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Social Collapse Trend: Food Scarce Venezuela

Social Trend  Social Collapse Trend Food Scarce Venezuela
Strange Trend  Nano Technology, Nanobots
Unpredictable Celestial Objects hitting the Earth
Climate Change Why is Christianity often Mocked and under Attack and Kept in Silence
Climate Chaos
An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths

Social Collapse Trend:  Food Scarce Venezuela

2018-13-07 by Veronica Davis 

Food For Thought
Meal of the Day
Is it possible to end the poverty. End the war on children.
So They THINK.
They have it all figured out. 
Protesting outside.
Begging for Food.
Depriving us of Natural Seeds.
Organic vs Hybrid.
Natural vs GMO
Depriving us of the dirt
Spraying Aluminum, Barium and  Stragum.
And convincing us that is good for the environment.
What kind of fools are we.

Blessed are the meek
For they inherit the Earth
Blessed those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness
Blessed are the peacemakers.
St. Matthew 5:5-10

Another reason why we should be thinking like the Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings, Jesus Christ is the answer to all of our needs. As he the Lord said, "For Many are called, but few are chosen" in St. Matthew 22:14. He also reminds us that you are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? Is is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world.St. Matthew 5:13

One way to end poverty is to put Jesus Christ God first , he came to this Earth to reminds us how valuable we are:

 "Look at the birds of the air,
for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? "
St Matthew 6:26

Also as in the Parable  that Jesus Christ put forth for the world to read in the sacred scriptures of  St Matthew 13:24:

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in this field;

North Korea is Appointed For a Destruction, Famine and Starvation | Pray for Citizens by The Seraphim

Climate Chaos Trend:  Snowstorms Iceland

2018-13-07 by Veronica Davis

Snowstorms in Iceland creates climate chaos on February 11, 2018. Today in the Atlantic Northern Ocean waves as high as 50 feet are noted from ventusky. And 20 feet high waves near Seal Island Nova Scotia

February 11

Strange Trend:  Nano Technology , Nanobots, and Artificial Intelligence

2018-12-07 by Veronica Davis

Applications of Nanoparticles

So who is weaving the spider's web. And What if the Geoengineering and weather warfare goes deeper than just controlling the Economics of life but it goes even further. What if Chem trails is just the surface and foundation of an environment that the Nano technology can survive.

 Imagine a world being covered by Spider webs. So imagine chemtrails setting the basis for an environment so that the nanotechnology can survive.

The Agenda is to create synthetic human being says David Icke. Infusing Artificial Intelligence Technology by throwing it from the Skies.

Russians were trying the Spiderman Hybrids...

David Icke - Chemtrails, Nanoparticles and the Gender Agenda11,936 views

On the next video the natural news explains the type of planet we are living today.  A planet bathed in toxic elements heavy metals like mercury lead cadmium and 00:11 even radioactive isotopes of elements like cesium and uranium...

The Metals Capturing Capacity discovery that protects you from toxic heavy metal
Nano technology and smart dust.Nanotechnology also exists..

Are They Trying to Create the  Human Race as a Subrace

Today Fantastical creatures are originally introduced in books, video games, and science fiction movies. As these subhuman race monstrous humanoids are created in labs to one day become real. But its true foundation of all these mystical creatures are straight from the Books of Black Magic perhaps.... Read More

AI Self-Replicting Nanobots Inside Us All; Target Humanity

Nano Foods

Nano Foods now on Sales.
Cooking oils and teas.
Health Supplements and diet products.
Soft drinks Colouring
Food Processing Aids
Antibacterial Kitchenware
Fertilizers, Pesticides, Agrochemicals
Sunscreens and Cosmetics
Find more information

Protecting Yourself Against Frequencies and Nano134,680 views

But another event that was concerning Europeans in Venice was the water disappearing along the shorelines. Now this event has occurred many times during the Hurricane season around the shorelines in the Atlantic Ocean Read More


Today heavy snow buried cars in Japan and in Ile-de-France region covered snow on the streets in late Feb. 6 and into Feb. 7 causing chaos in Read All