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Tectonic Plates Moving Australian Continent

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Tectonic Plates Moving Australian Continent 

2018-01-17 6:30 pm

#earthquakes "empattack #nasawarplan #pacificcoastline #directenergyweapon #climatechange #climatechaos #silentweapon, #massgenocideplan

Is it Climate Chaos or just Evolution.
Wednesday January 18, 2017 Anybody heard of Tectonic Plates moving a whole continent.
Well if you have not then you are missing out on the strange facts about continents moving.

According to Geo scientist, Australia lies on top of a shifting Tectonic Plate.
This Shifting Tectonic plate is moving the entire landmass Northwards.
What! Yeah Northwards.
And so the Australian Continent moves 7 cm or 3 inches a year.
Furthermore, Australia has moved 1.5 meters or or five feet north in the last 20 years.

What will the major deep ocean quakes bring about to the surrounding region and  Geography. Yesterday there was a couple of rare, and deep ocean quakes 625 km deep out in the Pacific Ocean between Fiji and Tonga . "Not to mention that there was a false missile warning threat in Japan today and on Sunday in Hawaii". which some belief are defcon1.

Now Today just 92 minutes ago Kermadec Islands, New Zealand. 5.9 60.0 GeoScience Australia Wednesday January 17 2018, 22:56:58 UTC 92 minutes ago 91km S of Raoul Island, New Zealand 5.8 mag 30.8 km depth Wednesday January 17 2018, 15:41:13 UTC 9 hours ago 119km ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji 4.5 mag 492.7 km depth

Tectonic Plates are Moving Australia and its GPS Coordinates

Southeast Asia - New Zealand

Plate Tectonics: The Mechanism

Climate Chaos: Unusual Earthquake Trend


#earthquakes "empattack #nasawarplan #pacificcoastline #directenergyweapon #climatechange #climatechaos #silentweapon, #massgenocideplan

Today Tuesday January 16, 2018 there was a couple of very rare and deep ocean quakes 625 km deep out in the Pacific Ocean near . Not to mention that there was a false missile warning threat in Japan today and on Sunday in Hawaii.


The epicenter of the near fiji ocean quake, with a depth of 659.39 km at 19.4561 degrees south latitude and 179.2833 degrees west longitude.

Unusual earthquakes happening less than an hour ago, 659 km deep into the ocean. Is it a directed Energy Weapon poking at the Pacific Ocean Waters.

Just how deep is 659 km under water it is deep into the Earth mantel closer towards the Earth's core.

What makes today's earthquake rare. It is rare in its most simplest sense because most earthquakes occur above 100 km.

Here is an interesting Fact:  Scientist have tried to drill holes underneath the Earth ocean floor. In the DAILY NEWS report on 12 June 2014 entitled "Massive ‘ocean’ discovered towards Earth’s core":

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could help explain where Earth’s seas came from. The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core.

There are intense talks in California after residents are accusing direct energy weapons causing the wildfires. There is talk about Agenda 21 and now the most recent talk with Deborah Taveres bring into light the Nasa Plan to cause destruction along the shorelines. Is this the beginning off major provoked disasters on the Pacific Ocean Waters and is the Pacific Coastline Countries in danger. Danger of further Humanity destruction and a massive genocide plan underway. Listen to below amazing video of the latest talk of Deborah Taveres entitled "EARTHQUAKE, EMP, 5G ATTACK PLANS - And More Bad News"

Tuesday January 16 2018, 19:57:17 UTC 58 minutes ago 145km NNW of Ndoi Island, Fiji 5.9 mag 659.4 km deep USGS Feed

Tuesday January 16 2018, 19:57:14 UTC 58 minutes ago Fiji Islands Region 5.7 km 620.0 km deep GeoScience Australia
19.4561 degrees south latitude and 179.2833

How Do We Know Plate Tectonics Is Real?

Earthquake Prediction Trend: Was the 7.3 Earthquake Peru Predicted

2018-01-14 12:00 am

  7.1 Peru, Chile, Georgia Islan, Sandwich Island, Earthquake predicted January 14, 2017 part 1

7.5 earthquake predictions San Jose, San Francisco, BC part 3

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Breakthrough: Have scientists found a way to predict earthquakes? HD

terremoto en PERÚ 14 enero 2018 | terremoto en HONDURAS | PREDICCIÓN DE TERREMOTOS

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Climate Chaos Trend: 7.3 Earthquake Peru

2018-01-14 9:00 am

#Peru #PrayerForPeru #OrePeloPeru

Five Hours Ago Yesterday there was a sigh of relief along with upset people about the false alarm threat issued by Hawaii.  Also read the below report Missile Alert Trend: False Threat Hawaii.

Three Major Above 7.0 magnitude Earthquakes off Coast of Peru

Tectonic Plates Moving Australian Continent

Missile Alert Trend: False Threat Hawaii

2018-01-13 4:00pm

#Hawaii #BallisticMissle #EAS
Four Hours Ago a sigh of relief but also upsetting people about the false alarm threat issued by Hawaii.

It is trending all over social media causing massive panic as a civil defense announced an Emergency Missile Drill. Continue Reading ..Missile Alert Trend:  False Threat Hawaii.

Listen to the megatrndz show episode 5 part 1 and part 2 make sure to leave your comment below. Be part of the megatrndz community. Are the Emergency Alert System being used for the Right Reasons or should we be concerned? Real Threat or Are we not being told the Truth.
#Hawaii #BallisticMissle Was the Ballistic Missile Launch Hawaii a Mistake

#Hawaii #BallisticMissle God Bless Safety First Children put in Drain Sewers
   Read More about the

Human Crisis Trend: The Real Leaders

January 12, 2018   2:30 pm Veronica Davis
#Dreamers #DreamActNow #DACA #defendtps #AmericasMeltingPot #DiversityIsStrength #Dreamers #WeAreALLImmigrants

How can one build faith in hard and lost times.
You know each time I write or do a video about the TPS , DACA, or about the Dreamers I have a hard time writing...Read all Human Crisis Trend: The Real Leaders

 Let start by talking about the group whom are pretty vocal. The haters of refugees and want the 
 Why people cannot go back to the country of origin. 

Let us build a better society and build a better community world wide, leave a positive comment below and let us make sense to the what is happening. We are not alone!

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Labels climate change, Climate Chaos Tectonic Plates, Continental Drift, deep earthquake, Island Appearing, Island Disappearing, Moving Continent, unusual earthquake