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Abuse of Power Trend: homesexual , gender -bending and Christian and Catholic Summer Jobs and Funding

Abuse of Power Trend: Abortion, Homesexual , Gender -bending and Summer Jobs Funding 

by Veronica Davis 2018-03-15

Watch and listen to veronica davis discuss the Abuse of Power Trend megatrndz show S2 Episode 17 on youtube.

What does Abortion , homesexual , gender -bending and Christian and Catholic Summer Jobs and Funding have to do with each other. Well they are all caught in the spider's web and just who is the black widow spinning the web.

Is Canada becoming a nation where it will soon be secular. If you look to the Middle Eastern countries where countries are led by dictators. Where religion has ruled with an iron fist.

Now lets turn that upside down and let us analyze the direction of Modern Canada. Thus, Canada is heading the wrong direction mirroring just that. And yet Canadian Government has never ruled with an iron fist. So you think Canada believes in multiculturalism, diversity, religions, where we are one all get along respect rights and belief of a modern Nation.

You know Utopia.
Well you thought wrong.
 The battle of words and defense is surely out in the surface.
The danger of what is happening in modern Canada is that it is slowly looking like Ancient Babylon.
One with many God's but onlu one is trying to rule.

How So. Never before is Canadian Rights and beliefs are looking more murky and muddied in water.
It is a question that is being shed to light from its dark corners in secret.

 But luckily strong warriors of society will bring light to every dark corner. David Cooke and Karen Vecchio are providing crucial information that everyone must know about what is truly going on.

 They have provided insightful information to how the most dominant Canadian audience is  being pushed around and quietly being pushed to a corner.

So you want funding in Canada for Summer Job Funding well you must abide to the rights of abortion, homosexual, and gender-bending “rights”.

So the target are non political, non activist works, organizations that like helping the homeless, helping the refugees and giving kids the opportunity to go to camp. They should be able to access summer jobs funding regardless their private convictions , regardless whether or not they choose to sign the application attestation.

Two weeks ago  word warrior conservative Karen Vecchio, a Member of Parliament spoke infront of the Canadian Parliment with the Opposition Motion (CPC) Canada Summer Jobs.

Canada Summer Jobs Attesttation Opposition Motion Debate in the House.

 David Cooke is among one of those employers that has been denied funding.

On January 11, 2018, David  has created petition began to surface to Honorable Minister Patty Hajdu. In the petition entitled Canada is now discriminating against pro-life, pro-family employers. Tell them to stop! more can be found on citizen go website. The petition is close to reaching 50,000.

The motion will again be debated on Monday March 19, 2018 and a vote expected the same day. David says " It is urgent that we continue to speak out on this issue leading up to the vote. We have to keep up the pressure in the hopes that funding might be restored to those worthy groups that have been denied."

All these sounds like the abuse of power and should definitely be contested. It all sounds to familiar to when the Americans were being forced to sign pro Israel on their Insurance documents soon after the Hurricane Season hit.

You want the money, then sign the documents. Here sign a pact with the devil, right here on the dotted line. Are you kidding.

It is a sign deal without questions when timing is the crising. The American people needed their homes repaired rebuilt after the devastating Irma, Maria etc hurricanes.
Read : Bible Prophecy Trend: Anti- Boycott Countries Israel
Now the Pro- life Canadians are not given enough time to question whether they want the funding bad enough in exchange for changing their believes on paper because Summer Camps applications are around the corner. This sounds like signing a pact with the devil. It is definitely exercising the power of authority over religious rights.

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