuation Order Trend
Read Full Report on As the Mayon StratoVolcano shuts down city of Legazpi
Let us build a better society and build a better community world wide, leave a positive comment below and let us make sense to the what is happening around us. We are not alone!
The Deception Trend : DACA then It is Dream Act Now
2018-01-22 4:00pm by Veronica Davis
#governmentshutdown2018 #shutdown2018 #dreamactnow
Monday, January 22, 2018 after three days of the Government Shutdown, President Donald Trump is pleased and finally has given his statement through Sarah Huckabee Sanders "democrats in Congress have come to their senses"referring to the Government shut down. Furthermore, the United States President says that the Democrats are “ willing to fund our great military, border patrol, first responders and insurance for vulnerable children,” .
Every year, the United States Government Shuts down about one thing or another. Or the fact that they are using the Dreamers as an excuse this year is ridiculous. DACA no longer exists since President Donald Trump cancelled it in September 2017 as unlawful.
I am very much sure President Donald Trump will be passing some new law to keep the Dreamers.
But many are still confused about DACA. There is more of the deception as the usatoday.com has reported that there is not just 800,000 dreamers but actually 3.5 million.
Some reporters are still calling DACA as "an undead zombie DACA" according to the report written by Eric Columbus today"Trump Could Save DACA If He WantedThe president has the power to reverse his decision—he doesn’t actually need a deal in Congress."
I really do not think President Donald Trump would ever revive an act written by the Obama Government. It not like the President but what he may do is continue on working on the new act called the Dreamer Act.
Today Skywatch Tv host says that the Government shut down has nothing to do with the Dreamers, the children that came to the United States several years without a US citizen status. "Let us face it the national democratic party ...that really got a shot in winning the nomination are rich old white people...This is not about inclusiveness.. or opening up America and its opportunities to other people ..Survival of the democratic Party. He continues on the say that the next generation or wave of immigrants tend to vote more and more conservative. So the democrats wants to prevent the border wall. It is only the first generation of immigrants that vote mostly democrats.
Evidence points to the Obama administration using the FBI and the NSA to spy on Donald Trump during the presidential campaign. This is far worse than anything Richard Nixon was accused of in 1972.
Five in Ten 1/22/18: Way Worse Than Watergate
Related Tweets
Lives are at stake. Each day Republicans fail to act over 100 Dreamers lose protection from deportation, millions of Puerto Ricans and Virgin Islanders remain without power, and people’s access to vital healthcare services and our healthcare safety net remain at risk. #FightFor15 pic.twitter.com/lAbuDio3eb— Fight For 15 (@fightfor15) January 22, 2018
Why are Republicans holding up protections for DACA recipients when most Americans support DREAMers? With the deadline only a few weeks away, Congress must work toward a bipartisan deal which includes a clean DREAM Act. pic.twitter.com/aekNXmaLc8— Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) January 22, 2018
Without DACA, Hector can't drive & participate in his community. His DACA expires TOMORROW. Congress must act to #ProtectDreamers & stand w/ the 86% of Americans that support Dreamers. Go to https://t.co/x1LgRo3HyU to learn more about those impacted and how you can get involved. pic.twitter.com/kHf8LKDpxO— FWD.us (@FWD_us) January 20, 2018
Thank you to the dozens of Jewish community leaders who sat-in for a DREAM Act and filled the halls of Capitol Hill singing "We will build this world with love." We reject Trump's cruelty. We stand with the 800,000 DREAMers. pic.twitter.com/xf88TIcCLz— Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison) January 17, 2018
There are 3.6M 'DREAMers' — a number far greater than commonly known https://t.co/f97FdcxvSD via @usatoday— megatrndz.com (@megatrndz) January 22, 2018
Congress was designed as a VOLUNTEER POSITION.— 👑💥 Hanna 💥👑 (@polishprincessh) January 21, 2018
Obviously times have changed, but it's not working.
Perhaps pensions should go....#DoYourJob #governmentshutdown2018 #VoteThemOut #WeThePeople #AmericaFirst #MilitaryFirst #MAGA pic.twitter.com/212X3JOkfb
Let us build a better society and build a better community world wide, leave a positive comment below and let us make sense to the what is happening around us. We are not alone!
