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Host of Angels, Spiritual Warfare

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Host of Angels, Spiritual Warfare

2018-02-1 3:00 pm 
#angels #sofia #technews #spiritualwarfare

Do you know what is happening right now on Earth. What has God released from Heaven.
The Hosts of Angels have been released and it is a spiritual warfare battle.
It is important to take note that CERN, AI or artificial intelligence are all part of the battle of spiritual warfare between Good and Evil. What do I mean about Spiritual Warfare.

Because we live our daily lives the same way,
 we are not one hundred percent convinced about what is around us.

Which takes me to my recent dream.I had a few days ago on January 26, 2018 you can learn more about this on videos below.

Host of Angels Angels Prophecy Holy, Holy, Holy, Spiritual Warfare

A Host of Angels been released from Heaven by God

Keep in mind that during before my dream everyday
 I been speaking in prayers in Spirit and asking God to help me understand
the Heavens that is being mentioned in Genesis.

Dream Description

On the early hours of January 26, 2018 In my dream I was surrounded by Large Dark Brown Feathered Creatures.

In my dream, i could feel my emotions which was Fear. I was not in tune with What I now believe the real purpose of the dream.

In the dream world I was still battling with Fear.
Through Faith I believe in the other Heavenly Realms.
But because I believe it is left for the after time after death.
I have been asking God to see more.

I  can not describe their height because my purpose of me being around these heavenly creatures was not accomplished in the dream. So all I wanted was to run away. Which is what a typical person would do when they are afraid of the unknown.

But I could now interpret the dream as, the feeling was so strong presence these heavenly creatures had a majestic unknown presence not yet discovered in the Earth Realm.

It is exactly as Saint Hildegard and many informative Angel researchers would say that these Archangels or Cherubs or Seraphims sole purpose is to serve God.

They sing Holy Holy Holy and they only serve God. They are loyal only to God. So God sends out his creatures to serve. These Dark Browned Creatures do not show their faces. And so in my dream I could only see their backs which made it even more exciting and the mystery of the unseen Heavenly Realm led me to run and find a white car. In the car there was a man that drove it, it kept on filling it with gasoline. I kept on telling him that he needed a lot of gasoline because there were many creatures and they kept on following. Not knowing with whom i was with or from what was I running from is all I could remember. But when I woke up it led me to further research.

There are too many references in the Sacred Bible about Holy Holy Holy Spirits

Isaiah 6:3    Revelation 4:8

Seraphs Holy Holy Holy

Isaiah 6:1-3 

During the year around 740 BC , was the year when King Uzziah's death. The Book of Immanuel, starts of with "The Call of Isaiah" in a  vision  which assembles the prophecies relating to the Syro- Ephraimite war when the threats of 11-13 came true. Issaih sees the Lord on a high and lofty throne; his train filled the sactuary. Above him stood seraphs,

  Revelation 4:8

In my research the Lord led me to his plan. Mel Bond explains what is coming on Earth and God has a plan and it is happening right now. The Spirit of God has dispersed on this Planet Earth a Host of Angels from Heaven.

Listen to 2018 Angel Prophecy - Mel Bond

Anthony Patch expresses alot of the spiritual battle that is happening with Cern and AI.
ACCESSING THE BEAST: CERN, AI & Quantum Computing -- Anthony Patch 61,285 views
On Project Camelot streamed live on Jan 23, 2018 Kerry interviews Anthony Patch: TUESDAY, JAN 23, 2018 @ 7PM PT

ANTHONY PATCH - CERN, THE SINGULARITY AND AI with to this date 15,936 views




Christian Believer

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