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Showing posts from March, 2018

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Earthquake Trend: Alaska 1964 March 28 Good Friday Earthquake

Earthquake Trend: Alaska 1964 March 28 Good Friday Earthquake by Veronica Davis 2018-03-27 The day that God Shook the World for an entire 4 minutes on Good Friday. March 28, 1964. A foreshadow of what is to come. Was he sending a message to the world. Over two thousand years ago, around 33 AD on Good Friday, our Lord, Jesus Christ was crucified by the Romans .  In fear that the large crowd backed up by the Pharisees would not riot against Rome Pilate crucified Jesus. During the Crucifixion of Jesus, Darkness fell as an eclipse covered the Earth, with an Earthquake "powerful enough to open tombs".  Full Story available in hard copy Megatrndz Book Vol 1 Watch video about Good Friday HD by Catholic Online Haarp Alaska 1964 Quake: The Great USGSPublished on Feb 27, 2014 The Great Alaska Tsunami, March 28, 1964 3,674 views More Climate Chaos Trends The Glacier Ice Melting Rapid Pace Ice Trend  Rising Sea Level Trend Celestial Event Tr...

Rising Sea Level Trend Danger in Antarctica

Rising Sea Level Trend Danger in Antarctica by Veronica Davis 2018-03-24 #earthhour #totten #glacier Coastlines in Danger The c limate chaos trend and Rising Sea Level Trend continues as there is another large floating glacier in Antarctica. For over 110 years now, the Ocean waters has risen over 20 centimeters. So we know that when the limit for the coastlines has reached its maximum water begins to breach and surges have been quietly occurring like in Washington. Infront of Our Eyes The dangers are being kept quiet from the East or Pacific Coastlines. Or...What is really going on? How is it that someone like Joshua Wilkins publishes dangerous high tides on Jan 18, 2018 but where is the Government. At the right moment he is able to capture a storm Surge - HIGH TIDE - Ocean Park, Wa Beach Approach Today 1-18-2018. Just a quick Clip of Cars getting Caught by incoming Waves. Perhaps God is showing us what is really happening infront of our eyes. Storm Surge - High Ti...

Peace Deal Talks Trend Middle East Peace Treaty Middle East Peace Treaty a Deal of the Century Making a Deal of the Century Making

Peace Deal Talks Trend : Middle East Peace Treaty a Deal of the Century Making by Veronica Davis 2018-03-23 Deal of the Century in the Making will the Prophetic Prophecy happen!   Can and Will President Donald Trump accomplish his Peace Proposal Deals, Middle East Peace Plan between Palestine and Israel. President Donald Trump driven and determined personality traits continues his quest on Peace Proposal. Well it looks like Trump has an amicable and soft spot for the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman. Will the Prince be the binding adhesive for the Middle East Peace Treaty. Or is it a smoke screen of what is to come. On March 14, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump met with the Deputy Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammad bin Salman at the White House .  He then visited Saudi Arabia in May, 2017 . Now, The Prince returns his kind joint visits with President Donald trump as he met again on March 20, 2018. The presentation of their meeting was far...

Megatrndz Book Volume 1 2017- 2018 out soon

  Megatrndz Book Volume 1  2017- 2018   The megatrndz website has created over 100 trends that will soon become a book . You may not have the time to read about all the trends. That is why very soon this information will become available for you to read in the comfort of your couch. Available for you to read on your holidays, on a plane or wherever the lights are out. Why is it important for you to own your own megatrndz book. Megatrndz are real news informative news created by we the people. History may one day be altered. Social Medias information is being deleted or altered to favor their own political religious agenda. Megatrndz Book Volume 1 will be a compilation of all the trends that were created or in existence in 2017 and 2018 own it today. Coming End of 2018. ⦁ Read more  trends created by society in 2017 and 2018  ⦁  Trends not created by marketing or propaganda⦁ Trends created by real people not by bots or algorithms⦁ Pre...

Climate Chaos Trend: Climate Emergency Artic Heatwave

Climate Chaos Trend: Climate Emergency Artic Heatwave by Veronica Davis 2018-03-20  The Alarms are ringing and no one is calling it an Emergency Worldwide the grounds are looking more slipper than ever as roads, side walks that are suppose to be clear cement turns into dangerous icy conditions. This is not normal. Why are governments around the world no longer keeping up with the social road and sidewalk conditions as they one did in the past. Perhaps the answer lies what is hidden beneath the ice. The Theory of Prophetic Bible ties with Fallen Angels may seem not that estranged when nothing is really making sense anymore. And as   The North Pole just had an extreme heat wave for the 3rd winter in a row "the northernmost weather station in the world, Cape Morris Jesup in Greenland, saw temperatures stay above freezing for almost 24 hours straight last week, and then climb to 43 degrees Fahrenheit (6.1 degrees Celsius) on Saturday before dropping again." ...

Bullying Trend: Christians and Catholics in Canada Won't Be Bullied by Justin Trudeau's Government

Bullying Trend: Christians and Catholics in Canada Won't Be Bullied by Justin Trudeau's Government 2018-03-19 by Veronica Davis #cdnpoli #attestation #CanadaSummerJobs #charterrights #humanrights #attestation #genderbending #genderideology Won't Be Bullied by Justin Trudeaus Goverment Canadian Christians and Catholics are stronger than ever as secularism is growing. The Catholic Church and Christians are not a minority and should not be left in the dark. Strength in unifying two strong majority groups is important for the life and dignity of humanity.  It was a message the Lord gave me whole heartedly with the phrase Secularism. It is a phrase Canada a young growing Country must become. The Lord's messages can be viewed on the Seeing in the Dark episode .or read Seeing in the Dark November 29, 2017. It is not going to matter what  Justin Trudeau’s Liberals just voted just now to impose their values test on Canadians. What matters how we as a nat...

Red Water Trend Is it Biblical or Man made

   Strange Trend            Red Water Trend       Poisonous Waters   Red Water Trend  by Veronica Davis 2018-06-18 The Galapos Island Volcano erupted yesterday and Japan has had a 6.1 magnitude earthquake are they related. The Daldykan River water in Norolsk Russia is turning red . But water turning red in Russia is not the first time. There has also been reports for the snow to be seen red in Russia in 2014 . Since 2013 people in the Arkhangelsk Region have been reporting the snow red. Scientist point the finger at one thing in 2018 but why has it taken over four years for the mysteries snow appearance and the scientist to come forward with some information. Is it because they are hiding something? Is it biblical because of the name "Ark Angel" attached to the region. Is it Celestial waters. Is the there was in the other Heavens? On January 31 2018 "Scientists explain the appearance of red s...

Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018

Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018 A million Thanks to the current megatrndz readers make sure you check out megatrndz show on megatrndz youtube channel. If you like these story please make sure to share what friends by clicking share button above. Subscribe today and receive daily  social trends: Enter your email address: Must verify email by  FeedBurner Leave a comment below and share your view on this issue. Email me at Together we can change for the best. God Bless You. Megatrndz Founder Veronica Davis. Related trends Red water trend , Biological Warfare Trend , chemtrails , Weather warfare , sound warfare , climate chaos , genocide trend , silent energy weapons , atmospheric geoengineering , weather manipulation Stop Spraying The Lies.. The Earth No Longer What Use To Be by Veronica Davis 2018-03-19 #lookup #wedonotconsent #WeThePeople #OpRestoreFreedom #WeAreNotWetWare @POTUS #StopGeoengineering #...