When Angels Speak to Us in Numbers and Figures Repetition Trend
2018-01-22 by Veronica Davis
On Episode 9 The Lord has sent me The Red Dragon and the Women message and so many FROGS find out and listen what it all can mean. Watch and listen to videos below.
Revelation 12:17 The Red Dragon and the Woman
The Frog Trend
The Frog Plague
Has this happened to you! Angels getting your attention part 1
Why so many FROGS the ANGEL sends me ! part 2
Where will God send the plague of the Frogs 2018
Numbers Send in Dollar Signs
Take Notice it is real.
The Angels are telling us to pay attention to what is to come ahead.
I think it is so humorous
Most people say that God is humorous and I am beginning to think too.
Jan 21, 2018 2 grocery receipts I purchased cost at the same time $12.16 and $12.17
Thursday Jan 18, 2018 Revlon Ambassador Gal Gadot Beauty for Ashes Episode 7 part 1 https://youtu.be/bApXpK5GkVc
Episode 7 part 2: will @revlon respond publicly defend Gal Gadot https://youtu.be/bApXpK5GkVc
Isaiah 61
Beauty For Ashes
Beauty For Ashes by Joyce Meyerhttps://youtu.be/RrTvgFq89yQ
While I was doing research into Beauty for Ashes and what it meant I found her talking about a Frog.
She mentioned Exodus 8 and the Frog Plague.
But the funny thing was that I had purchased that day earlier a shower curtain.
Normally I do not buy what I do not need.
But it instantly caught my attention. All the beautiful frogs on the shower curtain.
Instantly I thought to myself, well what is God trying to reveal. I am certain that I have been asking him for guidance.
But I have not paid attention that all along the week he has been sending me signs.
I believe God sends us our guardian angels that walk next to us on a daily life.
The Angels are our best friends as they guide us into revealing God's true purpose in life.
If we allow God into our daily lives he will show us how life should be.
He plays out little games with us.
In riddles I suppose.
He wants us to not just walk with him but take notice to our surroundings on a daily time.
Sometimes it is the Events happening around us that he is trying to reveal.
This past week events in the political arena and social arena play alot with the Biblical Times God brought about in the Bible.
The Frog Trend
Then on Friday I was watching the Secret of the Navy on the History Channel. The frogs appeared again. The History Channel was narrating how the Seal 6 started out in the 1960 known also in the cartoon series as the Green Frogs. Today their is a team of Navy called the Leaping Frogs that perform their skills throughout the United States .
So because the false missile warnings from Hawaii and Japan may be related to the navy seals or Seal 6 and secretive operations occuring in the Pacific Ocean. There are some strange deep earthquakes no one is really talking about in the Pacific Ocean on Jan 14, 2018.
The Frog Plague
One particular Event God wants us to take notice is that we may be in The Biblical Times of the Frog Trend.
One must take notice what the Frogs did to the People of Israel. God also sent out the Frogs to the People of Israel not just to Egypt.
God told Moses that they must turn into their ways to the Lord.
Overall there are strange secretive events occurring in the Pacific ocean that will bring further disasters to the Pacific Coastline. In is important to be on High Alert all of the Pacific Coast Line as strong Earthquakes may be triggered with warfare devices and weapons used by Rogue Nations an invisible World War 3.
#Alligators are frozen with their sticking out of Florida fivers, lizards aare dropping out of trees, and frogs are in an abnormal hibernation, yet in 59 days #GlobalWarming is endangering our planet. #IniotsAbound! I remember the Global Freeze Scare in te 70's in #GrammarSchool.— L Hammer 4 USA (@bilnsof4lyf) January 10, 2018
On January 11, 2018 Frogs start behaving weird and are in abnormal hibernation.
