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Bullying Trend: Christians and Catholics in Canada Won't Be Bullied by Justin Trudeau's Government

Bullying Trend: Christians and Catholics in Canada Won't Be Bullied by Justin Trudeau's Government

2018-03-19 by Veronica Davis

#cdnpoli #attestation #CanadaSummerJobs #charterrights #humanrights #attestation #genderbending #genderideology

Won't Be Bullied by Justin Trudeaus Goverment

Canadian Christians and Catholics are stronger than ever as secularism is growing. The Catholic Church and Christians are not a minority and should not be left in the dark. Strength in unifying two strong majority groups is important for the life and dignity of humanity.  It was a message the Lord gave me whole heartedly with the phrase Secularism. It is a phrase Canada a young growing Country must become. The Lord's messages can be viewed on the Seeing in the Dark episode .or read Seeing in the Dark November 29, 2017.

It is not going to matter what  Justin Trudeau’s Liberals just voted just now to impose their values test on Canadians. What matters how we as a nation vote for our own common interests for the Love of Jesus Christ in the future. Recognizing the fault line is crucial in this day and age.

 "What’s at stake is the freedom for Christian charities to minister to their communities." Faith groups rally support to remove attestation for #CanadaSummerJobs #prolife

On February 12, 2018 Canadian Catholics won’t be bullied into supporting #abortion, Bishop Fabbro of @DOL_ca says #CanadaSummerJobs

The Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) urgED its organizations and supporters to contact MPs in advance of the March 19 vote.
Archbishop Michael Miller of Vancouver says “I think frankly it’s outrageous that the government would start linking summer job placement money to a particular ideological issue,” and “It has no place and it has no relevance.”

Anyone disrespecting human life should not be supported by funding of the Federal Government. We are all human rights and we are birthed on Earth because someone gave us dignity to be alive. Taxpayers should not be for Abortion Rights etc. The Christians and Catholics and any other non activist that exist should be funded by the Government. After all that is how we know if the Government is corrupt. Where the tax payers money is allocated should be respected by those that respect human life like Christians and Catholics around the world.

Martin Shields says that "Today, the House will be voting on our CPC motion to reverse the Liberal government's CSJ attestation policy. I will be voting in favour of the motion to reverse the policy. I believe that the decision to apply a values test to a taxpayer supported program is wrong. #cdnpoli"

On March 15, 2018 Abuse of Power Trend: Abortion, Homesexual , gender -bending and Christian and Catholic Summer Jobs and Funding March 15, 2018

"What’s at stake is the freedom for Christian charities to minister to their communities." Faith groups rally support to remove attestation for #CanadaSummerJobs program #pro life

On March 19, 2018 John Brassard twitter account @JohnBrassardCPC has released a Press Release Justin Trudeau's attestation results in reduced 2018 Canada Summer Jobs funding for #Barrie #Innisfil. Read my release below. #cdnpoli

Today, we heard from Karen Vecchio, as she asked We have heard from thousands of organizations and applicant. Will any liberals vote with their constituents?

Canada is still a growing nation. And although leaders in Parliament are taking baby steps there is still room for improvement. The tower of Babylon did disappear. What God has put together he will not seperate. So today's vote of Justin Trudeau's government bullying Catholics and Christians is just what God may call a diaper rash to the nation.

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