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Direct Energy Weapons Trend: Destructive Events in 2017

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Direct Energy Weapons Trend: Destructive Events in 2017

2018-01-27 10:00 am 
#weatherwar #haarp #hurricaneterrorism #weathermanipulation #directedenergyweapon #targetedindividual #bluelasers #microwaveweapons #frequencywaves #haarp #satellite

targeted individual trend   mk ultra trend

microwave weapon trend   haarp trend

Unusual Blasts and burnt vehicles in New York, look the same as the ones in Napa, California and China. Nature burnt in the most bizarre ways such as tree trunks burning only on the inside of the trunk or tree burnt left behind with fresh leaves on them. Is God trying to tell us something is wrong here? What will happen when different people witness strange beams coming from the skies. Where will humanity head to . Will the evil and the wicked be brought down. Or will they destroy humanity.

In the California fires and Michigan recent fireball event  Unknown Beams coming out of the sky shortly before destructive events occurs.

Also Reads:

California Fires Tre   California Historical Fires over 20 dead ..  Laser Trends: California Residence claim...  California Fires who was helping..Dec 8, 2017

Michigan Fireballs Trend    Sonic Boom, Meteor Fireball   Strange Trend : Unpredictable Celestial Objects

Through Microwave weapons or frequency weapons thousand of individuals emotions are aggressively altered through frequency waves and microwave weapons.  Perhaps that is the rush to putting the 5G out in your nearby neighborhood. CIA projects called MK Ultra in Canada and the United States in mental institutions and special care institutions.

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MK Ultra Canadian Families..
Targeted Individual Trend: Microwave Weaponry 

As well as listen to the incredible  interview below Cia Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan Targeted Individual Tyrone has been trying to expose the technology since 2002 but claims it has existed long before.

On a December 3, 2017 video documentary from comparisons and explanations of what may be causing explosions and destructive fire events in various parts of the world:

Directed Energy Weapons are being used worldwide to destroy selected area in China, Canada, Portugal, and areas like NYC 9/11 and the 'most selective fire in history' in Northern California.

DEW, along with Weather War Hurricane Terrorism like in Houston, New Orleans and Puerto Rico are causing mass loss of life and home while Disaster Capitalist capitalize and make serious $$$. Only be educating yourself, then sharing with others can we begin to stop the madness. Speak out, be heard. dew Directed Energy Weapons Used China etc

In Feb 2015, CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan & Targeted Individual Tyrone Dew Explain Directed Energy Weapons & Mind Control Used on Aaron Alexis & Myron May. In reference to T. I (Targeted Individuals) he claims that nobody wants to hear that they were chosen for a torture program.
Which takes me into thinking about is this the big reason why 5G is going to be implemented into society. Will we all one day be tortured through a tower 5G being controled by some powerful being that does not like an individuals way of thinking. Listen to the full interview of  former CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan at 03:37 :

human being isn't that torture it's it's  really it is insane what our government is doing and so I'm here to validate  that you are a real TI and that this is  happening to at least 2,000 people in  the United States Wow at least 2,000 0 Peter now if you can explain to the  people what we're complaining about a 04:01 lot of us are playing about not just  certain voices but the pain but could  you explain how we're capable devices in 04:07 our head that other people can hear yeah 04:09 yes and this is very complex but and  there are actually several technologies or at least four different technologies 04:16 that can pipe voices in  the human head that only that person

04:21 will hear but the one that is most  complicated has to do with
eg  heterodyning and remapping the audio cortex of the human brain that is  subjected to it but to feel physical  pain 

 it's again a mapping a cloning if you  will of another person's brain waves on  to yours 

and people want to know the  details and I can't get into the details 04:49 biophysics and physics you know kind of  bores yeah well and I know the mathematics of it but you asked a good 04:58 question so they can control my emotions  yes how do they do that well if you put 05:07 a person under a functional MRI which  most people know about that technology  you can see the points of the brain that 05:16 light up and act and  classify each emotional state you can  tell that person is an alcoholic or that 05:28 person is schizophrenic or that person 05:30 feels pleasure or pain happiness sadness 05:33 and etc throughout all the emotions now 05:37 what people don't know is you can induce 05:40 that those sets that it's called an 05:43 emotional signal cluster on to other 05:46 human beings so literally copying what 05:50 another person is feeling and those 05:52 emotions on to you

Over the horizon Radar are the ground based systems as explained by Dr. Robert Duncan.  The Horizon radar system is anything below the ionosphere. As further explained, the signal will bounce off and allows you to look over the Earth and the other side of the world like a mirror. Today is used to detect nuclear  weapons being launched.

The Misconception of the Soul

A lot of people whom are scientist are demonically convinced that the soul is truly what they say it is
 "soul is is nothing more than frequency waves traveling through the body and humans have found a way to perfect those frequency waves." 

A critical question to ask further is has Dr. Robert Duncan  been trained to expose the truth of the secretive weapon system because of what his scientific way in explaining  the soul similar the the AI Agenda being pushed today.

Most scientist are atheists therefore their agenda is different than that of a religious perspective. They can explain that a human being is souless or if there is a  Soul it can be manipulated. Hence, if the 5 senses are electronically manipulated then your soul is too.

That is their whole agenda is to create an AI System. 
The AI system will one day control humanity. Many science fiction movies pursue this theory. As the police are robots and humanity are the slaves.

Let us continue with CIA Engineer Dr. Robert  Duncan and Tyrone:

this is now a torture weapon to death 14:13 well not only it's not your weapon but 14:15 Duncan I mean am I am i insane am I crazy for feeling like the technology lives with inside of me because it seems to me that whatever people think the soul is is nothing more than frequency waves traveling through the body and humans have found a way to perfect those frequency waves

I can't disagree with you so the world impress I hope you're trying to film here at very consciousness the thing you in the biological computing machinery of your brain and if someone can override that you lose your sense of soul your  sense of so well it's kind of like man  versus machine

machine always moves back 14:56 through the man is capable that's right  technology is evolving through mankind 15:01 as a separate life-form faster than we 15:05 evolved biologically so machines will 15:09 World War II are the people who control 15:12 the machines or the people who control 15:14 machines but they're flawed so their programming may be flawed what have they 15:18 had an algorithm were going to try to 15:21 eliminate the worst people on earth them 15:24 they have some sort outlaw some human 15:27 being had a program it's a flawed 15:29 algorithm and hence they may be 15:32 attacking a lot of people that shouldn't  be assassinated or killed .

In electronics, a local oscillator (LO) is an electronic oscillator used with a mixer to change the frequency of a signal. This frequency conversion process, also called heterodyning, produces the sum and difference frequencies from the frequency of the local oscillator and frequency of the input signal. Processing a signal at a fixed frequency gives a radio receiver improved performance. In many receivers, the function of local oscillator and mixer is combined in one stage called a "converter" - this reduces the space, cost, and power consumption by combining both functions into one active device. Also find more information on  superheterodyning

Also know more of
scalar technology
Quantam ElectroDynamics
 when doing research in understanding how direct energy weapons work.

Heterodyne wikiaudio

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