Jim Ricards: "CIA Ice-Nine plan to freeze bank assets" Why is Jim Ricards the only one with access to this secret? How can we double-check this rumor?— Field-Marshal Frieda's Freedom-Frogs🇺🇸 (@jamianne1) January 20, 2018
Jim Marrs - The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy - The NWO (2010) - YouTube https://t.co/uSGTIOoyGr
Taking the nets off the pond tonight & found 3 leopard frogs swimming over the ice. 10 degrees in Jan. Hope they settle back in before this weekend’s freeze @inaturalist pic.twitter.com/PtHWVzNFFY— Dan Kraus (@NCC_scientist) January 12, 2018
I decided to meditate outdoors.— Steve Asbell (@rainforestgardn) January 11, 2018
Sitting amongst rotting, freeze-burned heaps of tropical plants, I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled their stench.
Ten minutes later I opened my eyes, and was surrounded by tree frogs, lizards, bugs and songbirds. #perspective pic.twitter.com/uoy3AnUr34
On January 4, 2018 Iguanas were frozen in Florida as the temperatured dipped too cold for them to be mobile. Dropping from the trees but yet still alive.These Frogs freeze for 7 months in Alaska, thaw and hop away.... https://t.co/q78woqe8Y0— Cryptic Shadows (@csparanormal) January 10, 2018
2018 Trends This Week 4
2018-10-21 8:00 pm
So if you love Megatrndz Trends you will continue loving newer trends that keep surfacing the world.
Eager to find out what is happening this weeks trends around the Globe.
But this week the Climate Chaos Trend takes charge as nature misbehaves in some parts of the world.
While the Evacuation Order Trend and Volcano Eruption Trend are in full swing in some communities .
The Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend keeps others are spreading notice in good faith things not to do during the January 31, 2017 Full Moon omens.
The CME Trend as the new Coronal Massive Ejection today will bring dangerous conditions and trigger abnormal condition into Earth's Atmosphere.
Watch out for people with heart and respiratory conditions.
Still thinking if the Fireball Trend that occured this past week are actually natural or man made.
But were you even aware that Asteroid Trend came back again as another close encounter with the Earth by 0.1 Lunar Distance on January 18, 2018 when the Asteroid 2018 BD passed.
Meanwhile the Q Anon Trend
Drops another phrase as 1775 seems to be connected to President Trump' Flag in his office.
While TV Shows continue to point the Biological Weapon Trend for massive animal beheaded deaths.
So the third week of 2018 has ended as it started and continue to create
False Missile Alert Trend
from Hawaii and then continuing to Japan and then NC received a false nuclear radiation threat.
The Sinkhole Trend made a come back in the Pennsylvania part of the United States.
But although the trends are a bit disappointing knowing its true nature tells me that further research and background must follow throughout the week.
Stay tune to find out more of the truth as megatrndz continues its search and faith in the Lord's true purpose and let us help him fight the battle in defending his truth and glory with grace and Love.
Drops another phrase as 1775 seems to be connected to President Trump' Flag in his office.
While TV Shows continue to point the Biological Weapon Trend for massive animal beheaded deaths.
So the third week of 2018 has ended as it started and continue to create
False Missile Alert Trend
from Hawaii and then continuing to Japan and then NC received a false nuclear radiation threat.
The Sinkhole Trend made a come back in the Pennsylvania part of the United States.
But although the trends are a bit disappointing knowing its true nature tells me that further research and background must follow throughout the week.
Stay tune to find out more of the truth as megatrndz continues its search and faith in the Lord's true purpose and let us help him fight the battle in defending his truth and glory with grace and Love.
Earthquakes Continue Around Pacific Coast
Deep Earthquake Trend
#deepearthquakes today Depth in Km
Sunday January 21 2018, 11:52:26 UTC 13 hours ago 68km WNW of Abra Pampa, Argentina 4.6 mag 256.9 km depth
Sunday January 21 2018, 08:40:32 UTC 17 hours ago 131km WSW of Colchani, Bolivia 4.2 mag 210.9 depth
Sunday January 21 2018, 17:00:44 UTC 8 hours ago 13km E of Tokoroa, New Zealand 4.4 mag 197.2 depth Sunday January 21 2018, 17:51:58 UTC 7 hours ago 8km SSW of San Andres, Colombia 4.8mag 166.3
Sunday January 21 2018, 11:40:47 UTC 14 hours ago 196km SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands 4.7mag 132.0 depth
Monday January 22 2018, 00:53:27 UTC 52 minutes ago 43km ENE of Villa Rica, Peru 5.0mag 117.3
Earthquake Trend: 6.3 mag strikes in Baja California
2018-01-19 3:50 pm
#earthquakes #gulfofcalifornia #climatechaos #whirlwinds
There were 3 ocean quakes in the gulf of California approximately 5 hours ago.
