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Showing posts from February, 2018

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Humanitarian Crisis Trend: Syria Ghouta, Damascus Humanitarian Crisis

Humanitarian Crisis Trend: Syria Ghouta, Damascus Humanitarian Crisis 2018-02-28 by Veronica Davis   Follow @megatrndz 5 Members of United Nations Should Stop Crying Crocodile Tears   New York Times Should stop Childish and False Propaganda says Syria United Nations Leader. Resolution 2401, unanimously adopted on Saturday 24 February 2018 by the United Nations to cease fire and hostilities in Syria has brought about no progress. There were attacks on Sunday, Monday and on Tuesday including  Exposure to Chemical Compound on Sunday. Resolution 2401 calls for a nationwide ceasefire in Syria for 30 days. However , the cease-fire does not apply to military operations against the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra Front and their associates, and other terrorist groups as designated by the Security Council. United Nations February 28, 2018 United Kingdom Discourse Sunday Chlorine Gas Exposure 14 Civilians including 3 children . ...

Humanitarian Crisis Trend: 85 Missiles Yemen Humanitarian Crisis

Humanitarian Crisis Trend: 85 Missiles Yemen Humanitarian Crisis 2018-02-27 by Veronica Davis  Follow @megatrndz Yemen is in a Humanitarian Crisis but what is the United Nations doing about it as  innocent lives are being affected. The situation is being described as "Grave" according to the Kuwait President.  The United Nations confirms today that over 85 missiles have been launched since the Beginning of February . If  26 days has passed since the beginning of February of 2018, then how many missiles have been launched per day. 85/26 would mean over 3 missiles per day have been launched in Yemen by the Houthi Malitia.    3 missiles launched per day x 26 days passed in February ------ 85 total missiles So what is the United Nations resolution in protecting the civilians. The President of Kuwait says that the only way out of this political crisis is thorough dialogue. Since 2006 mediation has not resolved any issues. It is not cle...

Meditating Seeds for Every Season

 Second Sunday of Lent      Psalm 26:8-9    Genesis 22.1-2     Genesis 9-13      Genesis 15-18     Roman 8:31  Mark 1:12    Seed Season Trend: Meditating Seeds for Every Season  Tweet by Veronica Davis #lent #seeds #success #meditation A seed has life. Start meditating your thoughts on this second Sunday of Lent  February 25, 2018 by thinking how you can get ready for Spring. If you have never planted before its  never too late to start with one. A small spot will do. There are no such thing as coincidences. When my husband and I  moved to our first home it had a few flowers planted as a display. Then he randomly put a cucumber seed on small location where there was nothing but grass the cucumber plant grew. Little did I know that it was going to be the first of  many more plants. That year I jokingly told my husband that we coul...

Animals Facing Extinction Trend: Royal Turtle

Animals Facing Extinction Trend: Should We Blame it on the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Tweet 2018-02-24 by Veronica Davis  Follow @megatrndz #extinctiontrend #endangeredanimals #royalturtle #fukushima The Save Animals Facing Extinction tweets today the third royal turtle nest found in the past two years. PHNOM PENH (Reuters) states that Wildlife experts in Cambodia have discovered a nest with 16 eggs built by the nearly extinct “royal turtle”, in the first such discovery this year, the non-profit Wildlife Conservation (WCS) Society said on Monday. Contradictory to the article that by not eating their meat and eggs will save these ocean creatures is not what will save them. Only our Lord Jesus Christ can bring them back to life. But what is not being spoken about are the man made disasters around the Pacific Ocean and how it has affected the ocean living life.  Try to search a video on youtube on the fukushima nuclear disaster 2017 and you will find ove...

Social Political Trends: The Liberal Agenda

Social Political Trends: The Liberal Agenda 2018-02-23 Veronica Davis   Follow @megatrndz Tweet How far is the liberal agenda willing to go?  And has the idea of being Liberal changed over time. Or is there is a double meaning of what the word Liberal means. Has there been a shift in the social definition of being Liberal. What is a liberal to me may not be liberal to you. It is important to know what is a liberal person. But more importantly when we vote for the Liberal party find out if their goals are actually liberal or are they just plain out hippie flamboyantly carefree from social responsibilities Liberal. But my point is not as much where we are today in understanding the Liberal Party. But does it match with our own ideologies. For example,  an immigrant family that has just arrived to Canada or the United States.  They have just lived through a civil war. So they want to feel liberated.  Why. Well, their rights and freedo...

Climate Change Trend: Agenda 21 California Fire Victims Forced to Sell

Movie Trend     Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend    CME Trend    Climate Chaos Trend     Fireball Trend    Volcano Eruption Trend   Asteroid Trend   Social Collapse  Trend  Biological Weapon Trend      False Missile Alert Trend   Sinkhole Trend Climate Change Trend: Agenda 21 California Fire Victims Forced to Sell February 2, 2018 On January 30, 2018 Concerned citizens of California have come together to express their safety, and legal concerns driven after the California Historical of October 2017 fires. What were the existing secretive social engineering microwave space programs prior to the California fires . So far California fire victims legal and social fight is far from over. Now the community is facing the next phase after a disaster. So why the was California targeted. What are the driving forces for the community and how are they pursuing justice out ...

Climate Chaos Trend: Volcanoes Erupting Now Worldwide

Climate Chaos Trend: Volcanoes Erupting Now Worldwide 2018-02-21 Megatrndz Show Season 2 Episode 11: lunar eclipse, volcanoes, blood moon, earthquakes ufos      UFO Supermoon        Bill Gate's supercow, train crashed in Crozet, Virginia Coincidence or Deliberate lunar eclipse, volcanoes, blood moon, earthquakes ufos Celestial Event Trend: What Particular Climatic Changes or Chaos did the Blue Moon, Blood Moon, and Super Moon  January 31, 2018 11:00 am #supermoon #bloodmoon  #volcanoes This morning an  extraordinary event not seen since 150 years occurred. So the  Earth was quietly rumbling during the hour of the lunar eclipse or the time that the Moon was passing over the Earth's shadow. Read Full Story Megatrndz Show Episode 11: lunar eclipse, volcanoes, blood moon, earthquakes ufos      UFO Supermoon        Bill Gate's supercow, train crashed in Crozet, ...

Social Collapse Trend: Food Scarce Venezuela

Social Trend  Social Collapse Trend Food Scarce Venezuela Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Social Collapse Trend:  Food Scarce Venezuela 2018-13-07 by Veronica Davis  Tweet Food For Thought Meal of the Day Is it possible to end the poverty. End the war on children. So They THINK. They have it all figured out.  Protesting outside. Begging for Food. Depriving us of Natural Seeds. Organic vs Hybrid. Natural vs GMO Depriving us of the dirt Chemtrails  Spraying Aluminum, Barium and  Stragum. And convincing us that is good for the environment. What kind of fools are we. Blessed are the meek For they inherit the Earth Blessed those who hunger and thirst for righteous...

End the Wickedness Trend: Why we Need to Think like the King of Kings Lord of Lords

Social Trend  Social Collapse Trend Food Scarce Venezuela Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence Climate Chaos An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths Why We Need To Think Like the King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Christ 2018-02-18 by Veronica Davis #endpoverty #endwickedness #happiness #thinkbig #motivation I particularly want to start of today with the critical question, we need to ask ourselves and find an answer within us. The Kingdom of Heaven is Near , is also a phrase we need to meditate on today. Why we need to think more like the King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Christ. I feel today society is more than ever silencing the truth in what I call the hush format.  People who are employed with Jobs in fear of loosing their employment create a perfect insu...