Friday January 19 2018, 16:17:49 UTC 5 hours ago Gulf of California. 6.1 magnitude 11.0 km depth GeoScience Australia
Friday January 19 2018, 16:17:46 UTC 5 hours ago 69km NE of Loreto, Mexico 6.5 magnitude 16.0 km depth
Friday January 19 2018, 16:17:42 UTC 5 hours ago 77km NNE of Loreto, Mexico 6.3 10.0
Several Whirlwinds present in the Pacific Ocean waters as the wind gusts over 82 mph near Japan.

whirlwinds Pacific Ocean 6.5 mag Gulf of California earthquakes 2018
Beauty Trend: Revlon's Award Rejected Beauty for Ashes
#beauty #revlon #revlonawards
Listen to megatrndz show hosted by Veronica Davis where she discusses
Revlon Ambassador Gal Gadot Beauty for Ashes Episode 7 part 1 https://youtu.be/bApXpK5GkVc
Episode 7 part 2: will @revlon respond publicly defend Gal Gadot https://youtu.be/bApXpK5GkVc
So far Gal Gadot been named GQ’s ‘Wonder Woman of the Year’ .. Read full report Beauty Trend: Revlon's Award Rejected Beauty for Ashes
Sonic Boom, Meteor, Fireball
#meteor #earthquakes "empattack #nasawarplan #pacificcoastline #directenergyweapon #climatechange #climatechaos #silentweapon, #massgenocideplan
The Fireballs from January 16, 2018 meteor or meteors spanned over six states and Canada. ...
Tectonic Plates Moving Australian Continent
#earthquakes "empattack #nasawarplan #pacificcoastline #directenergyweapon #climatechange #climatechaos #silentweapon, #massgenocideplan
Read Full Report Tectonic Plates Moving Australian Continent
Climate Chaos: Unusual Earthquake Trend
#earthquakes "empattack #nasawarplan #pacificcoastline #directenergyweapon #climatechange #climatechaos #silentweapon, #massgenocideplan
Today Tuesday January 16, 2018 there was a couple of very rare and deep ocean quakes 625 km deep out in the Pacific Ocean near . Read More Climate Chaos Trend and Unusual Earthquake Trend
Tuesday January 16 2018, 19:57:17 UTC 58 minutes ago 145km NNW of Ndoi Island, Fiji 5.9 mag 659.4 km deep USGS Feed

Tuesday January 16 2018, 19:57:14 UTC 58 minutes ago Fiji Islands Region 5.7 km 620.0 km deep GeoScience Australia

Earthquake Prediction Trend: Was the 7.3 Earthquake Peru Predicted
2018-01-14 12:00 am

Missile Alert Trend: False Threat Hawaii
2018-01-13 4:00pm
#Hawaii #BallisticMissle #EAS
Four Hours Ago a sigh of relief but also upsetting people about the false alarm threat issued by Hawaii.Continue Reading Missile Alert Trend: False Threat Hawaii

Listen to the megatrndz show episode 5 part 1 and part 2 make sure to leave your comment below. Be part of the megatrndz community. Are the Emergency Alert System being used for the Right Reasons or should we be concerned? Real Threat or Are we not being told the Truth.
#Hawaii #BallisticMissle Was the Ballistic Missile Launch Hawaii a Mistake
#Hawaii #BallisticMissle God Bless Safety First Children put in Drain Sewers
Human Crisis Trend: The Real Leaders
January 12, 2018 2:30 pm Veronica Davis
#Dreamers #DreamActNow #DACA #defendtps #AmericasMeltingPot
How can one build faith in hard and lost times..Read full report Human Crisis Trend: The Real Leaders
How can one build faith in hard and lost times..Read full report Human Crisis Trend: The Real Leaders
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